The Mental Health Crisis of Today’s Youth—The Hidden Culprit Every Parent and Therapist Should...

A therapist argues that achievement culture hurts youth mental health, and parents should focus on their children's inner wisdom.
Artwork magazine collage picture of shocked guy running away eyes control isolated drawing background.

Students Don’t Need Spying, They Need Trust

Surveillance exacerbates anxiety, destroys trust in relationships, and diverts money away from effective treatment.

Giving Caregivers a Platform: Chandra, Mother of Sophia

This is the story of Chandra and her daughter Sophia (not their real names), who has been in the mental health system since the age of 10.

Medication Overload, Part I: A Mountain of Drugs in America’s Cabinets

The 25th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day takes place on Saturday, October 28—and this time around, I’ll be there. The upcoming event will provide...
Teenagers Lifestyle Casual Culture Youth Style Concept

Good Damage: How Community-Led Healing Challenges the Campus Mental Health System

Being re-grounded in my community reminds me that mourning and love are inseparable, and that “nothing about us, is for us, without us.”

Critical Psychiatry Textbook, Chapter 9: ADHD (Part Three)

ADHD is a disaster area, in terms of the diagnosis, clinical research, and the harms inflicted on hundreds of millions of healthy people.

Healing From Psychiatric Drug Harm, Part 1: First Steps

I needed to teach my nervous system, via different types of neuromuscular reeducation, that it was safe to move again. Before I could walk, I had to crawl, literally.
3D illustration of a bunch of red and white pills labeled "ADHD"

Critical Psychiatry Textbook, Chapter 9: ADHD (Part Two)

Peter Gøtzsche discusses the results of the MTA study on ADHD drugs and the misleading statements textbooks make about ADHD treatment.

How to Advocate Effectively for Loved Ones Harmed by Psychiatric Drugs

An advocate in the psychiatric realm is a key witness for the patient and his or her experience, and carries a weight that the doctor cannot easily ignore.
Pills against a brown background. The word "ADHD" is beneath.

Critical Psychiatry Textbook, Chapter 9: ADHD (Part One)

Peter Gøtzsche discusses the broadening of ADHD diagnostic criteria and the misleading and biased stimulant drug trials.

Giving Caregivers a Platform: Sam, Husband of Ka’ryn Marie

For many caregivers who assist their loved ones, the journey involves navigating the medical system and its many challenges. This time, the journey takes...

My Sister Lucy’s Death and Life: Picturing an Alternate Timeline of Recovery

I’ll never forget standing beside my sister Lucy as she was strapped to a gurney during a midnight admission to an E.R. in Cambridge, Mass.

‘The Invisible Cage Called Freedom’: My Work, My Kids, My Mental Health

I see my 3-year-old’s innocent smile as she plays and rides her tricycle, and I can’t help but feel sad and worried about my daughters’...
Red and white pills have spilled from a crystal dish along with red liquid

Critical Psychiatry Textbook, Chapter 8: Depression and Mania (Affective Disorders) (Part Eight)

Researchers have again and again demonstrated that depression pills double suicides both in children and adults.

Children Are Vulnerable Cogs in the Psychiatric Machine

My guardian decided to seek out “professional” advice about how to diminish my “outbursts.” I was perceived as a problem that needed to be extinguished into a compliant state.

Changing Brains, Changing Minds: Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal and the Marital Relationship

As family support people for those caught in the mental health system, our job is to mitigate as much of the trauma as we can.

State Hospital Memories: More of My Story

The Detroit Free Press did an excellent job in bringing to light the conditions at Pontiac, its loss of accreditation, and closing. Still, they didn't quite grasp the severity of violence there.
Close up of two hands circling a group of wooden figurines on a table

The Medicalization of the American Mind

One cause of fragility? Pathologizing our children with psychiatric diagnoses and focusing on a medical solution to life's problems.

Listen to the Victims: Senate Holds Hearing on Guardianship

I have seen the exploitation wreaked by court-appointed guardians. It is up to us to use our voices for those who cannot speak out.
Close up photo of hands dripping water on a plant outside

To Promote Mental Health, We Must Teach It

When we are quick to pathologize suffering, yet do not provide the fundamentals for healthy living, it is inhumanity of the highest order.

Abused by Psychiatrists After a BPD Misdiagnosis

If you don't realize that you are autistic, your intellectual, sensory, social, and emotional differences are a mystery, even to you.
An abstract painting depicting heads in profile in various colors

Emotional Crisis Response: The Peer-Run Respite/Soteria House Approach Compared to the Conventional Approach

The peer respite/Soteria house model responds to emotional crisis with compassion and curiosity, rather than pathologizing.

One Pill To Disrupt: Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal and the Marital Relationship

The suicidality that accompanies akathisia is the natural human impulse to escape being tortured. To save my wife, the woman I love, I was forced to argue for her continued torture.

What’s Missing from NAMI and Pro-Psychiatry: Lived Experience

Since many psych patients become forced consumers, their advocates have a duty to be educated and concerned with adverse reactions.
Isabella photo

Beyond Labels and Meds—Closer Look: Isabella Castillo

At times I tend to feel invisible. Sometimes I don’t feel like I fit in with everyone else; I feel like an outsider.