Is Addiction a Disease?


FromĀ Scientific American: The current medical consensus is that addiction is a chronic and relapsing brain disease in which drug use becomes involuntary despite its negative consequences. However, there is strong scientific evidence suggesting otherwise, including narratives of people who have overcome addiction without treatment.

“InĀ The Biology Of Desire: Why Addiction Is Not a Disease, Marc Lewis, a neuroscientist and former drug addict, argues that addiction is ‘uncannily normal,’ and he offers what he calls the learning model of addiction, which he contrasts to both the idea that addiction is a choice and to the idea that addiction is a disease. Lewis acknowledges that there are undoubtedly brain changes as a result of addiction, but he argues that these are the typical results of neuroplasticity in learning and habit formation in the face of very attractive rewards.

In reviewing a number of case studies, Lewis argues that most addicts donā€™t think they are sick (and this is good for their recovery) and that the stories of people who have overcome their addiction, instead of impotence and disease, speak of a journey of empowerment and of rewriting oneā€™s life narrative. That is, addicts need to come to know themselves in order to make sense of their addiction and to find an alternative narrative for their future. In turn, like all learning, this will also ‘re-wire’ their brain.”

Article ā†’Ā­


  1. Over intellectualisation and neurononsense are going to kill society. If we gave ourselves up to these neuro-trolls, we’d all have our brains in vats.

    So what if addiction is “correlated with brain changes”? That’s also the case when a neuro-troll is taking a dump. It’s also the case when a neuro-troll chooses not to take a dump and takes one at a later time.

    The incessant insistence of neuro-trolls to remove will and choice by intellectualising it with neuro-nonsense is destructive.

    If you have the power to threaten an alcoholic with water boarding every time he takes a drink, you will find that his “brain disease” disappears rather quickly.

    Miraculous isn’t it?

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    • You’ve got to find him, first. Seriously, though, you’ve got to know, at least about neurologic properties of substances, to keep certain withdrawals from getting out of hand (e.g., alcohol) and speed up recovery from the physical aspects of addiction.

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  2. Total opposite of the original principles of A.A.

    I understand they are trying to “treat the disease” by putting alcoholics on other mind altering drugs. Probably more dangerous and addictive than booze.

    Remember “Eat this, not that.” “Take this mind-altering, addictive substance. Not that.”

    Lying hucksters.

    My boyfriend cured himself of alcoholism. How? He quit drinking. With no alcohol his brain chemistry returned to normal. Amazing, huh?

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