Here in France, the authorities are proceeding with the spoliation both of my identity and my personnality. The chemicals that l am forced to take will eventually kill me. Between times there is a surge to justify giving me even more neuro toxins to make me docile and even more compliant.
The ‘experts’ are mandated by the state to legitimize torture. I have, however, friends who are sympathetic to my plight and who support me eventhough they are limited to witnessing my torture as they too are under mandate to comply with the french ‘mental health’ political powers.
I trust that my situation will be known and become contraversial as an example of physical and political assassination.
Hi Peter,
You seem to be very upbeat when describing things which have improved. I would like to suggest that there is a great deal of work to be done. If l want to come off the neuroleptics l am forced to take, there is absolutley no way l am able to do this. Here in France progress is interpreted by praising psychiatric drugs and to hell with the consequences. Several deaths have occured in my circle due to iatrogenic fatal illnesses. The death certificates make no mention of the real cause of death….
Jill, very important work you’re doing.
When coming off antipsychotics cold turkey l had akasthesia. This led to suicidal and homocidal ideation with tragic consequences.
The medical corps is at best ignorant and at worst complicit in the deaths of so many. It is clear that research is a primordial necessity. Please continue your good work and thank you.
I feel as if it’s too late for me dear Mary. I’m forced to take drugs that are destroying me slowly, with cruelty. I wrote to Dr Breggin to ask for an independant expertise that l would be willing to pay for. That was months ago, l have had no reply…No one it seems is able or willing to enable me to come slowly off the chemicals l am forced to take in a place where l and others would be safe. I am playing the ‘trouble-fête ‘ here because for countless people like me nothing is changing.
I have had very serious behavioral problems trying to come off neuroleptics in 2011 and 2007. This led to two crimes which were and are completley out of character. Please send me the form which you wish that l send to the reporter of the NYT. I live in France. [email protected]
Yours is a good idea. I would’ve phoned but my operator doesn’t handle calls to the USA. My number is 0033659803751.
John Herbert.
Antipsycotics or neuroleptics if stopped abruptly cause people to blow a fuse and have severe behavioral problems. Is this not addiction ? I would very much like to see more about the addictive nature of neuroleptics on MIA and from yourself please.
What l would give to have this kind of care and treatment, are there any opportunities for people outside Norway to receive this kind of help? I would .be grateful to the editorial team if you could inform me.
Thanks , yes ascendancy over and above others is the regime that psychiatry seeks. To render others helpless by force if necessary. Unfortunatley they succeed… But for how long?
I earn 250$ a month but l will continue to give to MIA in the new year as it is very important work that you do.
Thank you for your efforts and your truth telling.
Move forward, advance with your life no matter what. I wish you health and trust that the trauma will heal and that you can fight against their discrimination.
Yes Blindsammytucker, your story is a familiar one but it is not inevitable, just deeply moving . I hope they leave you in peace now though and that you feel better and stronger. Don’t despair because there’s a lot happening…
Linsay you are a miracle, really. Forget the military honors, you should receive the highest civil medal that America can offer. You have fought behind enemy lines in your own country, staggering bravery and resilience!
Derek you are euphemistically pretty good too!
There are many who fight battles to the death for justice and truth, we are among them!
Thank you so much for your lives and may your lives be full and long !
Who would not be kind to you Julie ? I cannot imagine under any circumstances, except maybe acute akastisia, anyone who would be any thing else to you. It gives me pleasure to smile at people, the result is always pleasant, l’m smiling at you right now.
Most of what is in your links l have experienced first hand. If one is failed we are all guilty. People in ‘responsable’ positions need to stick there necks out from time to time in order to break what is a suffocating consensus. Truth and love are what we’re striving for nothing less.
Emmeline did a lot of correcting, the text was originally 6000 words. The soul of the piece is intact though thanks to Emmeline.
You are really heart warming, thank you.
Here in France we’ve got a little movement going: the yellow vests. Who are supported by the black blocs.
So far there havn’t been any deaths.
I think if the French administration wishes to avoid meaningless bloodletting then the release of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning from illegal custody with the blessing of the European union might, just might, save a few politicians a little more than a headache. Oh yes , and granting Edward Snowdon asylum would be just the beginning of long haul negotiations !
People who abuse and say ‘ l was ordered to do it’, are on the same level as the nazis.
What a heart-rending and tragic story, truly terrible. Would she not have been better off at home? I think the answer is a resounding yes!
I have committed 2 acting out events after being given neuroleptics after a period of 6 months withdrawal. I am trying to get the authorities here to agree to a slow taper to allow my brain to reajust to life without these chemicals. After what has happened l would not be willing to do this outside a hospital environment. I believe that, having had neuroleptics forced on me for 40 years now , this could take up to 8 years . I would very much like to know how Marci managed her withdrawal. My two acts were and are completely out of character. Perhaps she could let me know? I know I had akastisia because it made me act in ways l would never had thought possible.
