Tag: parenting

Impacting Parenting from a Place of Strength: Looking Back to Move...

You may forget what people did for you, but you will never forget how they made you feel.

Q&A: What Is Executive Function, and How Can Parents and Teachers...

Ask anyone who’s ever taught kids, and they’ll tell you a story about one student who sticks in their memory.

‘The Invisible Cage Called Freedom’: My Work, My Kids, My Mental...

I see my 3-year-old’s innocent smile as she plays and rides her tricycle, and I can’t help but feel sad and worried about my daughters’...

Everyone Has a Story

Greetings to all in the Mad in the Family community. I’m the new editor of this bustling corner of Mad in America, and I’m thrilled to start working with you all.

Problem-Solving Through Skills-Building: Motivating Kids to Change

Children can overcome all sorts of difficulties by learning specific behavioural or emotional skills with the help and support of their social network.

Interview: The Need for Trauma-Informed Schools

CTIPP Executive Director Jesse Kohler answers our questions about the organization's new report and what the findings mean for families and communities.

Healing From Transgenerational Trauma: My Mum, My Daughter, & Me

Emotional trauma is the type of wound that, if not processed and integrated, can become a void that expands to swallow not just the traumatized person but also their children and grandchildren.

Q&A: How Can I Best Support My Child’s Withdrawal from Psychiatric...

Two experts offer do's and don'ts on "being there" during the challenging and sometimes time-consuming process of safely discontinuing mental health medications.

Mental Health & Our Schools, Part 2

Schools are rolling out programs and services intended to safeguard students’ emotional well-being. They are full of potential—and pitfalls.

What Video Games Can Teach Us About Effective Parenting

There is a secret to the programming of these games that seems to stir children to a level of greatness. Fortunately, that magic is completely transposable to our interactions with them.

Mad Parenting: On Becoming an Unlikely Family Man

I’ve often been told I shouldn’t have kids because I’m “bipolar.” But since my twins’ birth, I’ve been way more stable than I thought I would be, and I’ve found what I’ve always been looking for.

Catherine’s Story: A Child Lost to Psychiatry 

A year ago today, our youngest child died, thanks to the adversarial actions and toxic treatments foisted on her by medical-model psychiatry. By telling her story, we hope to promote systemic change.

Q&A: How Can I Best Advocate for My Child in the...

Steve McCrea, MA, advises on how to research options, set goals, look out for a child's interests—and speak up, if need be.

From Horse Ranch to Home Ground: Healing Families via Telehealth

Since COVID, NISAPI has transitioned our collaborative therapy setting from barns and fields to kitchens and living rooms. Our clients report similar positive outcomes with telehealth as in person.

From Labeled to Healer: A Road Less Traveled

We have let down our children (and ourselves) by losing touch with parental intuition and handing their care over to professionals at the first sign of a problem.

Saving Lives or Cementing Stigma? A Review of “Just Like You…”

In my experience, episodes of anxiety and depression dwindle in the face of hope and empowerment, while broken-brain narratives lead to deeper despair.

Parenting Changed My Perspective on “ADHD”

My experience of raising a son who was bright and creative but didn’t fit the mold helped me to approach my restless, impulsive students more compassionately and creatively.

Save the Date! Kids in Crisis: The Overprescribing of Psychiatric...

Mad in America presents a live Town Hall featuring a special, private screening of "Luna" followed by a panel discussion.

Q&A: My Child Is Suicidal. What Should I Do?

My child talks about wanting to die. She is only 9 years old. There is so much information out there about what family or friends should say to people who are suicidal, but I’m wondering if there is special advice for supporting a child or young person versus an adult.

Book Review: “Opening Up: The Parenting Journey”

This is a book about stories, urging families to recognize their own strengths and create new narratives on the path ahead.

NC Pays Psychiatric Units That Break Rules Millions to ‘Care’ for...

Around the Web: A newspaper investigation discovered that the state continued to pay psychiatric residential treatment facilities millions when they repeatedly broke rules meant to ensure children's safety and well-being.

Interview: How Does Climate Change Affect Youth Mental Health?

Psychiatric epidemiologist Jennifer Barkin talks about her research on the traumatizing effects of extreme weather events on youth and how caregivers can help them build resilience.

Welcome to Mad in America’s Family Resources Section!

This week, you’ll notice a new name and a new look on this page. The Parent Resources section of Mad in America’s website is now officially the Family Resources section.

Insane Medicine, Chapter 9: The Worried Parent (Part 1)

A discussion of a diagnosis-free approach to working with families called the Relational Awareness Program (RAP) and how family relationships become solidified through “Emotion WARS.”

Study: Teens Who View Parents as Loving and Supportive Less Likely...

From the Daily Mail (UK): Teenagers who see their mum and dad as loving caregivers are less likely to be cyberbullies than children with...