On June 22, 2021, Vivian Pender, MD, then the newly elected President of the APA, published an article on Psychiatric News titled Addressing Social Determinants of Mental Health. Psychiatric News is the APA’s own online journal.
Here are the first two paragraphs:
“According to the World Health Organization, ‘A person’s mental health and many common mental disorders are shaped by various social, economic, and physical environments operating at different stages of life. Risk factors for many common mental disorders are heavily associated with social inequalities, whereby the greater the inequality, the higher the inequality in risk.’ In other words, people don’t necessarily start with the same opportunities or resources (inequity), and social factors further divide us. This suggests that our psychiatric patients suffer from biopsychosocial determinants that could have been prevented in the first place.”
“As psychiatrists, we know how to treat mental illness as it presents in an individual. But in addition to treating the illness, we need to be more aware of the broader context in which that illness occurred and how that context has shaped the health outcome. This awareness is broadly referred to as the social determinants of health, and for us, the social determinants of mental health.”
All of which sounds very advanced and promising, but let’s take a closer look.
First and foremost, notice the medical terminology: “mental disorders”; “mental illness”; “treating the illness”; etc. But if in fact, as Dr. Pender asserts, “psychiatric patients suffer from biopsychosocial determinants”, such as social inequalities, it makes a great deal more sense to conceptualize these so-called illnesses as understandable reactions to adverse events, and to stop “treating” them with dangerous drugs and shocks. Dr. Pender affords no consideration to this aspect of the matter. In fact, the spurious med-speak continues throughout the article.
As can be seen above, Dr. Pender opens with a quote from WHO, but it is clear from subsequent text that she herself endorses the content and sentiments expressed. The essential content of the quote is that people’s mental health and their mental “illnesses” are shaped by various social, economic, and physical environments.
But in the platitudinous verbiage, the crucial point is lost. The crucial point of this entire matter is that most of psychiatry’s so-called mental disorders are caused by social, economic, and physical environments, the exceptions being those conditions which are caused directly by damage or incorrect development of the individual’s thinking or feeling apparatus (e.g., dementia due to brain damage, etc.)
But Dr. Pender uses the word shaped instead of caused. My New World dictionary defines the transitive verb shape as: “to give definite shape to; make, as by cutting or molding material;” etc. The same dictionary defines the transitive verb cause as: “to be the cause of; bring about; make happen; effect; induce; produce; compel;” etc.
In other words, to cause something is to make it happen, to bring it about. To shape something is to fine tune its presentation, outer features, etc. Obviously cause is the more fundamental concept, while shape refers to the outer appearance.
So although it seems that Dr. Pender has written something very fundamental about the genesis of what psychiatrists call mental illnesses, this is actually not the case. What she has actually done in these opening remarks is evade the issue.
Then she appears to vacillate:
“This suggests that our psychiatric patients suffer from biopsychosocial determinants that could have been prevented in the first place.”
Firstly, notice that the prefix “bio” has been introduced. Secondly, the notion that psychiatric “patients” suffer from biopsychosocial determinants implies that these biopsychosocial determinants are the true causes of the “mental illnesses”; they are what psychiatric “patients” suffer from.
But almost immediately Dr. Pender retreats from this position:
“As psychiatrists, we know how to treat mental illness as it presents in an individual. But in addition to treating the illness, we need to be more aware of the broader context in which that illness occurred and how that context has shaped the health outcome. This awareness is broadly referred to as the social determinants of health, and for us, the social determinants of mental health.”
So the biopsychosocial determinants, which she had earlier conceded were the cause of her “patients'” suffering, have now been relegated to the “broader context” in which the “mental illness” occurred. Dr. Pender encourages her colleagues to become “more aware” of these broader contexts, and then seems to assert that such awareness actually constitutes the social determinants of mental health. In other words, if the psychiatrist isn’t aware of these social determinants, then they don’t exist.
I think we can attribute this latter assertion to careless drafting, but the vacillations inherent in Dr. Pender’s opening paragraphs make it difficult to follow her line of reasoning.
Dr. Pender then presents us with a brief vignette concerning a young woman who consulted Dr. Pender for problems with anxiety.
“A review of her symptoms did not reveal the cause of her anxiety. I prescribed anti-anxiety medication, and we agreed to schedule another appointment.”
This assertion from Dr. Pender needs to be compared with her earlier, somewhat fatuous statement that “As psychiatrists, we know how to treat mental illness as it presents in the individual.” She now acknowledges that she prescribed an anti-anxiety drug before she had even ascertained the cause of the young woman’s anxiety. This, of course, has been standard practice in psychiatry for decades. It is the doctrine of cause neutrality, which states that it doesn’t matter why the individual might report distressing “symptoms”. All that’s needed for a “diagnosis” is that he or she endorses the requisite (though arbitrary) number of “symptoms” from the DSM checklist. And voila! just like that we have a “genuine” medical illness that psychiatrists know how to treat – eat these pills and come back next month, or in six months, or a year.
