‘Doctors Gave Me Depression Pills I DIDN’T Need for 20 Years’


Luke Montagu writes in the Daily Mail, “Six years after taking my last dose of antidepressants, I am still suffering from their effects. I have constant nerve pain all over my body, like a burning pins and needles sensation. I’m agitated much of the time and I lose my temper quickly — perhaps understandable for someone always in pain. I also have tinnitus and can sometimes feel muscles twitching in different parts of my body.”

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4173468/My-GP-gave-antidepressants-didn-t-need-20-years.html#ixzz4XRBSCqO6
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  1. An accurate title for they are indeed “depression” pills- that is what they trigger or produce or exacerbate- depression.

    Thanks go out to Luke for telling his story and seeking ways to inform, educate, and warn the unwitting future victims of incompetent and ignorant “doctors”. I hope his symptoms lessen even more with time.

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  2. Can this guy see a naturopath? I know not everyone takes much faith in “functional medicine” but a naturopath really helped me with these same neurological symptoms from SSRI harms. I know Luke was also on benzos and that that is different in the long term harm it can cause. Magnesium, b complex, MTHFR specific folate, probiotics, over the period of a year my brain really felt better but never like it was before SSRIs.

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