Antidepressants & Sexual Function
Two studies of the effects of antidepressants on sexual function - one on the relative effects across classes of antidepressants on men, the other...
Antidepressants During Pregnancy Do Not Appear To Reduce Relapses And Hospitalizations
Continuing to take antidepressants during pregnancy was associated with higher rates of depressive relapses and hospitalizations than discontinuing.
SSRIs Cause Delayed Head Growth and Premature Birth
In a study of 7,696 pregnant women, researchers in the Netherlands and the U.S. found that SSRIs caused slower head growth and premature birth....
Psychotropics During Pregnancy Raise Risk of Babies with Low Birth Weight, Hospitalizations
The use by mothers of any of four major classes of psychiatric medications during pregnancy significantly raises the risk that their babies will be born with low birth weights and will need to be hospitalized.
Antidepressants Associated With Increased Driving Risk
Researchers from the Taiwan and the United States find through a study of 5,183 subjects with motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) and 31,093 matched controls...
Psych Med Prescribing After Perinatal/Neonatal Death
Research from MIA blogger Jeffrey Lacasse finds that "at present, there exists no rigorous evidence to support the prescription of Ads (antidepressants) in bereavement....
Living Alone Nearly Doubles Antidepressant Use
Finnish researchers found that in a study of 3471 men and women, those living alone were almost twice as likely to use an antidepressant....
Women on SSRIs Less Likely To Breastfeed
In a prospective cohort study of 466 pregnant women over 10 years, researchers at the California Teratogen Information Service found that women exposed to...
Antidepressants Increase Risk of Death in ICU
An analysis of electronic records from admissions to four ICU's in 2001-2008 showed that the 1,876 patients who were on an SSRI or SNRI...
Antidepressants Double Death Risk in Intensive Care
Analysis of 10,568 critically ill patients' records by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and MIT finds that those on antidepressants were almost twice as...
Increased Risk of Preterm Birth in Women Taking Antidepressants
A detailed meta-analysis of the published research on women taking antidepressants duringĀ pregnancyĀ finds that the rate of preterm birth is nearly doubled in the third...
Prenatal Antidepressant Exposure Raises Risk to Newborn of Pulmonary Hypertension
Researchers from Canada find the risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn is increased for infants exposed to SSRIs in late pregnancy. Results...
SSRIs Increase Risk of Brain Hemorrhage
Canadian researchers, publishing in Neurology, find in a meta-analysis of controlled observational studies comparing SSRI therapy with a control group that SSRI exposure increased...
US Government Reviews Antidepressants During and After Pregnancy
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Servicesā Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has released a meta-analysis āEvidence Reportā of the studies into...
SSRIs Significantly Increase Falls in Dementia, Even at Low Doses
Researchers in the Netherlands followed 248 nursing home residents with dementia for two years, finding that even 25% of the defined daily dose of...
SSRIs May Cause Bone Loss
An Israeli study of 10,621 women found that those taking an SSRI more than 80% of the time were 1.4 times more likely to...
11% of U.S. on Antidepressants: Less than 1/2 See a Mental Health Professional
Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (2005-2008) show that 11% of Americans 12 and over take antidepressants. 60% of those have...
Minimal Empirical Support for Antidepressant Treatment in Young People
Researchers from Australia reviewed the existing literature for good-quality evidence of effective prevention and treatment of depression in young people. Prevention research was dominated...
New Zealand Asks: “How is Your Antidepressant Working For You?”
Researchers at Auckland University have launched a study that "positions the people who are prescribed antidepressants as the experts" and which aims at asking...
Antidepressants, Not Depression, Raise Risk of Preeclampsia in Pregnancy
In a study of 69,448 pregnant women with depression, researchers from the Harvard school of public health found that use of SSRI (selective serotonin...
Antidepressants Associated with Preterm Birth, Infant Convulsions
A study of 228,876 pregnancies, published in the July issue of the American journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, finds that maternal antidepressant use is...
Hypertension in Pregnancy 50% More Likely With SSRIs
Researchers in Montreal found in a sample of 1,216 pregnant women that those who used antidepressants were at least 50% more likely to experience...