The case vignette ends with this:
“Her risk factors were clear, but year after year, they remained unidentified and/or unaddressed. It was striking to think that if any one of the social determinants in her history had been altered, her life trajectory might have followed another path.”
The young woman in the case study had been trafficked for sex in her teens, and although the case study is very truncated, Dr. Pender’s perspectives and biases are clearly evident in the above quote:
“Her risk factors were clear, but year after year, they remained unidentified and/or unaddressed.”
But the young woman must have identified at least some of these risk factors, because she managed to communicate them to Dr. Pender. When Dr. Pender asserts that the woman’s risk factors remained unidentified, she clearly means: unidentified by a psychiatrist. The client’s perspective clearly warrants no consideration. It is the perceptions and biases of the psychiatrist that define reality for the hapless “patients”.
But more importantly:
“It was striking to think that if any one of the social determinants in her history had been altered, her life trajectory might have followed another path.”
How in the world can Dr. Pender describe such an obvious banality as “striking”? If, as a newborn, I had been switched at the hospital, I might have become a renowned politician, a petty criminal, a rodeo clown, a pimp, or even – dare I say it – a psychiatrist! The fact that Dr. Pender finds such considerations striking speaks volumes on the naïveté of psychiatrists in matters pertaining to human development. And Dr. Pender is no ordinary psychiatrist. She is the President of the APA, and her list of awards and achievements is, as they say, as long as one’s arm. Her bio is posted on psychiatry.org.
Dr. Pender tells us that she has created an APA task force that will build on previous presidential initiatives that are “encompassed by the social determinants” of mental health. This approach, she informs us, “says that differential health outcomes can be explained, in part, by reference to the places a person lives,…works, and plays.”
But, lest we get carried away with zeal and enthusiasm, Dr. Pender continues:
” It is not a replacement for medical care…”
What a relief! So people who have been trafficked for sex in their teens can still count on psychiatry for a steady supply of anti-anxiety drugs and other pharma products, with all their potential adverse effects, including addiction, disempowerment, reduced impulse control, and suicide.
“…instead, we need to be aware of these other factors to inform the care we provide.”
Note the assumption: that psychiatrists generally are unaware (or at least not sufficiently aware) of the effect that personal histories have on current performance, and a task force is needed to remedy this cognitive deficit.
And then, my dear and patient readers, we come to the core of destructiveness, disempowerment, and arrogance that has become a permanent fixture within the intellectually hollow halls of psychiatry.
“If we take this approach [becoming more aware of the social determinants of mental health] and apply it to mental health, it can lead to earlier intervention in communities, possibly before psychiatric symptoms begin.” [Emphasis added]
So, psychiatrists, their native arrogance and chronic group-think augmented by the wisdom imparted by Dr. Pender’s task force, will be able to intervene in communities even before any such need has been identified. The justification for such interventions would be risk factors. Dr. Pender provides a lengthy list of potential risk factors, which include: racism; adverse childhood experiences; discrimination; social exclusion based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, mental illness; health care inequity; exposure to violence and exposure to the criminal justice system; economic factors related to resources, lack of education, employment insecurity, neighborhood poverty; poor housing; pollution of the air, water, and ground; and climate change.
And, of course, intervention in this context will almost always include pills and/or high-voltage electric shocks applied to the brain, because that’s pretty much all that psychiatry has to offer.
So there we have it: psychiatric treatment for all. For who is there among us who has never encountered at least one of these risk factors during childhood? And are the rolls of history not replete with the names of men and women who achieved greatness precisely by rising above these risk factors through their own efforts? But within Dr. Pender’s great vision, such considerations count for nothing. What’s needed is more psychiatry, more disempowerment, more involuntary “treatment” (it’s for your own good), and more drugs and, of course, more shocks. And all of these great psychiatric benefits will be showered down on all of us from the gracious, overflowing benevolence of psychiatrists – whether we need them or not. How fortunate we are to live in such an enlightened age, when a “helping profession” such as psychiatry, steered and coached by one of the best PR institutions in the world, can co-opt the principles and aspirations of liberalism for the enlightened purpose of increasing their own business and prestige. What a noble and selfless profession!
Once the task force has identified the risk factors, psychiatrists “will focus on educational programs, training protocols, and policy guidance for academic institutions and [for] government agencies.”
