A new BBC documentary, “Health,” investigates the deals struck between health professionals and pharmaceutical companies. The documentary includes an interview with Dr. James Davies, co-founder of the Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry.
What kind of deals are going on right now at the moment between “professionals” and pharmaceutical companies.
Why is it so difficult to make a complaint about Mental Health abuse in the UK?
Would love to watch this and Panaroma, prescription for murder from BBC but can’t. How disappointing.
Excellent BBC documentary which graphically highlights the big issues in mental health especially. DSM, pharma-psychiatry links, Pfizer’s GHQ9 (and its purpose), the ADHD false epidemic, Joseph Biederman saga, how AD’s “prescribed for poverty”, and more. Psych stuff in first half largely – very very good. Allen Frances, Chairperson of DSM 4 the blueprint of modern psychiatry. “We were trying to protect people from excess medicine. We failed.” – Youtube link for worldwide access here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGhAePaZeSU
BBC Panorama “A prescription for murder?” youtube link here (and search around if it changes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPykg6pa3dA&t=29s