Tag: polypharmacy

Polypharmacy is Compounding the Opioid Epidemic

From The Lown Institute: The recent deaths of several beloved musicians, actors, and other public figures have brought to light the dangers of taking multiple, potentially fatal drugs. "In...

People Are Dying Prematurely Due to Polypharmacy

Our son, Mark, is an example of the deadly effects of polypharmacy. He died at the young age of 46 and his death was caused by toxicity/cardiac failure from two of the five medications he was taking, at higher than recommended doses, as prescribed by his psychiatrist.

The Other Big Drug Problem: Older People Taking Too Many Pills

From The Washington Post: In addition to the opioid crisis, America has one other prescription drug epidemic — older Americans are taking far too many unnecessary...

The “Shotgun Method” – A Story of Mental Health Crisis in...

"Let's try the shotgun method," my psychiatrist said — meaning that you load the gun with a bunch of pellets and hope that one of them hits the target. I went through 16 different psychiatric medications in five years, and they were not the right choice for me.

Over 1,000 Antidepressant Users Describe how Their Personal Life has Been...

Survey examines adverse personal and interpersonal effects of antidepressants and the impact of polypharmacy

7 Years Off Psych Drugs: A Message to Those Labeled by...

Seven years ago, I completed a six-year process of withdrawing from six psychiatric drugs. That process was the impetus to start speaking up about what is happening in psychiatry with far too many of us being gravely harmed.

Integrative Mental Health: 27 Non-drug Options that Work

Four years ago I dove into a deep and murky pond: the bottomless depths of medical databases that hold mental health research. After examining over 4000 studies, and hundreds of meta-analyses, I surfaced from my research and was hit with a startling “Aha” moment: non-drug approaches really work.

Healing Madness

After 35 years in medicine, and three years with the same large health care organization where I am now the Medical Director of Integrative Services, I have decided I must quit. I am not willing to be a part of any machine where I doubt in the benefit of what I am being asked to do, and fear it might even be making people sick.

“The Dangers of ‘Polypharmacy,’ the Ever-Mounting Pile of Pills”

In the New York Times, Paula Span discusses the risks of polypharmacy, the use of five or more drugs at the same time, which...

Life, Unarmed

When I was born, everyone was expecting me to have arms. The doctor's mind raced; how am I going to tell this mother and the father that their son has hands but not arms? If he's missing so much in his extremities, mustn’t he also be missing a mind? My mom looked into my eyes and knew - in a way that only mothers know - that I had a mind, and spirit.