ECT Causes Deadly Heart Problems

John Read finds that as many as 1 in 15 ECT recipients experience life-threatening cardiac events.


In a new study, psychologist and researcher John Read found that electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) causes life-threatening heart problems in as many as 1 in 15 people who receive it. He critiques a 2019 review that misrepresented the data and claimed that ECT is safe, noting that cardiac events are the leading cause of death for those who receive ECT. Yet, instead of being told of the high risk of heart problems and death, patients are told that ECT is safe and effective.

Read concludes, “The ethical principle of informed consent is being routinely breached by ECT psychiatrists.”

Read is a professor of clinical psychology at the University of East London. The article was published in Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry.

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  1. Heart problems also cause ECT. Empty, vampiric hearts and a dark craven profit seeking ego is the origin of all psychiatric innovations. They all manifestly proceed from ignorance and therefore destroy. What is not ignorance? Only the undistorted perception of what actually is, as it is, which yields this silent and wordless thing called understanding, which is unconditioned by thought. Thought is not perception at all and is wholly ignorance. So all thought is similarly destructive.

    Division is always conceptual and leads to conflict, because in truth things are not divided, but when we divide things conceptually we institute this violence we call division. All thought divides. Awareness alone unifies all phenomena, which is undeniable, because in awareness all phenomena meet. Otherwise they do not exist in human consciousness at all.

    There is no meaning in any of our social and intellectual activities because all being the product of a diseased process that has destroyed the Earth and is destroying itself, the only meaning this whole process can possibly have is this very destruction. So we each and all must extricate ourselves from this total social historical process, otherwise we are doomed. The process outwardly is civilization and the operations within society, and inwardly they are the socially conditioned mind, which is the thought machine pretending to be me. It is a disease that has conditioned your brain, dominated it, and now controls and owns it. This is possible simply because thought was calling itself ‘I’ and ‘Me’ before you even knew what anything was in this world. This inveterate habit of identifying with thought is an exquisitly subtle problem in perception, and no thought or thinking, and therefore no physical or egoistic activity, can do anything about the problem at all. Only awareness can, and unless you discover this, you will be destroyed by that which has enslaved us spiritually and actually. I’m sorry but this is the truth. And you will either confront it or escape trough these meaningless social and intellectua activities.

    Don’t ask me if there is still time. Time for what? Time to save the unspoiled, total, indivisible, perfect and harmonious system of Mother Earth? She’s been shattered into a billion pieces. Time to save humanity? Humanity cannot be saved, and either you see that or you don’t. Time for you to escape this hellish problem? Escaping what is means you are certain not to be able to deal with the problem, which is in actuality, not escaping from actuality. There is hope only that you might see and grasp the truth. And that depends on you being free of all authority and becoming aware, becoming a light unto yourself. And it’s a very tall order I’m afraid. All your children under thirty may never reach 50, and if you don’t see that you are either blind, afraid, or callous beyond measure.

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  2. I understand ECT to be an inflammatory event. The heart and the brain are the sites of the highest expression of a biological trait in the body that impacts the production and severity of inflammation. This trait is known as the L-type Voltage Gated Calcium Channel. When the “gates” of these calcium channels malfunction, too much calcium enters the cell and causes altered neuronal signalling and may trigger a cascade of cellular injury and death (apoptosis) in the worst case scenario. The schematics and literature explain this pathology in context of inflammatory events. Our daughter was forced to have ECT. We were told something to the effect that an event occurred that required some recallibration. After the ECT department stopped the ECT sessions, NO one from the ECT department would talk with us.

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    • I would add: When you request a list of recipients who have received your child’s medical records, you will receive a list of exceptions to the fulfillment of your request. For example, the identity of the following recipients, among others, will be withheld from you: research parties, investigative parties. That looks like cover-up of conflicts of interest, especially when you consider the nature of “the institution”. It is darkly provocative how our daughters could be so devalued and valued at the same time.

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  3. The lies about ECT are legion—I think doctors simply cannot see that “treatment resistant depression” is simply showing that they are using the wrong treatment. My mother endured 37 ECT “treatments” in the 60s and 70s, and the doctor did them in his office. I am just sickened at the thought of what she went through. I had several ECT treatments in the 90s because I was depressed and kept telling the doctors that I couldn’t feel anything, so I wanted to die. I now believe I had a clear case of psychic numbing, and the doctors should have recognized the symptoms. But they remain locked in their model of more is better and force is the ultimate way through. Stay far away from psychiatrists.

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    • You are so right! The “Depression” can’t “resist treatment.” It just means their treatment didn’t work or made things worse. No other profession gets this kind of latitude! What if your mechanic said that you had “repair-resistant fuel injectors?” Would you bring your car back for another “treatment?” No, you’d know it did not work and your car was better off in the care of someone who knows what the f*&k they’re doing!

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