So the task force will generate training programs, presumably for psychiatrists, and policy guidance for colleges and government agencies. And to make sure that all psychiatrists realize the importance of these matters, the theme of the 2022 APA conference in May will be “Sociopolitical Determinants: Practice, Policy and Implementation”, based on the social determinants of mental health. And what kind of policy guidance, I find myself wondering, would an APA task force have for government agencies?
Dr. Pender returns to her “severely anxious patient”:
“If she hadn’t been neglected and sexually abused in childhood, if her parents had been treated for substance use disorder, if her parents hadn’t been incarcerated for their substance use, if she hadn’t been arrested for prostitution, and if her community had offered more resources to her family and her school, such interventions surely would have made a difference and possibly reduced or prevented her psychiatric symptoms.” [Emphasis added]
And now, thanks to Dr. Pender’s timely psychiatric intervention, the client in question may well have another problem: addiction to anti-anxiety drugs.
Dr. Pender continues:
“I encourage you to think big—to re-think traditional theories, diagnoses, and treatments and think more globally about each patient, not just in the present, but in their past by taking into account their community and social determinants of mental health so that as an organization, we can have an impact on improving the mental health of Americans who have too long been the victims of forces beyond their control.”
So Dr. Pender is encouraging psychiatrists to re-think “traditional theories, diagnoses, and treatments.” This is interesting, because the most deeply-rooted traditional theory in modern psychiatry is that virtually all significant problems of thinking, feeling and/or behaving are the direct result of brain illnesses that need to be treated with psychotropic drugs and/or intra-cranial electric shocks. Does Dr. Pender seriously imagine that she can overturn this Leviathan by convening a task force of the very individuals who have created and continue to maintain this travesty in their “diagnostic manual” and day-to-day work? How often have non-psychiatrist mental health workers who have labored for years to promote a recognition of the bigger picture been arrogantly rebuffed by a psychiatrist’s pronouncement that “we have to treat the depression first”? In other words – first we get the individual started on pills, which is, incidentally, exactly what Dr. Pender – by her own report – did in the case study that she outlined earlier.
Dr. Pender encourages her colleagues to “think more globally about each patient…so that as an organization, we can have an impact on improving the mental health of Americans…”
And how, I wonder, will psychiatrists fit all this global thinking into their busy 15-minute med check schedules? Psychiatrists get paid for seeing people whom they fallaciously and condescendingly describe as “patients”. And this is not a state of affairs that’s been foisted on psychiatrists. Rather, it is the culmination of decades of sustained, calculated effort to establish themselves as real doctors, with prescription pads to prove it. And from a pool of about 30,000 US psychiatrists, dissenting voices have seldom exceeded more than a few dozen. If they start diverting significant numbers of these “patients” to “think tanks”, instead of just prescribing pills – they will quickly find themselves out of work, unless, of course, they can find gainful employment developing “educational programs, training protocols and policy guidance for academic institutions and [for] government agencies.”
And even as I write these words, I find myself wondering if Dr. Pender has indeed seen the writing on the wall: that psychiatric ‘pharmacotherapy” has had its day and that psychiatry needs to re-invent itself as consultants to colleges and government agencies: something similar to Dr. Lieberman’s 2013-2014 vision but a great deal more far-reaching. Or maybe not. I find it difficult to decipher Dr. Pender’s writing.
Dr. Pender ends her article with the notion that if psychiatrists embrace the framework that she has set out:
“…we can have an impact on improving the mental health of Americans who have too long been the victims of forces beyond their control.”
So psychiatrists are to create a task force which will ‘think big” about the psychosocial determinants of mental health and mental illness, and because of this “big thinking” on the part of psychiatrists, American psychiatric “patients” will be freed from the “forces” that for too long have been beyond their control.
And remember, because these individuals are “patients”, they can still depend on the numbing and addictive effects of psychiatric drugs to get them through in a pinch. After all, psychiatrists know how to treat mental illness.
Exhortations to psychiatrists to consider wider ramifications rather than focusing merely on the assigned “diagnosis” have been around since at least the publication of DSM-III (1980). Axis IV in that manual provided “…a coding of the overall severity of a stressor judged to have been a significant contributor to the development or exacerbation of a current disorder”. (p 26). Under the heading “Types of psychosocial stressors to be considered” the following passage can be found:
“To ascertain etiologically significant psychosocial stressors, the following areas may be considered: [Note the word “may”, implying clearly that consideration of these factors is not mandatory in the assigning of a “diagnosis”.]
Conjugal (marital and nonmarital): e.g., engagement, marriage, discord, separation, death of spouse.
Parenting: e.g., becoming a parent, friction with child, illness of child.
