Tag: Andrea Cipriani

Positive Antidepressant Study “Misleading” and “Erroneous”

An analysis of last year’s positive finding in The Lancet about antidepressant efficacy shows errors, obfuscations, and misrepresentations.

Antidepressants Work for Major Depression! Not So Fast

From Medscape Psychiatry: "This latest meta-analysis claims to have found something different—that antidepressants are effective. In fact, its results are basically the same...

Researcher Critiques Misleading Media Coverage of Lancet Antidepressant Meta-Analysis

The BMJ’s clinical editor takes issue with uncritical media coverage of antidepressant network meta-analysis, outlining reporting missteps.

Antidepressants Are Not More Effective for Severe Depression, Study Finds

A new study, published in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, found that antidepressant efficacy was not dependent on severity.

QuarterWatch Reports: Perspectives on Emerging Drug Risks

A new issue of QuarterWatch critiques the recent Ciprani meta-analysis on antidepressants and reports on the adverse effects of the newest antidepressant, vortioxetine. Report →

Major Review Finds Antidepressants Ineffective, Potentially Harmful for Children and Teens

In a large review study published this week in The Lancet, researchers assessed the effectiveness and potential harms of fourteen different antidepressants for their use in children and adolescents. The negative results, familiar to MIA readers, are now making major headlines.