For STAT, Meghana Kashavan reports on a new, candy-flavored, chewable, fruity, amphetamine drug on the market for children diagnosed with ADHD. “It’s a move that sanctions ‘an orally disintegrating amphetamine for kids by the morally disintegrating FDA,’ said Dr. Alexander Papp, an adult psychiatrist affiliated with University of California, San Diego. ‘What’s next?’ Papp scoffed. ‘Gummy bears?’”
Chewable speed. Definitely something particularly disturbing about this. Some mainstream psychiatrists are disturbed, which means it must be REALLY bad!
10 mg Seroquel per night was very very nice for sleeping until I developed dodgy heart rythm (and a pinkish chest area with the rest of me
white: in the morning).If cigarettes did this, they’d be banned.
Well, if you wanted to sell your prescribed leapers to your classmates instead of taking them, this could prove to be a real selling point.
‘Mad in America’ readers are appalled, but here was a mainstream publication, its journalist, and an MD/parent who were quite happy about it (only the lightest suggestion of criticism, and only at the end, when many readers have already stopped reading):
Liz Sydney
Pretty pathetic, and I think, an inaccurate article you cited, Liz. At least this part:
“Extended time release Adderall, or Adderall XR, is widely recognized as first-line treatment for both adults and children suffering from ADHD.”
Hasn’t this changed? Isn’t the CDC now recommending family therapy as a first line treatment for children diagnosed with ADHD, rather than drugs?
That doctor’s child deserves a better parent.
I’m late to this reply but wanted to post it anyway. I agree 100% that the ‘Daily Beast’ piece on the chewable Adderall was horrible and horrifying, and more so because an MD/parent was used to shill and up-sell the drug and everything behind it.