Tag: Social determinants of health

The Connection Cure: An Interview with Julia Hotz

Julia Hotz is a solutions-focused journalist based in New York City. She is the author of the forthcoming book, The Connection Cure: The Prescriptive...

Addressing the Social Determinants of Mental Health—or Perhaps Not

An article by the APA president merely pays lip service to the psychosocial causes of mental health problems.

Social Determinants of Health and the Continued Individualization of Suffering

We need to stop believing that suffering people are genetically inferior or “diseased.” You, as sufferer, are not alone in having social determinants of health. They are universal. They are systemic. And they are not solvable or “addressable” at the individual level. The only way to alleviate negative social determinants of health is to create a more equitable, inclusive, and just society.

Bringing Structural Competency to Global Mental Health

Structural competency is put forth as a framework that addresses social and structural determinants in global mental health.

Researchers Recommend Diagnosing Social Adversity Rather than Individual Disorders

Already-existing ICD codes provide a diagnostic alternative to biomedical models of health by contextualizing suffering within psychosocial conditions, yet these codes are underutilized.

To Fight Burnout, Organize

From The New England Journal of Medicine: "The social determinants of health — and physicians’ sense of powerlessness in the face of them — seem...

Knowing Patient’s Story Improves Odds of Happy Ending

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has released a toolkit that will help physicians identify and respond to key social determinants impacting their...

Researchers Present Structural Competency Training Model for Psychiatrists

Researchers argue that a structural competency and social determinants of health approach must be made central to psychiatry training.

The Paradox of White Americans’ Mental Health

Are White Americans’ poor mental health outcomes caused by Whiteness?