In this piece for The BMJ, Dr. Peter Gøtzsche points out several of the major problems with the drug-based paradigm of psychiatric care as well as psychiatric drug trials.
Sadly, the BMJ doesn’t have a comment section. So, as a victim of psychiatry, I can personally, and anecdotally CONFIRM Dr. Peter Gotzsche’s article. Psychiatry is a pseudoscience, a drug racket, and a means of social control. It’s 21st Century Phrenology with potent neuro-toxins. Psychiatry & psych drugs did me far more harm than good. In fact, the only “good” they did for me, was when I tapered off them completely. Too many of my friends are DEAD because of the lies of psychiatry and the psych drugs which PhRMA pushes.
Thank-you, Dr. Gotzsche, what more can I do? -
Excellent ! So the BMJ didn’t dismiss Dr Peter Gøtzsche. Well done… keep up the good work!
Dr. Peter C. Gotzsche. BMJ January 2018.
Editor’s Choice: “What are your burning issues for 2018”.It was an absolute joy to read such appropriate words accurately condemning psychiatry as a:
“Disaster Area in Healthcare” Indeed it is.The dismal outcomes and appalling harms caused by the dogmatic, ignorant, inappropriate over-prescribing of (often enforced) neurotoxic, psychoactive drugs.
Their equally dogmatic refusal to accept any criticism, and to understand the deeply flawed and blatantly mis-reported “clinical trial” data has devastated, and terminated innumerable precious lives.
Lives which seem to be considered to be of little value both by psychiatrists and by our society, which is so effectively saturated in the unrelenting and hugely successful propaganda of the mental health industry.The abandoned “Duty of Candour” and abandoned ethics relating to conflicts of financial interests with psychotropic drug manufacturers.
The palpable absence of empathy, and their inability to differentiate serious adverse psychotropic drug reactions from (misdiagnosed) mental illness labels-for-life..
Just four components of the means by which drug-dependent psychiatry has abandoned the basic tenets of caring and decent, ethical, professional medical practice.
Thank you Professor Gotzsche.
Your courage, commitment and achievement are deeply respected. I too wish that I could record my highest regard for your words and for your work in the BMJ.
TRM 123. Registered Medical Practitioner. Retired Consultant Physician.