Professor John Read: The Royal College of Psychiatrists and Antidepressant Withdrawal


Today on MIA Radio we have a special episode which is devoted to recent developments in the UK involving the Royal College of Psychiatrists. These events relate to the media coverage of a widely reported antidepressant meta-analysis in the Lancet, information on antidepressant withdrawal effects and a letter to The Times newspaper by the President of the Royal College Professor Wendy Burn and the Chair of the Royal College’s Psychopharmacology Committee, Professor David Baldwin.

Professor John Read from the University of East London took time out to explain recent events and to talk about a formal complaint which has been lodged with the Royal College on behalf of a group of eminent psychiatrists and psychologists.

Relevant links:

Formal Complaint to the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists

Press Release from the Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry

The Times: More People Should Get Pills to Beat Depression

The Royal College’s leaflet on Antidepressant Withdrawal




  1. For us making a’s a placebo, our complaint is treated as Anosognosia. If you lot get anywhere, you can expect to get trashed. Hope none of you have any previous issues. Remember they have the media on their side. I would not wait for them to make a move, you have to go all out now and everyone out side the UK of influence needs to help you, Peter Breggin especially.

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  2. I take citalopram…I am trying to stop this medicine…
    I follow a medication guide approved by the usa fda…
    there is a black box warning at the very top about SUICIDE..
    it says pay particular attention to new or sudden changes
    in mood/thoughts/behavior/actions/feelings….

    this is important information about withdrawal problems…
    thanks james and professor read…

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