Tag: paranoia
‘Delusions’ and ‘Paranoia’: What Are They, Really, and How Can We...
Sam Ruck shares a second excerpt from his book "Healing Companions," which describes his life with, and love for, his wife and her “alters.”
Understanding Psychological Disorders: My Personal and Professional Journey
A conflict in my personal life made it possible for me to imagine the power of emotional trauma to trigger a mental health disorder—and gave me new insights about what can help heal it.
Rachel Jane Liebert: Decolonizing Early Psychosis
Do early psychosis programs serve healing – or function as surveillance and control? Are treatments for paranoia actually themselves forms of paranoia, based on scientific racism and white supremacy?
Experiences of Bullying May Explain “Paranoia” in Sexual Minorities
Bullying leads to a feeling that people plan to harm you, which can be misconstrued as “paranoia” and considered a “psychotic symptom.”
The Paranoid Fantasy at the Heart of “It”
From Pacific Standard: It, the first feature-film adaptation of a 1986 horror novel by Stephen King, has broken box office records for the horror genre, making...
New Data on the Adverse Effects of Meditation and Mindfulness
Study reports on the less-examined findings of difficult and painful meditation-related experiences.
“The Lizard Inside”
For aeon, Roberta Payne, a professor of literature and the author of Speaking to My Madness: How I Searched for Myself in Schizophrenia, writes...
Conspiracy Theories Fill a Need
While some people find their lives ruined by belief in imagined conspiracies that affect them personally - they may isolate from, or even attack, friends and family, and get diagnosed with psychosis - many other people believe in conspiracies on the basis of little evidence, yet have prominent places in society or even bodies like the US Senate. Yet it seems clear to me that the same dynamics are often involved in both.