Tag: community

Responsibility Without Blame in Therapeutic Communities: Interview with Philosopher Hanna Pickard

Hanna Pickard on the elusive middle ground between personal responsibility and systemic factors in our understandings of addiction.

We Are All in This Together

We need a new narrative of shared distress to replace the failed one of individual disorders. We need human connection and mutual support. We can learn to manage our feelings in a way that helps us through the crisis and gives us the energy to make much-needed social and environmental changes afterwards. The usual dividing lines melt away in the face of global emergency. We really are all in this together.

To My Black Crows of Wisdom

Some might wonder why I'm still stumbling in the desert when there are cars and jobs and museums downtown, but really, the turquoise dawn is in the canyons. The thing is, my people seem to need this nutrition, the rarified medicine of this particular cactus and that specific root that I haven't found anywhere else.

Structural Competency Training May Increase Empathic Connections in Psychiatry Residents

Identification, discussion of neighborhood structures cultivates connection, illustrates patientsā€™ subjective experiences.

More Evidence for the Lasting Psychological Impact of Lead Exposure in...

New research points to numerous harmful effects of high-level lead exposure in childhood on adult mental health and personality characteristics.

How to Promote Community Inclusion in Mental Health Practice

Practitioners and public leaders identify methods and barriers for integrating those diagnosed with mental health issues into community life.

Exploring the Role of Community Engagement in School Psychology

New research emphasizes the impact of school connectedness and community engagement interventions on students' mental health.

How Our Mental Health Struggles Are Linked With Each Others’

From Alternet: "'Just about every mental affliction is actually an adaptive response that then becomes a source of problems later on,' MatƩ says. 'People...

Independence is an Ableist Myth

FromĀ The Body is Not an Apology: "The myth of independence doesnā€™t just show up when we come down with the flu and run to...

Why U.K. Doctors Are Doling Out ‘Social Prescriptions’

FromĀ CBS Radio: U.K. doctors are increasingly prescribing social interventionsĀ ā€” community based solutions such as art classes, gardening clubs, and walking groupsĀ ā€” as an alternative...

Research Shows Art Courses Can Improve Mental Wellbeing

FromĀ PsyPost: A new study has found that a course of arts-on-prescription can provide a significant improvement in mental wellbeing, including in those with very...

This is Why Today’s Young Men Feel So Lonely

In this piece forĀ The Times, Josh Glancy reflects on the difficulty that many men experience in forming meaningful friendships, finding community, and building emotional...

The Town That’s Found a Potent Cure for Illness ā€“ Community

FromĀ The Guardian: In 2013, general practitioner Helen Kingston launched the Compassionate Frome Project, which provides the town's patients with social services and community support...

Physical Activity Predicts Fewer Symptoms of Depression in Children

An article published in Pediatrics is the first to examine the relationship between physical activity and depression in middle childhood (years 6 to 10) longitudinally.

Awe is the Everyperson’s Spiritual Experience

FromĀ Science of Us:Ā Researchers have found that awe and other Self-Transcendent Experiences have positive consequences for people's mental and emotional health, including enhanced interconnectedness and...

How a True-Crime Podcast is a Mental-Health Support Group

FromĀ The Atlantic: A true-crime podcast has played an important role in improving some listeners' mental health and sense of community. "Thereā€™s a deeper connection, however,...

INTAR India 2016: Community Development and Human Liberation

We are here to challenge how this thing called madness and mental health is in fact a reflection and a relationship, to redefine how society responds, and to insist that in the definition of madness we also see a reflection of the society looking at it.

Videos from the 2014 ā€œTransforming Mad Science and Re-Imagining Mental Health...

The joint ISEPP/UCLA conference was held in Los Angeles on November 14-16, 2014. Today, ISEPP and the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs are delighted to bring you videos of 13 of the 15 invited plenary talks. Each video is accompanied by a crisply written interview with the speaker, focusing on the goals of their work, challenges facing their profession, and how they evaluate any salient changes in mental health practice and research. These smartly produced and edited videos range from 20 to 30 minutes in length and are freely available on www.TransformingMadScience.com

We Shall Overcome: Remembering Pete Seeger

A great American passed away the other day. Ordinarily, I never indulge in such chauvinism, but how else can you describe Pete Seeger? Who else has contributed as much to the countryā€™s emotional and spiritual well-being?

Madness and Play: Exploring the Boundary

When children do things like recoil in fear from monsters and ghosts in their darkened bedroom at night, itā€™s easy to see the ā€œout of touch with realityā€ aspect of their experience as being closely related to the faculty that gives them their ability to play ā€“ their imagination. We help children through such challenging experiences by being with them, and by playing together, doing things like creating scary images together and then figuring out how to cope with them or laugh at them. In the process we help them explore how to create a world view that works to at least some extent and has room for joy and originality - when their imagination helps them (and maybe others) see the world in new ways.

We Are The Ones

My public writing has brought my mother and I closer together than weā€™ve been in decades. There have been disagreements. But now, my almost ninety-year-old mother tells me she reads everything I write. She recently told me that sheā€™s glad I see things so clearly.

Launching the Beyond ‘Anatomy’ Forum

When I first read Anatomy of an Epidemic in 2010, something inside of me ignited.Ā  I had no idea that such a sensation was...

Community Dialogues for Recovery and Wellness

The National Empowerment Center is promoting a new initiative called "Community Dialogues for Recovery and Wellness." These dialogues are designed to bring together people...