Chaya Grossberg – Short Bio

All of Us or None of Us: Chaya questions the idea that some of us are "mentally ill" and others of us are not.  She...

Paul Baker – Short Bio

Paul is a founding member of the Hearing Voices Network and INTERVOICE. He has developed community mental health projects, self-advocacy services, supported housing, social...

Janet Currie – Short Bio

Janet Currie is co-founder of the Psychiatric Awareness Medication Group, which provides information on the potential harms and effectiveness of psychiatric drugs, and advice on...

Dorothy Dundas – Short Bio

Finding Resilience: Institutionalized in the 1960s, Dorothy was labeled "schizophrenic" and underwent 40 insulin coma/electroshock "treatments." She experienced and witnessed many atrocities.  Luck, determination, anger...

Sean Donovan – Short Bio

Recounting Chimera: Sean writes about issues of civil rights, human rights, personal experiences and the madness created when founding myths of liberty, justice and...

Julia Rucklidge – Short Bio

Nutrition and Mental Health: Julia's interest in nutrition and mental illness grew out of her own research showing poor outcomes for children with psychiatric illness despite...

Bonnie Kaplan – Short Bio

Nutrition and Mental Health: Bonnie has published on the biological basis of mental health – in particular, the contribution of nutrition to brain development and function,...

Tamasin Knight – Short Bio

Power and Alternatives: Tamasin is a public health doctor in England. She writes about power issues in the mental health system and alternatives to...

Rufus May – Short Bio

Rufus May is a psychologist in Bradford, England. He believes everybody can flourish with the right support network. His work is part of an...

Deron Drumm – Short Bio

Deron Drumm is the Executive Director of Advocacy Unlimited, the Vice President of the Board of Directors for the National Association of Rights Protection...

Adam Urato – Short Bio

Adam Urato is Assistant Professor at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts, and an attending maternal-fetal medicine physician at Tufts Medical Center and...

Lyn Legere – Short Bio

Experiential Wisdom: Lyn writes about the power of lived experience to change hearts and minds, and the ups and downs of trying to bring...

Jonathan Raskin – Short Bio

Deconstructing, Reconstructing Abnormality: Dr. Raskin is professor of psychology and counseling at SUNY New Paltz, focusing on social constructions of abnormality in psychology and...

Gretchen LeFever Watson – Short Bio

Live and Learn: Dr. Watson is a clinical psychologist, President of Safety and Learning Solutions, and adjunct faculty member at Old Dominion University. Contact her...

Lauren Spiro – Short Bio

Mental Health Liberation: Lauren facilitates trainings and Dialogues of Discovery, inspired by her recently published memoir, Living for Two:  A Daughter’s Journey From Grief and Madness to...

Marilyn Wedge – Short Bio

Thinking Outside the Kid: Marilyn Wedge is a family therapist, creator of Strategic Child-Focused Family Therapy, and author of Pills Are Not For Preschoolers: A...

Rachel Waddingham – Short Bio

Alternatives in the UK: Using her experience of developing innovative projects for people who hear voices (including children, young people and people in prison)...

Ethan Watters – Short Bio

Crazy Like Us: The cultural shaping of mental health symptoms is often ignored by psychiatry. Watters reveals a remarkable diversity in the expression and...

Eugene Epstein – Short Bio

Steps to a Post-Therapeutic Future: With a strong interest in how popular culture and psychiatry/psychotherapy reflexively influence one another, Eugene writes critically about aspects of...

David Webb – Short Bio

Thinking About Suicide: David Webb argues that suicide prevention needs a broad community conversation that challenges the status quo thinking about suicide. At the...

Sera Davidow – Short Bio

Tangible Intangibilities: Sera writes here to share her thoughts on how the language we choose and our apparent need to concretize the inherently complex...

Lucy Johnstone – Short Bio

Beyond Psychiatric Diagnosis: Lucy writes about replacing psychiatric diagnosis with a formulation-based approach that explores personal meaning within relational and social contexts, and she reflects on...

Faith Rhyne – Short Bio

Drawing New Lines: Faith Rhyne is a recovery educator, an advocate, and a storyteller. She enjoys exploring the role that narrative and culture play in...

Jennifer Maurer – Short Bio

Finding Our Way Home: As managing director for the Mother Bear Family Mental Health Network, Jennifer helps guide the development of family-led mental health education...

Jay Joseph – Short Bio

The Gene Illusion: Jay Joseph brings a critical perspective to claims in the media and the academic literature that disordered genes underlie psychiatric disorders. His...