Hello Michael,
When financial interests conflict with the well being of the common interest, whether it be health or access to the rudiments of human existence, then unfortunatley, in the age we live in, personal interests come first. It is an evidence only too clearly proven when we look at any western ‘civilized’ country where the state has an all powerful grasp of ressources and means to maim and kill the citizens therein.
We need big change fast and the upheavel that is necessary is the only way that those of us who experience emotional distress at sometime in our lives will be given a fair chance of recovery .
I feel the change is going to be very tumultuous and surprisingly unexpected by many of those who profit from the ordinaty people who are honest and hardworking. This change is not only inevitable but ever increasingly fundementally essentiel and mandatory.
I can sense it, it is nearly palpable, it IS coming…
I’m not a published writer or a visual artist but l do have experience of forced drugging and involuntary confinement. I’m equally against paternalism as my Father was a rustic and violent policeman with military service during the second world war, The only person that ever made a difference to me was my Mother who was also forcibly drugged and given electro shock torture many times. She died too young of a brain hemoarrage. You must have had support to be able to have ‘navigated’ the mental health system without being forcibly drugged at the very least. Yours is a very rare case , the truth of the matter is that most people who come into contact with the services are badly treated and not few but many that l have known personally are now deceased as a result of their treatment.
Whilst l like upbeat and optimistic stories the truth is far from optimistic .Forced medical protocols will always be torture by any other name..
Thanks Sylvain. I too know that in France, coming off psy medication, is very difficult because there are absolutley no opportunities unless one does it without permission.
The judge that is obligatory costs around 300€ for someone who’s got à job because one has to pay for a lawyer which is also obligatory. In 99% of cases the judge rules that privation of liberty is légal. That’s called justice in France…
I suggest that Gotzsche, judging from his books, understands a lot more than you care to admit. I am extremely disatisfied with the way doctors win illicite sums and other perks by prescribing what are, more than you tell us, potentially lethal drugs. It’s proof that because your à doctor does not necessarily mean an intellectual competence superior to that of other less socially advantaged citizens.
Good on you Charles, l hope that the nyt will follow your story for a few years. It has to be said that l would never subscribe to the nyt unless they publish à great deal more of this kind of material WITH follow up to make sure of the security of people like Charles. The record of the nyt as concerns this type of reporting is very poor. Unless it gets à lot better l just wont subscribe.
Can anybody direct me to information on how long it takes to come off benzos and what to do to alleviate the distress caused by this? I’ve got an aquaintance who is right in the middle of some fairly unpleasent withdrawal symptoms. What advice can i give him?
I can’t believe it was an honest post either. Keep working on a new paradigm for emotional distress , l think we can expect médical students and the like to masquerade as those of us in distress, after all it’s in their interest or should l say conflict of interest!
According to the doctors who put in place the first neuroleptics in 1955, you ARE labotomized. They do à good job of reducing brain cells in the frontal lobes of the brain. Perhaps that’s just your problem ! As for the dark ages, we re going through them now as far as emotional distress is concerned and it’s treatment. I hope you keep on the treatment at least it affolés us some unfortunate amusement- prick!
I believe that the ‘symptoms ‘ as you call them can be alleviated by other means than lobotomizing the person in emotional distress. The biomedical model is the eugenistic method to ‘treat’ à problem that should be disgarded as soon as possible. There is absolutley no scientific evidence to suggest that your lobotimization helps you to live à better life in the medium or long term. The ethical evidence is overwhelming that we should abandon our present approach to emotional distress.
John Herbert
How is it that the number of people supposedly ‘mentally ill’ seems to rise inexorabley? Are not the profits from neuroleptics etc. enough as they stand? When will there be tribunals judging those responsable for forced drugging and the brain damage that this inevitabley causes? When will justice be done to the criminals pedaling these neuro toxins ? The scam has lasted long enough!
This is good news but seven beds is nothing, a unit of 24 beds would be a good starting point. Is anyone thinking of visiting this hospital ? Will there be any information coming out of this work ?
I just think that those who have never tried Psy chemicals cannot begin to appreciate the pain and suffering that they cause. I know because l am forced to take these substances since the age of 17. What possible spiritual good can be had from being tortured ? I’m 55 years old now, that’s à great deal of torture believe me! Please work towards lifting obligatory administering and focus on human rights, your ethical conscience is so far more important…
Here in France, the authorities are proceeding with the spoliation both of my identity and my personnality. The chemicals that l am forced to take will eventually kill me. Between times there is a surge to justify giving me even more neuro toxins to make me docile and even more compliant.
The ‘experts’ are mandated by the state to legitimize torture. I have, however, friends who are sympathetic to my plight and who support me eventhough they are limited to witnessing my torture as they too are under mandate to comply with the french ‘mental health’ political powers.
