Researchers Search for Subgroups Where Antidepressants Are More Effective

The researchers theorized that this increased effectiveness was due not to “antidepressant” properties, but rather to the drug’s side effects, which include insomnia, drowsiness, and nausea.

‘A Little Bit of OCD’: The Downside of Mental Health Awareness

From The Guardian: People often claim to experience mental health problems only to excuse their unpleasant or hurtful behaviors. This can exacerbate prejudice toward those...

The Side Effect of Meditation I Didn’t Expect

In this piece for The Elephant Journal, Flavia Simas shares how meditation not only helped reduce her depression and anxiety but also improved her self-esteem. "It helps...

Relaxation Techniques for Depression and Anxiety in the Elderly

-Time magazine looks at the effects of a number of relaxation techniques on depression and anxiety in elderly people.

Individuals With Low Incomes More Likely to Have Chronic Pain

Findings show that participants with lower levels of education and SES suffer from more chronic pain.

The Industrial Revolution Left Scars That Can Still Be Seen Today

From the Harvard Business Review: While the Industrial Revolution brought about unprecedented technological and economic progress, it has also left a negative psychological impact. Research shows...

Skin-to-Skin Contact Benefits Mothers with Post-Partum Depression

In a study of 90 new mothers in Nova Scotia, five hours per day of skin-to-skin contact (SSC) reduced mothers' depression scores in their...

“I Cried Every Day at Work”: Mental Health Among Doctors

From The Guardian: Doctors are increasingly experiencing mental health issues due to the unrelenting pressure, inhumane working hours, brutal competition, and workplace bullying that is...

Locus of Control Less Associated with Anxiety in Collective Societies

Locus of Control (LOC), a measure of the degree to which one perceives control of one's life to be internally- vs. externally-determined, was reviewed...

Mindfulness “Potent” in Preventing Relapses in Chronic Depression

Two psychologists writing for Scientific American Mind review some of the evidence base for the impacts of mindfulness meditation on problematic psychological states. They...

“Wage Gap May Help Explain Why More Women Are Anxious and Depressed Than Men”

“According to a new study, the consequences of this wage gap extend beyond the checking account: women who earn less than their male peers...

“Suicide, Mental Illness Risks Increase During Recessions”

The latest economic recession led to a spike in diagnoses for mental illnesses, suicide attempts, and suicide, according to report out of the University...

When Anxiety or Depression Masks a Medical Problem

From The New York Times: The mind and body are more connected than we often think — symptoms of anxiety and depression may result from...

The Usefulness of Dread

From Aeon: Although anxiety may be a major source of discomfort and suffering, it can also play an important role in the development of our...

Quebec Launching a Publicly Funded Psychotherapy Program

From CBC News: The Quebec government has announced that it will be making a recurring investment of $35 million into the province's first publicly funded...

The ONION: “New Antidepressant Makes Friends’ Problems Seem Worse”

“This drug allows depressed patients to concentrate exclusively on their friends’ troubles and mentally magnify them, enabling them to, for example, construe an insignificant...

Into the Woods: A Path Through Anxiety

As individuals, psychiatrists are undoubtedly well-intentioned. But the Prozac paradigm undermines the path of acceptance by its very agenda to “get rid of” or “fix” anxiety. It is by its nature a resistance — and what you resist, tends to persist.

PhD Students at Higher Risk of Developing a Psychiatric Disorder

From Business Insider: According to a new study, PhD students are almost twice as likely to develop symptoms of poor mental health as the highly educated...

“5 Reasons It’s So Hard to Combat Anxiety and Depression and What You Can...

Alternet tells us that "Negative emotions can be a challenge, but there are effective ways to cope." 5 Reasons It's So Hard to Combat Anxiety...

The Psychedelic Renaissance is Here. Will it Last This Time?

From Massive: Increasing evidence suggests that psychedelics may revolutionize mental health care. In order for this "psychedelic renaissance" to last, scientists and citizens will need...

Why Marijuana Can Trigger Psychosis

Brain scans by London researchers show why marijuana calms some people, but can cause psychosis or paranoid thoughts in others. They found that THC...

The Moving Basis of Mental Health Diagnosis

In this opinion piece for The Chronicle Herald, Dr. A.J. discusses the subjective nature of psychiatric diagnosis and the DSM. Citing research by Paula Kaplan,...

Joshua Gordon Wants to Remake Mental Health Care

From Undark Magazine: Joshua Gordon, the new director of the National Institute of Mental Health, plans to invest heavily in brain research; he hopes to...

More Dangerous Than Opioids – Benzo Overprescription

From The Lown Institute: Opioids aren't the only drug being dangerously overprescribed. The overprescription of benzodiazepines, a psychoactive drug with potentially excruciating side effects and...

Here’s How to Beat Anxiety Without Medication

From The Independent: The medication that is frequently prescribed to treat anxiety often does not work in the long-term. According to a new study, a variety...