ISEPP Offers Critiques of Mainstream “Mental Illness” News Items


The International Society for Ethical Psychiatry & Psychology, an organization whose mission is to the use standards of scientific inquiry to address the ethics of psychology and psychiatry, hosts a section on their website devoted to “critiques of popular news items that present a misleading message about mental illness.” In the past few months they have increased their output of writings, as Chuck Ruby, ISEPP’s executive director, talks about in their recent newsletter:

You are all aware of our In the News section on ISEPP’s webpage. It is intended to be a platform for sharing with the public ISEPP’s comments and critiques of popular news items thatĀ present a misleading message about mental illness. This was part of our efforts with the creation in 2015 of our Research and Public Education committee, but a bigĀ problem has been in finding the time to coordinate this effort so that we can maintain a consistent andĀ timely posting of our ideas.Ā Ā Well, that problem has been resolved! One of our Board members,Ā Joanne Cacciatore, has generouslyĀ agreed to beĀ the coordinator of In the News. The strategy is for Joanne to canvas social media, national and local newsĀ outlets, and professional journals with the idea of identifying articles thatĀ present a misleading portrayalĀ of mental illness. She will then contact one of the ISEPPĀ people (6 so far) who have volunteered to write a response to the article. It will be published as a commentary on theĀ original site, in addition to being posted at ISEPP’s In the News and as a link on our Facebook/Twitter accounts. This should significantly expand our voice. If you are interested in volunteering as a writer, let me know. Writers must be ISEPP members.

You can view ISEPP’s “In the News” section here.


  1. Very good.

    My only criticism would be not to go overboard with the “alternative” explanations, for example the long-winded academic elaborations of “what depression really is.” What “it” really is is a word used to describe a plethora of circumstances.

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