Illegal Fraud is the Norm for Psychiatric Commitment


Rob Wipond reports on more investigations that reveal systemic abuses of patients’ rights.

“A psychiatrist in a prominent trade journal recently expressed “horror” about the mass-scale involuntary commitment fraud perpetrated by Acadia Healthcare Corporation in psychiatric facilities across at least twenty-four U.S. states. I found this heartening—profiteers, under false pretenses, depriving people of their most basic rights and liberties is indeed horrifying. And I found it still more heartening to see him express concern about the evident lack of any similar, widespread outrage among his fellow psychiatrists.

However, as two new, systemic investigative reports reveal, the real, underlying problem is this: Even when there’s no major financial motive, illegality and psychiatric fraud are the norm in the practice of involuntarily committing people. And though under-reported and under-discussed with respect to mental health laws, it’s not surprising: When society gives any group authoritarian powers without strong accountability, dividing lines between using and abusing those powers quickly evaporate. And the last ones to protest, or even see the true scope of the problems, are usually the people who hold those powers.”

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  1. Yes, and as one who has served as the impetus to long past due federal oversight and intervention specific to two (2) state managed mental hospitals in two(2) different states (AZ 2012-15; MT 2017-2019), I have come to understand the behaviors of the contemporary American psychiatrists better then they are able to understand themselves in their own right, as per the textbook oppressor to the oppressed relationships of any kind. The thing about scandals of the kind, even the more graphic, and including the two that I have brought into public light (since I was first diagnose9 with serious mental illness in 2010, at the not so ripe age of 49), is that they tend to fade away, while the doctors always skate. Fallout, as per my own exposures of psychiatric abuse in these two different facilities: 1) In AZ, no less than 7 higher ranked AZ health care officials were summarily fired when that smoke cleared, while none of the doctors were directly brought to account, although they do exercise inordinate control over all that does go down in all such care settings. 2) In MT, same deal, when the shit hit the fan, only administrative types took the hit, while yes, the American psychiatrist very much remain entrenched in impunity. As for the Acadian debacle, I have yet the hear precisely how many psychiatrists were even involved; while my good faith inquiry to Acadia in October of last year, “How many licensed psychiatrists work for Acadia at this time?” was ignored and never responded to. Today, I am the founder and editor of “PJ Reed. The American Psychiatric Association: Need be watched more closely today than at any point in the recent past.” The need in this, the new year annum 2025, is for all responsible adult Americans to again raise our voices as one and again tell these doctors how to and how not to behave. This is not the first time this had happen in contemporary US history, and while my own work continues in its own way, I am further dedicating myself to better generating public awareness about this point specific need today. I have never and I do not today seek fortune nor fame, am merely a reasonably conscientious American man who just so happens to be affected and disabled by serious mental illness, with a decent level of higher education to boot; and today I am an established defender of the rights of all mentally ill American citizens. Please stand in defense of persons affected and disabled as I am by serious mental illness, and yes, do whatever you can- oh reader- to generate this same call to as many other conscientious adult American citizens as you can.

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