Comments by Jennifer Maria Padron

Showing 42 of 42 comments.

  • Dr. Luhrmann, I am extremely grateful to you for this writing. This is great. It excites me. I work as the CPS on an ACT Team in South Georgia. I have many service users who I provide full supports to daily who experience auditory (e.g., voices, music). I’ve been hustling to get Hearing Voices Network groups (virtually 1/21) started. I’m doing intensive work with individuals who have diagnostic categories of Paranoid Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective, Bipolar Disorders, Depression. These individuals are all BIPOC and largely male. I have an interesting understanding of voices, or seeing and sensing from a cultural explanation. I work largely with trauma, crisis, peer crisis intervention and terror. More info, please: [email protected], (706) 391-3864 EST

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  • Curious as to “lots of resources” one might offer a person to help reduce risk. While working the Red Eye as the Peer on the floor and triage team with clinicians working Live Rescues with BHL GCAL (Atlanta), the questions ultimately determine 1.) risk; 2.) access; 3.) means; 4.) intent to self/other harm. Resources generally imply immediate relieving of distress. Curious what “resources” you would certainly include. The graphic of Yay or Nay channels is interesting and basic to the mix. I prefer discernment and a lookee at whatever means other than 911/988 policing in response to expression of self/other harm are effective, protective, proactive and action based because action is necessary. You don’t quite go into solutions. Fast answers help. What are yours? Here’s the thing. Strategy and action mean perhaps a “solution” to distress and discomfort. I really want to know because I advocate for not asking the Q but rather delineating and discerning options to getting to what’s at heart, really. Since we both, I’m guessing, inherently (know) that calling 911/988 in the face of suicidality/ideation = imminent Death at the heart of the system, hospitalization, clinical and medical invasive drug treatment and psychiatric torture, please bring up and address solutions. We can go from there.

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  • I didn’t know you trained ACT Team CPS. I was recently offered an opportunity to work as a Georgia CPS with a provider on an ACT Team and I opted out because I’m fucking raging and SICK OF what the CPS in Georgia does in the 1013/1014 72 hour psychiatric involuntary hold on anyone who so much expresses self/other harm. It’s fucking bullshit and I can’t do it and will not. To be the WATCHDOG for medication compliance or treatment compliance and spend my days signing up peeps for food stamps is bullshit of my time where I bill for 20x what the ACT Team pays me as a CPS. It’s all fucking bullshit and I’ve had enough. It’s riot time. It’s walk-out time. It’s time.

    I’m starting my MSW cohort 2019 program where I’m specializing on crisis, trauma, disaster and terror management. I’m out.


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  • Leah, good work. I’m glad somebody got to the bottom of the initial hearing. What interests me is that noone at AltCon19 knew of it, even a person on the Committee, nor did the go-to from Tennessee. We were like, “… WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US ABOUT THIS EARLIER?!”

    Why didn’t they?

    I am keenly interested and committed to seeing P2P and Peer Workforce (CPS and Endorsements, 2019) be embedded into all/any forthcoming proposed legislation for TIC, Recovery in MH, SUD and Trauma.

    I will be on calls as scheduled.

    Thanks again.


    Jen Padron, Ed.M, CPS

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  • Interesting. I’ve taken to what is perhaps a natural course of acceptance bred through loss, hurt and bereavement for the lost lives of my CPS cohorts.

    Nowadays I see walking the journey with death and dying slightly differently. To accept one’s death and then to live accordingly relieves one of expectations and false truths perhaps.

    There is the inherent right of the individual to opt-out and we must honor that separate in how it will effect you, others. That is our right.



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  • Will, I loved reading this very long, very thoughtful and discerning piece. It is hard and lovely at the same time. I relate to suddenly realizing that everything, for instance (your director) that once was, is no longer which begs the question of whether or not to take action, right? For me, I took flight and said or shared rarely with the sole exception of other women i trusted to just listen and honor the horrible abuses I experienced several years ago. I said nothing against the Director in question. Nothing. Today we remain in contact and it is with mutual intention to always remain on the side of truth and side with meaningful work over a pissed on poor quality version of it. Life’s too short and Will, I am proud of you. I wish we were nearer physically because I sure would love to just hang out and talk.