Other interpersonal: problems with one’s friends, neighbors, associates, or nonconjugal family members, e.g., illness of best friend, discordant relationship with boss.
Occupational: includes work, school, homemaker, e.g., unemployment, retirement, school problems.
Living circumstances: e.g., change in residence, threat to personal safety, immigration.
Financial: e.g., inadequate finances, change in financial status.
Legal: e.g., arrested, jailed, lawsuit or trial.
Developmental: phases of the life cycle, e.g., puberty, transition to adult status, menopause, ‘becoming 50.’
Physical illness or injury: e.g., illness, accident, surgery, abortion. (Note: A physical disorder is listed on Axis III whenever it is related to the development or management of an Axis I or II disorder. A physical disorder can also be a psychosocial stressor if its impact is due to its meaning to the individual, in which case it would be listed on both Axis III and Axis IV.)
Other psychosocial stressors: e.g., natural or manmade disaster, persecution, unwanted pregnancy, out-of-wedlock birth, rape.
Family factors (children and adolescents): In addition to the above, for children and adolescents the following stressors may be considered: cold or distant relationship between parents; overtly hostile relationship between parents; physical or mental disturbance in family members; cold or distant parental behavior toward child; overtly hostile parental behavior toward child; parental intrusiveness; inconsistent parental control; insufficient parental control; insufficient social or cognitive stimulation; anomalous family situation, e.g., single parent, foster family; institutional rearing; loss of nuclear family members.” (p 27-28)
Similar lists can be found in DSM-III-R (1987); DSM-IV (1994); and DSM-IV-TR (2000).
DSM-5 (2013) eliminated Axis IV from the “diagnostic” procedure and substituted a wide range of V and Z coded “conditions”. The manual states that:
“The conditions and problems listed in this chapter are not mental disorders. Their inclusion in DSM-5 is meant to draw attention to the scope of additional issues that may be encountered in routine clinical practice and to provide a systematic listing that may be useful to clinicians in documenting these issues.” (p 715) [Note, again, the use of the word may – “may be useful”, implying clearly that consideration of these issues is not a necessary part of a “diagnosis”.]
So from at least DSM-III (1980) to DSM-5 (2013), and through to the present day, the APA has consistently suggested that its members not focus solely on assigning a “diagnosis”, but rather to incorporate a wide range of etiologically significant psychosocial information into their assessments, whilst at the same time, and in the self-same volumes, making it abundantly clear that the reasons for or causes of the “disorders” were of no great significance. All that mattered was the “symptom” checklist and endorsement of the requisite number of items to confirm the “diagnosis”. Not surprisingly, the impact of the Axis IV and V and Z code suggestions has been approximately zero.
The 30-minute assessment followed by regular 15 minute med checks still constitute the primary, and in most cases, only, components of psychiatric “treatment”. And within this framework, there simply isn’t time to even scratch the surface of the older Axis IV items or the newer V and Z codes.
In March 2017, William Torrey, MD, a professor of psychiatry at Dartmouth, et al., published a piece on Psychiatry Online. The article was titled Beyond “Med Management” Here is a quote:
“Today, many outpatient psychiatric care providers are employed to provide ‘medication management’ in brief 15- to 20-minute visits. In qualitative interviews, patients and psychiatric care providers alike expressed that psychiatric care has been narrowed to the act of prescribing medications. Indeed, this is reflected in the terminology respondents used for standard psychiatric care: ‘med management,’ ‘med clinics,’ and ‘psychopharmacology clinics.’ During typical visits, many psychiatric care providers reported that they focus their efforts on assessing symptoms, the impact of medications on symptoms, and side effects of medications: ‘My goal is to make them symptom free.’ Some psychiatric care providers clearly distinguished their medication-focused work from psychotherapeutic work, which was viewed as the province of other clinicians. A psychiatrist described challenges that ensue when patients are not oriented to this difference:
Oftentimes, patients don’t understand what the difference is between a medication check and a therapy visit. . . . Sometimes it’s very hard for them to distinguish, ‘Are we talking about what’s going on with my life, or are we only talking about medication?’ Sometimes I feel like they leave with a sense that they have not been heard because I’ve had to refocus them back to, ‘We need to talk about medications.'”
Actually they haven’t been heard. The purpose of a med check is to train the “patient” to comply with the prescription, and not think too hard about the issues. Listening to the primary concerns of the “patient” has no importance for the med check psychiatrist, and can simply be dispensed with.
“Although many psychiatric care providers recognized the limitations of not engaging more fully with contextual aspects of patients’ lives, serious time constraints coupled with productivity pressures have made well-intentioned psychiatric care providers reluctant to ask more in-depth questions.”
