Tag: yoga
Yoga and Mindfulness Benefit Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
A new review finds preliminary evidence for yoga and mindfulness-based interventions for youth diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
What Happened When I Went Off Meds and Onto Nutrients
I remember clearly thinking, “I’m done. I’m not putting myself through this again.” I wasn’t going to settle for the side effects of a marginally better than placebo treatment again. Here is a brief look into my rollercoaster journey of recovery, returning to work, having my trauma re-triggered, finding a way through, and finally living well.
Yoga Improves Quality of Life for Elementary Students
A new study finds that a school-based yoga program improves third graders’ emotional and psychosocial quality of life.
Yoga and Meditation Can Change Your Genes, Study Says
From TIME: A new scientific review suggests that yoga, meditation, and other mindfulness activities can reverse stress-related changes in genes linked to health problems and...
Added Evidence for Yoga for Major Depression
Randomized controlled trial finds yoga intervention reduces depression severity.
Yoga Intervention Effective in Reducing Depressive Symptoms
Researchers find that yoga and controlled breathing reduced symptoms in individuals diagnosed with depression.
How Trauma Lodges in the Body
In this episode of On Being, psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk discusses the role that bodywork including yoga and eye movement therapy can have...
What is Holistic Psychiatry?
Holistic psychiatry teaches that within each and every one of us there are great and latent powers, which are beyond the ordinary life. Daily progress in self-development is not the result of accident or chance, rather it comes from a steady practice of working on yourself.
Using Breathing-Based Meditation to Treat Depression
Study reveals data suggesting yogic breathing may be helpful in treating depression for patients who have not respond to antidepressants
Optimizing Children’s Mental Health is a Social Justice Issue
I can spout off the most amazing strategies for optimizing children’s mental health, such as feeding them real food, making sure they get lots of unstructured playtime in natural spaces, loving them unconditionally, and guiding them to the intersection of their skills and passions. But if a parent doesn’t have the financial/emotional/physical/mental means to act on these strategies, it is for naught.
“Can Personality Traits Affect Use of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction?”
A new article in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine finds that MBSR, which combines yoga, meditation, and body scanning, may be especially...
Call for Papers on Holistic Mental Health Care
Division 18 of the American Psychological Association (APA), Public Service Psychology, has put out an open call for articles for a special issue of...
Therapy Recommended As First Line Treatment for Depression
Following an extensive systematic review of treatments for major depression, the American College of Physicians (ACP) issued a recommendation to clinicians suggesting cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a first-line treatment for major depressive disorder along with second-generation antidepressants. The results of the review revealed that CBT and antidepressants have similar levels of effectiveness but that antidepressants present serious side-effects and higher relapse rates.