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  • 3rd Grade, Ms. Dilorati, Our Lady of Sorrows School, Wahiawa, Oahu for me, but when I realized I was Queer. Sister Tereasa was very hot with her blonde/golden curls. I loved her. Writer, teacher, artist (photo, paint) in Georgia. I had thought about teaching overseas, but remain in Title I Atlanta (Spe Edu, HQ, Consultative, General K-12). Keep writing. I’d love to see more of it.

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  • Thanks for the provocative piece.

    Interesting to note that yes, as a genderQueer, gender fluid woman of color, am a psychiatric survivor of rather invasive clinically, medically necessary treatment, one who frequently is Profiled in any US Airport and otherwise, I quite agree with you. I’m angry. I rage. I’m happy with it. I don’t have a cancerous cell in my body. I do not internalize the stigma, the hate, the disgust, the social acculturalization of the inherent surrounding White Privilege in a heterosexist privileged hierarchical white male world. I’m nearly positive that while I don’t assume that MH/SA is a “disease” per se, I do qualify that genocide of People of Color and the new warehousing (Asyluming the Infirmed) occurs disgustingly in US Public Community Mental Health, prisons, jails and classrooms. I am at my happiest when I speak my Truth which is quite simply, do what’s right for you, and isn’t that your entire premise?

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  • Dr. Steingard, esta es muy mysterioso!

    I’ve been in touch with Dr. Olsen about bringing this to the State of Maryland. Interesting. Have you folks thought about and are not considering the “seed and grow” innovative training model of dissemination and growth (e.g., via HOPE Texas Mental Health Resource, University of Texas at Austin Hogg Foundation for Mental Health’s WRAP Across Texas, 2010)?

    I’m frustrated because Vermont is geographically distant from me where I reside and work and I’d prefer either your developing a Southern Dialogue Consortia or something so that I can learn and train Open Dialogue in Atlanta, Georgia.

    Please advise.

    Thanks for your good work.
    [email protected]

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  • Michael, I have a personal and professional “block” to anything you write perhaps because of your outright clinical privilege and when I see this blog about PEER respite, I wonder why you did not have a PEER present the information. It is self-congratulatory, yet again.

    I will however, say that I am happy to see a PEER respite in Santa Cruz.

    White privilege, clinical privilege, ableism makes me turn the other way and run no matter. Please be sensitive to this prior to your next blog.


    Jen Padron

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  • I read this with hesitation, as I expect you know why. The pain of others and experience of despair is difficult to ingest and for some of us, doubly or tripled with problematic maintaining distance energetically, but this is good. Thanks Lauren. I have written privately and publically on the Right To Die In Dignity, as I follow Stephen Jenkinson’s (DIE WISELY) death work. Often, what passes through me today when I sit with another person walking this path purposefully is impatience until I remember that to truly live, once must face death reverently, and constantly.

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  • great article, val. astute.

    this scares the shit out of me. the us public community mental health system will be dismantled and destroyed as we know it. samhsa/cmhs will have a tzar who is appointed by murphy. larry fricks recently spoke positively about the fact that the bill holds $10m for peer services. i shook my head upon hearing fricks speak excited about $10m. why doesn’t larry donate the $10m via a personal check, then, to offer more $$$ towards it, i wonder? having a monopoly on being the largest american certif peer specialist curricula and training that remains propietary in the majority of the us states, surely shouldn’t prevent that. give and give alike. whats wrong with this picture?

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  • Doctor,

    I quite agree with you that the medical model based study and practice of psychiatry, is by my estimation, the residual fall-out of trauma, lack of real clinical cultural attunity plus all of the other variables stemming from physical issues. My idea of “mental illness” or “psychiatry” is that they are indeed representative of our inherent sociallly stratification of people who are vulnerable, marginalized and disenfranchised men, women, youth, children, ancestors and affected tribes… the fire that burns in the belly of these raging psychiatric survivors, consumer’s, consumer/survivor/expatient is akin to a slave’s response to abusive acts of power multigenerationally.