I trust that my situation will be known and become contraversial as an example of physical and political assassination.
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Hi Peter,
You seem to be very upbeat when describing things which have improved. I would like to suggest that there is a great deal of work to be done. If l want to come off the neuroleptics l am forced to take, there is absolutley no way l am able to do this. Here in France progress is interpreted by praising psychiatric drugs and to hell with the consequences. Several deaths have occured in my circle due to iatrogenic fatal illnesses. The death certificates make no mention of the real cause of death….
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Jill, very important work you’re doing.
When coming off antipsychotics cold turkey l had akasthesia. This led to suicidal and homocidal ideation with tragic consequences.
The medical corps is at best ignorant and at worst complicit in the deaths of so many. It is clear that research is a primordial necessity. Please continue your good work and thank you.
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Just to say you have my whole hearted sympathy and support. Thank you for your comments and may Freedom be ours. I’m on FB if l can help l will.
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I feel as if it’s too late for me dear Mary. I’m forced to take drugs that are destroying me slowly, with cruelty. I wrote to Dr Breggin to ask for an independant expertise that l would be willing to pay for. That was months ago, l have had no reply…No one it seems is able or willing to enable me to come slowly off the chemicals l am forced to take in a place where l and others would be safe. I am playing the ‘trouble-fête ‘ here because for countless people like me nothing is changing.
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I have had very serious behavioral problems trying to come off neuroleptics in 2011 and 2007. This led to two crimes which were and are completley out of character. Please send me the form which you wish that l send to the reporter of the NYT. I live in France.
[email protected]
Yours is a good idea. I would’ve phoned but my operator doesn’t handle calls to the USA. My number is 0033659803751.
John Herbert.
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Antipsycotics or neuroleptics if stopped abruptly cause people to blow a fuse and have severe behavioral problems. Is this not addiction ? I would very much like to see more about the addictive nature of neuroleptics on MIA and from yourself please.
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Never .be defeated Marcie, keep faith and your release must become a reality. You have ALL my support.
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Great news Marcie, l am really happy for you.
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What l would give to have this kind of care and treatment, are there any opportunities for people outside Norway to receive this kind of help? I would .be grateful to the editorial team if you could inform me.
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Thanks , yes ascendancy over and above others is the regime that psychiatry seeks. To render others helpless by force if necessary. Unfortunatley they succeed… But for how long?
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I earn 250$ a month but l will continue to give to MIA in the new year as it is very important work that you do.
Thank you for your efforts and your truth telling.
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Hope is a spearhead, inextinguishable .
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Move forward, advance with your life no matter what. I wish you health and trust that the trauma will heal and that you can fight against their discrimination.
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Yes Blindsammytucker, your story is a familiar one but it is not inevitable, just deeply moving . I hope they leave you in peace now though and that you feel better and stronger. Don’t despair because there’s a lot happening…
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No Ladonna, l’m still ‘inside’ as a matter of fact but causing a few headaches for those ‘responsable’.
Keep well and thanks for the encouragement.
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Linsay you are a miracle, really. Forget the military honors, you should receive the highest civil medal that America can offer. You have fought behind enemy lines in your own country, staggering bravery and resilience!
Derek you are euphemistically pretty good too!
There are many who fight battles to the death for justice and truth, we are among them!
Thank you so much for your lives and may your lives be full and long !
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Duplicate comment deleted.
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Who would not be kind to you Julie ? I cannot imagine under any circumstances, except maybe acute akastisia, anyone who would be any thing else to you. It gives me pleasure to smile at people, the result is always pleasant, l’m smiling at you right now.
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Most of what is in your links l have experienced first hand. If one is failed we are all guilty. People in ‘responsable’ positions need to stick there necks out from time to time in order to break what is a suffocating consensus. Truth and love are what we’re striving for nothing less.
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Emmeline did a lot of correcting, the text was originally 6000 words. The soul of the piece is intact though thanks to Emmeline.
You are really heart warming, thank you.
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Here in France we’ve got a little movement going: the yellow vests. Who are supported by the black blocs.
So far there havn’t been any deaths.
I think if the French administration wishes to avoid meaningless bloodletting then the release of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning from illegal custody with the blessing of the European union might, just might, save a few politicians a little more than a headache. Oh yes , and granting Edward Snowdon asylum would be just the beginning of long haul negotiations !
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Thank you for your feedback, l can see l have a lot to catch up on, notably all the links sent, thank you.
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People who abuse and say ‘ l was ordered to do it’, are on the same level as the nazis.
What a heart-rending and tragic story, truly terrible. Would she not have been better off at home? I think the answer is a resounding yes!
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Hello Anne,
Just asking, are there any crisis centers for men in London?
