Tag: power

Treatment Providers Have the Power to Make or Break Recovery

We need treatment providers that listen to their patients and treat them like human beings. Their job is to support our recovery, not stymie it.

No, Jill Biden Should Not Be Called “Doctor”… But Only Because...

Jill deserves all the defense she is receiving. However, this rush to defend Jill’s honorific usage is missing a much bigger and far more pervasive point: NO ONE should be called “Dr. Last-name.”

Social Adversity, Mental Distress, and the Theatre of the Oppressed

The theatre of the oppressed directly challenges societal problems of oppression. Here the involved learn much from the enactment—concrete possible solutions and possible practices of resistance.

Power Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

I wonder how this system would be changed if, tomorrow, every provider (past and present) woke up and made it their mission to find someone who’s been through their services in one way or another, and told them they were genuinely sorry for something specific that had happened during that time.

The Power Threat Meaning Framework One Year On

The team that developed the Power Threat Meaning framework as a diagnostic alternative reflects on the response to the framework after one year.

Anti-Stigma Campaigns Enable Inequality, Sociologists Argue

Scholars contend that stigma functions as a mechanism of power in analysis of UK Heads Together mental health campaign.

The Other Foucault

From The Nation: In two new books, Foucault: The Birth of Power and Foucault's Last Decade, Stuart Elden investigates some of the unexplored aspects of Michel Foucault's...

Can Therapists Really Share Their Power?

From Psychology Today: It has become increasingly trendy for therapists to talk about sharing their power or even giving away their power to clients. However,...

Power Causes Brain Damage

From The Atlantic: New research suggests that power may impair neural processes involved in feeling empathy and understanding others' perspectives. Recalling experiences of powerlessness can help...

The Power Thinker

In this essay for Aeon, Kolin Coopman explores the impact and legacy of Michel Foucault. "It was a bio-power wielded by psychiatrists and doctors that,...