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Here’s another quote, this one from Dave Davies’ NPR interview with Daniel Carlat, MD, July 2010. Dr. Carlat is a psychiatrist on the faculty at Tufts Medical School.
“And then once we have a diagnosis, I match those symptoms up with a medication. So modern psychiatry is really a conversation, a series of symptoms and then a matching process of medication to these symptoms.”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And here’s a quote from Successfully navigating the 15-minute ‘med check’ by Douglas Mossman, MD, which appeared in Current Psychiatry in June 2010.
“Even psychiatrists who deplore 15-minute med checks recognize that they have become standard care in psychiatry.” (p 40)
Dr. Mossman is deceased (2018), but at the time of this article, he was professor of psychiatry, and Program Director, Forensic Psychiatry at University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
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So how in the world can Dr. Pender imagine that her Task Force will succeed, where successive revisions of the APA’s own “diagnostic” manual have failed so dismally over a period of more than three decades?
In March 2011, the renowned journalist Gardiner Harris published a piece in the NY Times. The title was “Talk Doesn’t Pay, So Psychiatry Turns Instead to Drug Therapy”. The article consisted of a fairly in-depth interview with psychiatrist Donald Levin, MD, who had stopped seeing clients for therapy, and was confining his practice to brief med checks. Here are some interesting quotes:
“…Dr. Levin, in large part because of changes in how much insurance will pay, no longer provides talk therapy…”
“Instead, he prescribes medication, usually after a brief consultation with each patient.”
“Now, like many of his peers, he treats 1,200 people in mostly 15-minute visits for prescription adjustments that are sometimes months apart. Then, he knew his patients’ inner lives better than he knew his wife’s; now, he often cannot remember their names. Then, his goal was to help his patients become happy and fulfilled; now, it is just to keep them functional.”
“‘I’m good at it,’ Dr. Levin went on, ‘but there’s not a lot to master in medications.'”
There it is. Dr. Levin has stated psychiatry’s dirty little secret out loud. “There’s not a lot to master in medication.” [Emphasis added]
“Insurance company reimbursement rates and policies that discourage talk therapy are part of the reason. A psychiatrist can earn $150 for three 15-minute medication visits compared with $90 for a 45-minute talk therapy session.”
“Of course, there are thousands of psychiatrists who still offer talk therapy to all their patients, but they care mostly for the worried wealthy who pay in cash. In New York City, for instance, a select group of psychiatrists charge $600 or more per hour to treat investment bankers, and top child psychiatrists charge $2,000 and more for initial evaluations.”
“He [Dr. Levin] could have accepted less money and could have provided time to patients even when insurers did not pay, but, he said, ‘I want to retire with the lifestyle that my wife and I have been living for the last 40 years.'”
“‘And people want to tell me about what’s going on in their lives as far as stress,’ Dr. Levin said, ‘and I’m forced to keep saying: ‘I’m not your therapist. I’m not here to help you figure out how to get along with your boss, what you do that’s self-defeating, and what alternative choices you have.'”
“And years ago, he often saw patients 10 or more times before arriving at a diagnosis. Now, he makes that decision in the first 45-minute visit. ‘You have to have a diagnosis to get paid,’ he said with a shrug. ‘I play the game.'”
“‘The sad thing is that I’m very important to them, but I barely know them,’ he said. ‘I feel shame about that, but that’s probably because I was trained in a different era.'”
Another one of psychiatry’s dirty little secrets? “I’m very important to them.” And by Dr. Levin’s own account, this is not because he takes an interest in their lives and problems. The whole point of the interview is that he doesn’t. He’s important to them because they have become psychologically or physically dependent on the drugs and he is their supplier.
Accounts similar to Dr. Levin’s, though not usually as candid, can be found on a wide range of psychiatric forums and websites. For instance:
Why psychiatrists don’t take insurance
Psychiatry’s Med Check: Is 15 Minutes Enough?
Talk is cheap: How insurance changed the face of psychiatry
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The bottom line is that psychiatrists en masse switched from therapy to med checks because it pays better, and because they were willing to turn blind eyes to the obvious similarity between their work and more conventional forms of drug pushing. They were also willing to ignore the long trail of casualties in their wake.
Dr. Levin admits to a measure of shame about how he runs his practice, and it needs to be acknowledged that his feelings are right on the mark. What psychiatrists are doing is shameful. It’s a massive hoax, carefully sculpted and promoted. It’s become an integral part of psychiatrists’ reimbursement system, which is why it’s so deeply rooted and resistant to change.