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I have committed 2 acting out events after being given neuroleptics after a period of 6 months withdrawal. I am trying to get the authorities here to agree to a slow taper to allow my brain to reajust to life without these chemicals. After what has happened l would not be willing to do this outside a hospital environment. I believe that, having had neuroleptics forced on me for 40 years now , this could take up to 8 years . I would very much like to know how Marci managed her withdrawal. My two acts were and are completely out of character. Perhaps she could let me know? I know I had akastisia because it made me act in ways l would never had thought possible.
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Hello Michael,
When financial interests conflict with the well being of the common interest, whether it be health or access to the rudiments of human existence, then unfortunatley, in the age we live in, personal interests come first. It is an evidence only too clearly proven when we look at any western ‘civilized’ country where the state has an all powerful grasp of ressources and means to maim and kill the citizens therein.
We need big change fast and the upheavel that is necessary is the only way that those of us who experience emotional distress at sometime in our lives will be given a fair chance of recovery .
I feel the change is going to be very tumultuous and surprisingly unexpected by many of those who profit from the ordinaty people who are honest and hardworking. This change is not only inevitable but ever increasingly fundementally essentiel and mandatory.
I can sense it, it is nearly palpable, it IS coming…
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I’m not a published writer or a visual artist but l do have experience of forced drugging and involuntary confinement. I’m equally against paternalism as my Father was a rustic and violent policeman with military service during the second world war, The only person that ever made a difference to me was my Mother who was also forcibly drugged and given electro shock torture many times. She died too young of a brain hemoarrage. You must have had support to be able to have ‘navigated’ the mental health system without being forcibly drugged at the very least. Yours is a very rare case , the truth of the matter is that most people who come into contact with the services are badly treated and not few but many that l have known personally are now deceased as a result of their treatment.
Whilst l like upbeat and optimistic stories the truth is far from optimistic .Forced medical protocols will always be torture by any other name..
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Thanks Sylvain. I too know that in France, coming off psy medication, is very difficult because there are absolutley no opportunities unless one does it without permission.
The judge that is obligatory costs around 300€ for someone who’s got à job because one has to pay for a lawyer which is also obligatory. In 99% of cases the judge rules that privation of liberty is légal. That’s called justice in France…
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I suggest that Gotzsche, judging from his books, understands a lot more than you care to admit. I am extremely disatisfied with the way doctors win illicite sums and other perks by prescribing what are, more than you tell us, potentially lethal drugs. It’s proof that because your à doctor does not necessarily mean an intellectual competence superior to that of other less socially advantaged citizens.
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Good on you Charles, l hope that the nyt will follow your story for a few years. It has to be said that l would never subscribe to the nyt unless they publish à great deal more of this kind of material WITH follow up to make sure of the security of people like Charles. The record of the nyt as concerns this type of reporting is very poor. Unless it gets à lot better l just wont subscribe.
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Can anybody direct me to information on how long it takes to come off benzos and what to do to alleviate the distress caused by this? I’ve got an aquaintance who is right in the middle of some fairly unpleasent withdrawal symptoms. What advice can i give him?
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I can’t believe it was an honest post either. Keep working on a new paradigm for emotional distress , l think we can expect médical students and the like to masquerade as those of us in distress, after all it’s in their interest or should l say conflict of interest!
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According to the doctors who put in place the first neuroleptics in 1955, you ARE labotomized. They do à good job of reducing brain cells in the frontal lobes of the brain. Perhaps that’s just your problem ! As for the dark ages, we re going through them now as far as emotional distress is concerned and it’s treatment. I hope you keep on the treatment at least it affolés us some unfortunate amusement- prick!
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I believe that the ‘symptoms ‘ as you call them can be alleviated by other means than lobotomizing the person in emotional distress. The biomedical model is the eugenistic method to ‘treat’ à problem that should be disgarded as soon as possible. There is absolutley no scientific evidence to suggest that your lobotimization helps you to live à better life in the medium or long term. The ethical evidence is overwhelming that we should abandon our present approach to emotional distress.
John Herbert
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How is it that the number of people supposedly ‘mentally ill’ seems to rise inexorabley? Are not the profits from neuroleptics etc. enough as they stand? When will there be tribunals judging those responsable for forced drugging and the brain damage that this inevitabley causes? When will justice be done to the criminals pedaling these neuro toxins ? The scam has lasted long enough!
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This is good news but seven beds is nothing, a unit of 24 beds would be a good starting point. Is anyone thinking of visiting this hospital ? Will there be any information coming out of this work ?
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I just think that those who have never tried Psy chemicals cannot begin to appreciate the pain and suffering that they cause. I know because l am forced to take these substances since the age of 17. What possible spiritual good can be had from being tortured ? I’m 55 years old now, that’s à great deal of torture believe me! Please work towards lifting obligatory administering and focus on human rights, your ethical conscience is so far more important…
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