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  • The US Southern States remain hold-outs stubborn to the Southern mentality and understanding culturally that a Church-based system of care provides for those truly in need. If you look at the map (in the article below), you can easily see the territorial and regional markers holding in place their Secede the US trends practically. Texas ranked 53rd in the US in mental health services care and attention (including the 3 US Territories) when I left it to join Georgia to work and learn rural public community health services. Georgia, however, deeply Southern and proud of it, continues to rely on suits to pay for itself. The South prides itself on being resourceful and responds in kind as long as it’s their idea to do it. The CMS and US pressures will hold nothing to their potentially entering status a Medicaid Expansion state in the union. The Confederacy flag still waves prominently throughout Georgia. The last time I visited Columbia, South Carolina, the flag waved over its’ very own Capitol building. My recommendation at this time is for policy makers to meet in the South on their terms and on their ground. A cultural understanding is required in order for there to be any type of education and pursuading, in fact. The US South are also the last hold-outs for other cultural phenomenons (e.g., Marriage). The only way the South will move its’ firm stance is to have the South want to do it, themselves.

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  • “Griefwalker” on Netflix is a fantastic film about death. From viewing it, I think I would like to work with the dying in the future. I feel so certain about my own death at times and I must remind myself that quite often, many parts of ourself, of parts in our lives, of ghosts, of dreams, of loss, grief and bereavement is healing and nothing truly, to fear. To embrace today is a blessing and something I work towards integrating.

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  • Thank you so much for this wonderful shared writing this week, especially. I recently started shamanic counsel and healing work for myself and I will continue on this path of the red road for myself. During the journeying ceremony, I dare say, that even at a great distance, I broke my shaman’s years old rattle and I feel terrible for it, but will send her a painting to appease it being given to me for my healing. My ancestors are with me and it was interesting to me to learn that my Grandmother who completed, spends much of her time with me today. I feel a special responsibility to Her safekeeping and to my own journey.

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  • Susan. Susan Rogers, thank you. You rock the fucking boat. Largely, your technical writing skills are fabulous but as a TA with the National Self Help Clearinghouse you have been an Angel to me and for my communities which I belong to past and now. ALTERNATIVES will be a good conference. It is my 3rd. My 1st I attended via SAMHSA’s wellness initiative when my app, Cardio Escape 2013 (c) was released and I was a guest along with my app’s speaker. The 2nd was last year in ATX. My hometown. Where I got my Recovery established, etc… Where my adult story as a shared person with life experience begins to tell of 2 years of electroconvulsive treatment which was deemed as “clinically, medically necessary invasive therapy.” No comment, but I am still alive and so it worked in its own way that it works. Last year I was very busy copresenting with my Region 1 Mobile Crisis Intervention MH/SA Zone West and East Director, Cindy Driggers. We rolled out (post iNAOPS 13) the US Peer Rural Satellite Network with an advanced partnership of collaboration. It seemed to me as if last year’s ALTERNATIVES had people coming up to me so very frequently, my friends, my colleagues, in my FACE saying hello, giving me love. I had a blast. Thanks to the Hogg Foundation’s Tammy Heinz and Dennis Bach from via HOPE for all of their work on a good venue last year for the Texan Constituency which is the largest nationally. This year, I am co-presenting on the innovative and emergent peer services roles of the Certified Peer Specialist, Recovery Coach and the Community Health Worker in integrated PH and BH health care environments using my triage peer-based model. Iden Campbell McCollum, Scott Spicer, Heidi Levy and I will be copresenting on Medicaid, Medicare, MCOs, FQs and Look alikes, showing how to do this very simple task of having a Peer do what we do Best. I am also presenting this same presentation at next month’s APHA Conference in New Orleans. It was also presented at this past year’s NARMH Conference in DC. Iden and I are on the queer caucus. Thank you to Susan and Joseph for keeping the faith and for working so quickly and responsively for whenever we needed you to help insure ALTERNATIVES would even take place this year. The price is high. The stakes are enormous. Yes, thanks go to guys like Harvey Rosenthal and Pat Hendry for their work with ACMHA’s College for Behavioral Health Leadership Peer Leadership Interest Group and thank you to Dr. Ron Manderscheid. Lots of peeps there. See you soon. Take no prisoners.