The history of the change from therapy to med checks is interesting. Here’s a quote from The Carlat Psychiatry Blog, from March 2011. The post is titled Dr. Levin, Modern Psychiatrist–Unfulfilled, Bored–But Wealthy
“To the modern eye it seems absurd that intelligent people could believe that you had to go to medical school to do psychotherapy, but the potential for loss of income often confuses the mind. From the 1950s until the 1980s, the APA continuously lobbied state legislatures to prevent independent credentialing for non-MD therapists, but they eventually lost in every state.
Ironically, many within the APA were eventually happy to off-load their therapy tasks to psychologists and social workers, because a plethora of psychotropic drugs were introduced in the 1980s and 1990s. Psychiatrists no longer needed to do therapy to make good money. But this forced a decision point for many psychiatrists, like Dr. Levin, who loved doing psychotherapy. Would they continue to do psychotherapy–thereby diminishing their incomes–or would they become psychopharmacologists, lucratively churning through patients in 15 minute increments?”
But Dr. Levin acknowledges a sense of shame about the way he makes his living. The question comes to mind: is this a common feeling among psychiatrists? They certainly have a lot to feel ashamed of.
I don’t think that Dr. Pender’s task force has a remote chance of making even a dent in this system. The task force will produce a paper which will be nicely bound, with pictures of brain scans and other irrelevancies. The paper will be widely circulated, and everyone will say how wonderful it is.
But when the dust settles, the status quo will still prevail, and the med check will continue to hold dominion over all.
Med checks are not only ineffective but an expression of psychiatric arrogance – we can change you with pills! All you have to do is eat them, and everything will be all right.
Except, of course, for the things that won’t.
I would like to come back to your article. The title creates 3 questions that you and Mad In America might help with:
1. Please elaborate on the pace by which the the “social determinants” are created uniformly? Along with the social indeterminates in the process of an individual and then the fealty of the individual to an organization such as the APA? (Did Bandy Lee just explain this regarding Dershowitz and the Yale School of Psychiatry? I was getting a bit lost when or if she quit practicing, but something did not sit well with her as she discovered the pharma industry was pushing too many pills).
2. Can an understanding for the long term and short term capital gains be understood by the customer of mental health services? (How to learn this and what it means to oneself and the practitioners and corporate revenue statements of for and non-profits might shake loose a new currency).
3. How were you able to discern the organizational mind of the APA being or becoming driven more by the financial gain to the detriment of better research? (If the thinking is recorded in the By-laws and minutes, then where or when does the legal drive the process and in whose scales of justice are the attorney’s working?)
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Phil, I always get so excited to see a new post from you! Nobody critiques psychiatry’s biomedical model better. Have you ever considered compiling your blog posts into a book? It would be a wonderful contribution to the world.
As always, you’ve hit the nail on the head with this post. Psychiatry requires the biomedical model for its legitimacy as a branch of medicine. It HAS to be true even if it is clearly not. Thus, social determinants “shape” rather than “cause” mental illness. They are “risk factors.” If psychiatry admits they are “causes,” the jig is up. If psychiatry were to admit that psychological problems are understandable reactions to social causes (and perhaps unhelpful psychological reactions to them), this would mean that they are not biologically-based illnesses located within the individual. And if this is true, the core conceptual foundation of psychiatry crumbles and the field has no reason to exist. After all, why would medically-trained doctors be needed to help people with problems in living caused by things that have happened in their lives? If you want to live life better and be happier and more fulfilled, why would you see an auto mechanic, or an accountant, or a medical doctor, as opposed to a counselor, psychologist, personal trainer, or life coach, or better connect with friends and family?
It is an existential threat to the profession for psychiatrists to acknowledge their biomedical model is wrong, and the few psychiatrists (mostly after retirement age) who have spoken this truth have been swiftly blackballed from the profession. But psychiatrists like recent APA president Vivian Pender have learned there are political advantages to appearing enlightened by pretending to take social determinants seriously. This makes it superficially appear that psychiatry is grounded in reality by acknowledging that psychological problems can be caused by bad things that happen to us. But upon closer inspection, this is smoke and mirrors, as you have brilliantly revealed. What Pender is really saying is this: social determinants are risk factors for biologically-based mental illnesses that must be treated with psychiatric drugs and brain shocks/magnets, perhaps even earlier and more aggressively in the service of “prevention.”
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. Thank you, Phil, for telling us about the shade of psychiatry’s lipstick. Nobody does it better. Please do keep writing.
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Phil, I couldn’t resist checking Mayoclinic.org’s website to re-test the basic thesis of your post. Here is the depression page: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/symptoms-causes/syc-20356007.
