From the Pete Earley blog: “The fears associated with ‘mental illness’ drive the bus of shame, blame and stigma in preventing most folks from seeking help for their respective trauma, abuse and mental health challenges. Jaffe’s agenda, at its very core, [was] built upon disdain for those of us who have struggled in life. As one who has been on the receiving end of people like him, I know only too well the charade of helping that cloaks their true intent. The silence and controlling of human beings because of the arrogant beliefs that they may know more is hurtful. He did not walk in our shoes and had no idea of our struggles. If Jaffe truly wanted to help people, he would have invited us to the table.
‘Nothing about us without us’ was ignored by Jaffe and Torrey because at the heart of their crusade, we are not functioning human beings, we are the others of society. We are dehumanized, and that is a scary and hurtful place to be.”