Nonwhites Twice as Likely to Receive Injectable Antipsychotics

Research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry shows that of all 901 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia from July 2009 to June 2010 at a...

Deadly Prescriptions: New Study Links Antipsychotics to Life-Threatening Risks in Dementia Patients

With pharmaceutical companies pushing antipsychotics for off-label use, dementia patients are being put at risk for devastating health consequences. Research suggests safer alternatives exist—but why aren’t they being prioritized?

Some Avoid Antipsychotics Because They Value Psychosis

Side effects, mistrust, stigma, forgetfulness and lack of insight have all been studied as reasons that up to 75% of people with a schizophrenia...

Psychiatric Drugs, Especially Antipsychotics, Contribute to Increasing Drug Costs

Antipsychotics have overtaken antidepressants as the most costly class of psychiatric medication in England, according to a study by Stephen Ilyas and Joanna Moncrieff...