“A retired nurse, a Harvard-educated musician and others sued British Columbia this week, claiming it forcibly subjects mental health patients to electroconvulsive therapy and drugs with dangerous side effects, in violation of the Canadian Constitution.”
Again, so few views and comments. People don’t seem to care about shock and its devastating outcomes for thousands of people. It is a barbaric, brain disabling assault on a delicate organ that works on millivolts. It needs to be banned and its practitioners sent to prison with their medical licences revoked. What better example of failing to “first do no harm”?
Regarding “People don’t seem to care about shock”
If a person is not being personally threatened with electroshock, they have no reason to care for what medical professionals claim is medicine.People are either for electroshock or against it. As the brain damage is deemed a medical proceedure, people can not vote it out of use.
These news articles are from the USA
1982 Voting it out http://www.nytimes.com/1982/11/05/us/city-s-electroshock-vote-affecting-treatment.html1983 Going back in http://www.nytimes.com/1983/01/15/us/judge-voids-berkeley-ban-on-electroshock-therapy.html
Doctors, a bunch of literal idiots, can not see the physical damage from electroshock, so they do not stop it.
They don’t want to see the damage. How anyone could call this a good “treatment” is beyond me. I saw what it did to my grandmother; in essence they destroyed her wonderful personality while allowing her body to live. It was awful.
The victim has to fight for justice. In the case of ECT this is virtually impossible. Only the survivors can fight.
The false doctors do it for money and status.
If there is a Hell, they say there is a place for those who betrayed the public with their position of power.
Otherwise the living have to fight as best as they can.