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  • You talk a good line. I’ve re-read your blog several times and to give you credit, I still don’t know where you land. I’m a peer and an Advanced Certified Peer Specialist and Community Health Worker out of the State of Texas, Dept of State Health Services with via HOPE Texas’ Mental Health Resources. Yes, I’ve been through the mill as a psychiatric survivor and yes by circumstances, of course I also helped the Texas community with a CPS in Texas. I attended the 7th Annual iNAOPS Conference last week in Anaheim and count many/all there as trusted colleagues to the fight to standardizing the CPS and RC. It is a flawed system but bitching and moaning does nothing but isolate and create silo systems. Use your skills to coalition build, Sera. Build relationships v dismantling. You’ve got a lot to offer and you’re wonderfully present, but when it comes to peerness, the CPS, standards, care, c/s/x, I’m seeing the nation dismantled by rhetoric and bemoaning rather than a united front. WRAP, btw, for state department vocational rehabilitation must be written into an individual employment plan prior to any approved payment. That isn’t unusual. The “case manager” is the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, FYI. MCO’s are billing WRAP because it’s evidence-based (EBP). While I am a trained facilitator in WRAP, and see HOPE (the 1st Concept) as the key basis for recovery, for peers, for myself, for our comprehensive movement. I encourage you to broaden your world and meet others working in the community nationally as you mature in your work here.

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  • I was given 2.5 years of ECT as ”clinically necessary treatment” in an Austin psychiatric facility which is typically the facility one goes to for ECT locally in addition to 1 other site that I know of. It was humiliating. It hurt and it was quite physically painful. I often required up to four (4) types of anesthesia to put me out and in addition to the local for the sting with the needle, my body would arch from the burn until I went out. Then when I woke up, the challenge would be not to urinate in my pants but I always did and that was also embarassing. My faithful partner would be there waiting for me on the other end of tx and hold me by my elbow and guide me out, step by step by step by step by step. It was a ”clinically necessary treatment” in my recovery because I was strewn with SI and attempts. The attempts did stop. What did begin were the long term and short term memory lapses and the forgotten years of life, of love, of family, of friends, of work… I am grateful for my for 1 friend who was loyal enough to stand by my side during this time and while my life was dark at the time, I worked my way through it with the help of NAMI Texas, of DBSA Texas later, volunteering and giving back, etc… What is interesting to me now are the many women I come into contact with who undergo regular ECT as a normal course of their monthly tx in Austin for their major depression or bipolar and I would be interested in hearing from them as well. Those were not happy times and I am the stronger for it. Thanks for your post, Lauren.

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  • Significant. Thanks for this. For so long, I have not “dreamed” in my sleep. Recently, I have had the most beautiful connections to loved ones during that twilight moment between wakeful consciousness and sleep where there is dialogue, deep connection, energy shared, love said, love and words that must be spoken outloud, emotions seen and spent… I can’t control this beautiful exchange and it’s very real… it just happens. It is always very positive and it’s much like a real visit. It is meditative and I only hope that it continues. I wish your blog were longer.

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  • Interesting, interesting. I particularly use the word and term “peer” quite regularly and it is commonplace in my vocabulary within the context of providing services as a Certified Peer Specialist, but also within the contextual framework of living as person with the shared life experience of mental and social diversity. I am intrinsically a Peer when it comes right down to it. I have many letters that come after my birth name and more to come but at the very heart of it, I am a Peer descriptively, a psychiatric survivor, c/s/x, and the word is true and true to my work and those who I consider my comrades.


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  • Wow, Faith. I wanna go to San Francisco with flowers in my hair and dance and sing and scream and negotiate and participate. Chances are not as things are working out but what can I do otherwise, to help the cause, and I can do much. I love your writing. It’s hot and thoughtful and good and seamless and I count you among my best colleagues and a new good friend in Asheville. As an activist I count you as a teacher. Thank you for bringing Jacks to the Firestorm last week and opening my world and mad heart up. There are miracles in this world. You are beautiful and your work is great. I hope for more.

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  • looking forward to your ASHEVILLE, N.C. travels. i am reasonably new to icarus project after community public mental health (texas, 53rd in the nation behind the territories) and am volunteering at cooper riis to learn, grow, center for a year (asheville & mill spring) while continuing with the hope concept wellness center in dfw’s metroplex so am getting introduced to icarus with faith and the good folks here. good to see icarus taking on a broad & diverse family (multicultural). let us know how we can help.

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  • My 5th blog will be a treatise on Texas political duplicitousness. While I appreciate the commentary, I must also assure you of my ongoing intererst and intent to speaking to the facts. Keep reading and posting here. I’m learning about the boundaries pushing outside the middle. Your feedback is helpful, but inasmuch as I’m a peer and c/s/x, keep it clean. Address the topic and not the author.

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