The “causes” of depression include:
-biological differences
-brain chemistry
-inherited traits
“Risk factors” for depression include:
-Certain personality traits
-Traumatic or stressful events
-Family history
-Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, or having variations in the development of genital organs that aren’t clearly male or female (intersex) in an unsupportive situation”
-Other mental disorders
-Abuse of alcohol or recreational drugs
-Serious or chronic illness, including cancer, stroke, chronic pain or heart disease
-Certain medications, such as some high blood pressure medications or sleeping pills
Bingo. The actual causes of depression are designated as risk factors. And what are listed as causes are highly speculative, scientifically unsupported, and to the extent they are even remotely valid, best understood as risk factors.
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I have written an article on “Social Psychiatric Disorders” in the April 2021 Capital Psychiatry, the E-Magazine of the Washington Psychiatric Society.
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Thanks for the reference.
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{The “causes” of depression include:
-biological differences
-brain chemistry
-inherited traits}
These issues can be addressed through medication.
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Good catch. Many of the better-known facilities are purging this kind of nonsense from their sites. But Mayo doesn’t seem to have gotten the message yet.
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The “causes” of depression include:
-biological differences
-brain chemistry
-inherited traits
Each of those is a biological issue.
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Can you please provide citations demonstrating convincingly that, say, “Brain chemistry” or “biological differences” are “causes” of depression? I am very familiar with the research in this area, and am aware of no consistent biological difference that characterizes depression or accounts for more than a tiny fraction of cases of “depression,” even in the most optimistic interpretation. In fact, luminaries such as Dr. Ronald Pies and Thomas Insel have assured us that psychiatry never took the “chemical imbalance” theory seriously, and that it was, in fact, drug companies that made such tropes commonplace beliefs.
On the other hand, I can provide oodles of evidence that the correlation between childhood adverse events and cases of “depression” is extremely high, much, much higher than the most optimistic “biomarker” research has ever been able to accomplish.
You are welcome to your own opinion, but not your own facts. I’d like to see what scientific data you are basing your stated opinion about “causes of depression” on.
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Biological differences. People with depression appear to have physical changes in their brains. The significance of these changes is still uncertain, but may eventually help pinpoint causes.
Brain chemistry. Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring brain chemicals that likely play a role in depression. Recent research indicates that changes in the function and effect of these neurotransmitters and how they interact with neurocircuits involved in maintaining mood stability may play a significant role in depression and its treatment.
Hormones. Changes in the body’s balance of hormones may be involved in causing or triggering depression. Hormone changes can result with pregnancy and during the weeks or months after delivery (postpartum) and from thyroid problems, menopause or a number of other conditions.
Inherited traits. Depression is more common in people whose blood relatives also have this condition. Researchers are trying to find genes that may be involved in causing depression. Mayo Clinic
From brainline:
“Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein: And you were going to interview the leader of Hasbullah and the CIA, I think,
warned you you might be in danger doing that?
Mike Wallace: That’s exactly right. That’s exactly right. And (unint.), I figured the way I feel, okay. That’s
a good place to go and if it happens, it happens. In any case, got there and we went up…I remember
this so well…we went to a hotel to stay, which was up on a hill overlooking Beirut and looking down into
the horror that was a beat up Beirut but the hotel itself was very comfortable and I remember so well. I
was waiting for this damn thing to take hold, this Zoloft® thing that I’d heard so much about and all of a
sudden, I woke up one morning there…I’d been there for about a week, I guess, is it possible? And I
woke up the next day and not only was it possible, it had taken hold, and suddenly, I mean it, it was
astonishing, really. And that was how long ago?
Mary Wallace: Fifteen years, I don’t know.
Mike Wallace: Yeah, yeah. And haven’t had a whisper since, of depression. I have had some, you
know, interesting times, tough times, etc. but depression as such, haven’t, and I don’t even bother
knocking wood. What I do is I stay on that drug and will have to stay on that drug, medication for the rest
of my life. But that’s a small price to pay”
I would refer you to the same resources Dr. Hickey relies upon, as well. He blames parents for causing ADHD symptoms in their children.
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Everything you’ve said is speculative. There is nothing you provide that shows any actual EVIDENCE that a particular chemical problem in the brain is associated with depression. In fact, this idea was disproven way back in the mid 1980s, before Prozac even came to market.
I’m not interested in opinions of people. I’m interested in EVIDENCE. And so far, you have presented anecdotes and opinions. No one is saying that some folks don’t feel better when taking antidepressants. I am contesting the idea that the primary CAUSE of depression has ever been established as being biological.
“The chemical imbalance theory as a cause for anxiety and depressive disorders never was true. In fact, no experiment has ever shown that anyone has an ‘imbalance’ of any neurotransmitters or any other brain chemicals. The entire theory was hypothetical.
