Tag: positive psychology

The Medicalization of Women’s Suffering: An Interview with Dana Becker

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Dana Becker about how therapeutic culture fails to adequately address women’s suffering.

“Never Look on the Dark Side”: The Science of Positivity from...

The "science" of happiness has always been inextricably linked to eugenics. Modern positive psychology, with its focus on genetics and willpower, is no different.

How Does Mindfulness Work?

A new study explores how mindfulness impacts self-compassion and meaning in life to increase mental health and wellbeing.

How Learning New Words Could Make You Happier

From TIME: Learning new words to describe different types of happiness, well-being, and joy can increase our ability to connect with and feel those emotions....

Why (And How) Do We Long for Utopia?

From Psychology Today: A new wave of positive psychology scholarship emphasizes the dialectal nature of wellbeing, arguing that well-being does not only comprise happy or...

How Many Ways Can We Measure Well-Being?

In this piece for Psychology Today, Dr. Todd Kashdan critiques a new model of assessing well-being designed by positive psychologist Martin Seligman. Although the new...

More to Happiness Than Feeling Good, Study Finds

Cross-cultural data suggest that happiness involves feeling the emotions one deems as right, in accordance with personal and cultural values.

“The Tyranny of Positivity: A Harvard Psychologist Details Our Unhealthy Obsession...

In a video for Big Think psychologist Susan David discusses the “tyranny of positivity.” “Happiness has become an expectation, but David notes that we...

“America is Obsessed with Happiness — and it’s Making Us Miserable”

“But the more conversations I have about happiness, and the more I absorb the idea that there’s a glittering happy ever after out there...

Helpful and Hopeful Thoughts

The basic idea behind successful psychotherapy is that our thoughts create our feelings. And, luckily, our thoughts are changeable. I have personally experienced how liberating only one thought can be to a complex problem. That's why I would precent some of the thoughts that I have found most useful personally, and in therapy with patients, over 25 years.

“Why You Shouldn’t Want to Always Be Happy”

For The Conversation, psychologist Frank McAndrew pushes back against the tide of think-pieces and self-help books aimed at improving individuals’ happiness. “Recognizing that happiness...

In Praise of Patience as a Prescription for Trauma

For Aeon, Samira Thomas writes that while resilience is attracting a lot of attention from psychology, patience in an underexplored and undervalued virtue in...

“Why So Many Smart People Aren’t Happy”

The Atlantic interviews Raj Raghunathan about his new book, If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy? “If you were to go back to the...

“Wisdom Influenced by Heart Rate Variability”

"Our research shows that wise reasoning is not exclusively a function of the mind and cognitive ability. We found that people who have greater...

“The Psychologists Take Power”

Tamsin Shaw, writing in the New York Review of Books, summarizes the most recent trends in psychology and moral judgement. From Skinner’s behaviorism to...

“Purpose in Life Impedes Impulsivity”

“Another good reason to make 2016 the year you follow your bliss.” For the Pacific Standard, Tom Jacobs scours the psychological literature on the connection between our sense of meaning in life and our behaviors. He finds that “people possessing a sense of purpose are more likely to make choices that pay off in the long run, and less likely to get sidetracked by the need for short-term gratification.”

“The Wisdom of the Aged”

A New York Times piece by John Leland asks “Do you know what you want to do when you get old?” as it follows six New Yorkers over age 85 throughout the year. For them, “old age is a mixture of happiness and sadness, with less time wasted on anger and worry.”