“No Evidence Ritalin Makes a Difference Long Term for ADHD Kids”


The Sydney Morning Herald reports that, three years into an Australian study that is following 178 children with ADHD and 212 children without ADHD, the study has found that “Drugs such as Ritalin make no difference to the long-term outcomes of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, who continue to struggle academically and mentally as they get older, early research findings suggest.”

Sydney Morning Herald →

Sciberras, et al; The Children’s Attention Project: a community- based longitudinal study of children with ADHD and non-ADHD controls. BMC Psychiatry. 2013, 13:18 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-244X/13/18


    • It’s amazing how a mainstream news article can write seriously about something called “Oppositional Disorder” as if it were a real “medical diagnosis.” How pathetic and in the pockets of Big Pharma is our mainstream news… and how dumb are most journalists who report on emotional problems..

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      • I know, that one is one of my favorites for pointing out the absurd to people who believe in the DSM. That and “Intermittent Explosive Disorder.” We used to call them brats (ODD) and assholes (IED). How can anyone take a document seriously that uses such obviously contrived and meaningless “disease” titles? It’s about as much sense as saying that a kid who kicks his mother has “maternal kicking disorder.” Madness!

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  1. This should not be news. The Raine study, the Quebec ADHD study, the comparison study between Finnish and American “ADHD” kids (American kids did no better despite massively higher medication rates), and the long-term MTA study results all lead to the exact same conclusion: stimulants are essentially irrelevant in affecting any kind of long-term outcomes for kids diagnosed with “ADHD.” Of course, the starting problem is that they are lumping kids together based on behavior alone and then assuming some kind of biological cause and therefore biological solution, which is doomed to failure from the word “go.” But this data proves that they’ve got their heads up their butts. Again. Still.

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