Women who were asked to play a gambling were significantly more likely to keep betting when the stakes increased if they had taken Ritalin rather than a placebo, according to a study of 40 healthy adults. The study by researcher from Denmark, the U.S. and the U.K. was published today in The Journal of Neuroscience.
Campbell-Meikljohn, D., Simonsen, A., et al; In for a Penny, in for a Pound: Methylphenidate Reduces the Inhibitory Effect of High Stakes on Persistent Risky Choice. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2012 32(38) 13032-13038
Of further interest:
Gamblers go all-in on Ritalin
This is true of all stimulants. What was the point of this study? To prove whether or not ritalin was really a stimulant or not?
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I’m wondering why the strapline says ‘women’ when the article abstract mentions ‘adults’?
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I think it was just to not repeat one word too many times.
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