Tag: UK
Mad in the UK
Today sees the culmination of many months of effort with the launch of Mad in the UK. Acting in concert with MIA, Mad in the UK will carry UK-specific content and provide a voice for UK professionals, service users/survivors, peer activists, carers, researchers, teachers, journalists and others who are working for change in the field of what is usually referred to as ‘mental health’.
What Is It Like to Be Sectioned?
From ShortList: "'I asked to go out for a cigarette but was told that if I tried to leave I would be sectioned against...
Researchers Push for Transparency of Mental Health Outcome Data
A new analysis of UK mental health data suggests the way organizations deliver mental health services can alter patient outcomes.
Preventing Suicide in the UK – a Policy and Practice Divide
The Place of Calm’s innovative Peer Support Approach means suicidal people can stay up to 24 hours in a safe place in the community and receive practical and emotional support from trained professionals who have their own lived experience of mental health challenges. Evidence suggests that it saves lives and is cost effective. Yet its funding is now due to be cut.
“Update Psychiatric Diagnosis Procedures so They are Accountable & Evidence-Based”
"Psychiatry is under criticism for its subjectivity and unaccountability. Brief crises are defined as lifelong conditions. There is no recognition of this ambiguity. Complaints...
Antidepressants Associated with Increased Risk for Manic Symptoms
An analysis of medical records in the UK reveals that the use of certain antidepressants for depression is linked to a heightened risk for mania and bipolar disorder. The research, published this week in BMJ Open, found the strongest effect for serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and the antidepressant venlafaxine.
“New York ‘Parachute’ Programme For People With Acute Mental Distress Lands...
Based on the Finnish Open Dialogue approach, the Parachute program is an alternative to current health care systems where a team of health care workers collaborate with families and those in distress to develop a path to recovery. The success of Parachute is now spurring the development of similar programs in the UK.