MIA podcast: science

A specific category for podcast interviews contributed by the news and science team

Questioning the Moral Panic Around Teletherapy: An Interview with Hannah Zeavin

MIA's Emaline Friedman interviews Hannah Zeavin about what the history of teletherapy reveals about its limitations and radical potential.

Mental Health and Emotion in the Digital Age: An Interview with Ian Tucker

MIA's Tim Beck interviews psychologist Ian Tucker about the relationships between digital technologies, emotion, and mental health.

The Radical Politics of Madness: An Interview with Micha Frazer-Carroll

MIA's Justin Karter interviews Micha Frazer-Carroll about her new book, "Mad World: The Politics of Mental Health."

Psychosocial Disability Rights and Digital Mental Health: An Interview with Piers Gooding

MIA's Emaline Friedman interviews legal scholar Piers Gooding on his work on disability rights and digital mental health technologies.

Beyond Paternalism or Abandonment in Mental Health Care: An Interview with Neil Gong

Neil Gong exposes the false choice in mental health policy between tolerant containment for the poor and paternalistic surveillance for the rich.
Laysha Ostrow

Live and Learn: An Interview with Laysha Ostrow

MIA’s Peter Simons interviews Laysha Ostrow about her mental health research and consulting company, the inclusion of peer specialists in mental health care, and her personal experience with the mental health system.

Discourse, Drug Use, and Psychiatry: An Interview with Critical Psychologist Ilana Mountian

Richard Sears interviews Ilana Mountian on drug use, marginalization, the disease model of addiction, and problems with prohibition.

Unscientific Diagnoses Medicalize Normal Human Experiences

In this 30-minute podcast, Peter Simons reports on the latest scientific articles in psychiatry.

Exercise for Youth Mental Health in the Lockdown: Interview with Psychologist Scott Greenspan

School Psychologist Scott Greenspan discusses how to promote exercise and mental wellbeing for adolescents stuck indoors during the pandemic.

“Making a Silk Purse Out of a Sow’s Ear”: Erick Turner on How Publication...

Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Erick Turner about publication bias in antidepressant trials, compromised psychotherapeutic research, and a culture of journal worship.

Lithium, Antidepressants, Esketamine—All No Better Than Placebo?

Peter Simons covers a clinical trial that found lithium ineffective at preventing suicide attempts, an essay by Allen Frances on the overdiagnosis of depression and overprescription of antidepressants, a review of the ineffectiveness and dangers of antidepressants, and an analysis that revealed that esketamine failed five of its six clinical trials.

Can Psychosocial Disability Transform Mental Health? A Conversation with Luis Arroyo and Justin Karter

Mad in Mexico's Luis Arroyo interviews MIA's Justin Karter about how psychosocial disability inclusion can transform Global Mental Health.

How Effective Are Therapy and Medication, and What Do They Treat?

In our science news podcast, Peter Simons covers a study that found both therapy and medication to have very limited effectiveness.

Psychology: Flawed as a Science and as Evidence-Based Medicine

Peter Simons covers a paper arguing that “psychology is fundamentally incompatible with hypothesis-driven theoretical science,” another paper finding that evidence-based medicine is more corporate gimmick than reliable science, a study that found psychiatrists deliver the worst-quality healthcare of any medical specialty, and more!

Rights Based Global Mental Health and Social Exclusion: An Interview with Ursula Read

MIA interviews the anthropologist Ursula Read about her research on mental illness, human rights, and social exclusion in Ghana.

Pharma Corruption, Dangers of Antidepressants, And More

Peter Simons covers news on mental health app Cerebral and pharma companies Biogen and Cassava; how social media influencers are the new pharma marketers; studies that found antidepressants don't improve quality of life and are harmful to the fetus when pregnant women take them; benzo withdrawal; and more!

Racial Justice and Lived Experience in Mental Health Advocacy: An Interview with Pata Suyemoto

MIA's Julia Lejeune interviews scholar, activist, and educator Pata Suyemoto about lived experience activism and racial justice in the mental health field.

False Positives in Brain Imaging, Unpublished and Missing Trials, and Conflicts of Interest

In our Science News podcast, Peter Simons reports on false positives in brain imaging, unpublished and missing trials, conflicts of interest and more.