Tag: podcast

Break Down. Wake Up. podcast – 002 – Doing Things Differently...

Joshua Haynes - How growing up in a world of constant change inspired an innovative business and commitment to equality. 

Break Down. Wake Up. podcast – 001 – Practicing Inner Truth...

How experiencing both an abortion and motherhood inspired an approach to activism that transcends ideological divisions.

Break Down. Wake Up. podcast – Introduction

What do depression, loss, frustration, and conflict have to do with global transformation? You can find the answers in this introduction episode to the Break Down. Wake Up podcast

Jyl Ion: Awakening as a Medium

Jyl Ion hears voices, but she refuses to view these non-ordinary experiences as a sign of mental illness. Instead Jyl came off 16 years of multiple toxic medications, talks to her ancestor spirits and has reclaimed access to unsanctioned knowledge.

Sean Blackwell: Breathwork for Bipolar and Psychosis

Do bipolar and psychosis have a healing potential blocked by suppression, medications, and avoidance? What if we could help people safely and intentionally explore, express, and understand these frightening states? Can breathwork ceremonies open the doors of perception like psychedelics — but without the drugs or risks?

Rachel Jane Liebert: Decolonizing Early Psychosis

Do early psychosis programs serve healing – or function as surveillance and control? Are treatments for paranoia actually themselves forms of paranoia, based on scientific racism and white supremacy?

Reclaiming Humanity at the Dawn of Posthumanism: Conversation with Darcia Narvaez

The postmodern zeitgeist of the past few decades encourages us to believe that we can endlessly reinvent ourselves untethered to our human biology. But the explosion of research on the microbiome reminds us that we are deeply embedded in an ecosystem that lives within us and around us, without which we cannot survive.

Olga Runciman: Compassionate Psychotherapy

Olga Runciman, voice hearer, psychiatric nurse in locked wards, and survivor of a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, brings her experience with recovery to her work as a psychotherapist in private practice.

The Science and Pseudoscience of Mental Health Podcast

A growing number of people are seeking an alternative approach to healthcare; one that focuses on achieving optimal well-being rather than symptom management, and views the health of mind, body and spirit as interconnected. The Science and Pseudoscience of Mental Health podcast will explore insights and innovations from this integrative perspective.

Nina Packebush: Girls Like Me

What’s it like to be a teenager in a psychiatric hospital? What is it like to be a queer pregnant teenager? Is it true that friends do make the best medicine? Nina Packebush explores these questions and more in her groundbreaking debut young adult novel: Girls Like Me.

MIA RADIO: Expanding the Audience for “Critical Psychiatry” Perspectives

We are now launching a new effort, one that has us excited about its possibilities. MIA Radio will begin airing podcasts on July 1. We will be both producing our own MIA podcasts and serving as a host for independently produced critical psychiatry podcasts.