Over the last ten years, independent research has continually shown the chemical imbalance theory to be false. Furthermore, independent research has shown medications used to ‘correct’ the imbalance were largely ineffective with many fairing no better than placebo.”
Please read the following for an overview of scientific challenges to the “chemical imbalance” concept.
You might also benefit a lot from reading Anatomy of an Epidemic. It might help you understand the scientific reasons why Bob and others question the standard psychiatric narrative. It does not come from a place of hostility, it comes from a place of wanting to get it RIGHT for people who need the kind of help that drives them to psychiatrists.
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Thanks for your insightful comments and ongoing support.
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as a survivor/”trouble maker” (the shrinks’ term, not mine…), I have seen and heard how very well aware the psychiatrists and lower level members of the psych guild are of “social determinants” of distress and such…
and I’ve seen and heard, first hand, how -very- little they…care. at all. at the time, young as I was, I found it…horrifying, I suppose? I had this sickening sense that I’d been conned in with smiling faces and repeat prescriptions for mother’s little helpers and uppers…
only to be laughed at and ridiculed by the “helping professions” after they had ripped me to shreds. and now…
I find that there is no worldly escape from 21st century psychiatry, in my situation. my life is meaningful and good, but that’s all despite the mental health industry, not because of their cynical death trap con game. what’s left, in my situation, seems to be an oddly similar…corresponding?…version of the med check money hungry shrink’s story the author quoted in parts of this (well-written, excellent) article…
play the game. my situation is somewhat unique, at least…for the psychiatrized/”mental patients” in my area, at this time. so, I engage in DSM theater on a “voluntary outpatient” basis, as infrequently as I can. for a time, I felt…despite my previous experiences, despite my everything…”bad” or…something. I chose to ignore the “bad/non-compliant” junk and…move forward. and now…
I do think “non-compliance” is often the best “treatment” for the psychiatrized. In many respects, I think it can also be the most…genuinely saddening, truly disillusioning. None of the guild who wield the prescription pad genuinely “care,” and even the cursory smiles and light weight conversation at med checks can become…worrisome, because of my understanding of who these “professionals” really are, what they do, what they have done to other “patients,” what they would likely do to me, given the chance. nothing personal, etc.
excellent article, as always. on a personal note, as I pray and reflect upon the possibility of a true, genuine exit, and mull my options over doing my best in life, right now…
I find Dr.Hickey’s materials especially helpful.
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My “med checks” last over 2 hours. The level of concern and care my psychiatrist pours over me is wonderful. The transforming benefits from the medication he prescribes have saved my life and given me a quality of life I couldn’t imagine
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Thanks for coming in and for your helpful comments.
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One of my main takeaways from this article is how corrupted we have become as a nation when a prominent psychiatrist can confess his greed in the NYT without fear of significant condemnation.
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Yes. Wasn’t that something?!
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Yeah, I remember when that NYT article about Dr. Levine came out. He could have resumed his practice of talk therapy, a craft he knew well and claimed to love, and still have been making more money than most of his patients. He could have downsized his lavish lifestyle and created a new one centered on having fewer things and appreciating them more, and carried the lessons he learned over to his practice of psychotherapy.
By why bother doing all that when all you have to do is tick some boxes on a checklist, write out another scrip, and — KA-CHING!
And then move on to the next patient.
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Yes, and med checks have become standard practice in psychiatry.
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Nice piece. You can’t weigh psychological determinants on a scale. All the biological determinants are mostly bogus, and there is absolutely no reliable test for confirming them. What am I saying? Well, I think, in so far as “mental health” so-called is concerned, social determinants are everything. If people were more considerate to one another, it is my view that they’d have fewer “mental health” disturbances as well. A fairer world, in other words, is less conducive to so-called “mental disease”.
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“All the biological determinants are mostly bogus…”
Where is your evidence? Also, by stating that most biological determinants are bogus, aren’t you implying that not all of them are? Which ones are legitimate?
Are you familiar with the research of Professor Ohad Birk, the lead author of a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, titled “CDH2 mutation affecting N-cadherin function causes attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in humans and mice”? A joint team of researchers from Soroka-University Medical Centre and the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev explains that “in addition to the scientific significance of finding a definitive delineation of both novel genetic basis and molecular pathways for ADHD”, both the mutated human cells and mouse strain carrying the said mutation serves as an effective model system in discovering novel medications for ADHD patients.?
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Dr. Hickey states that ADHD is a hoax, that it is the result primarily of parental neglect, improper parenting, the lack of discipline in the home of the child who manifests the symptoms described in the literature.
Would you please back up your unwavering, published views on the causes of ADHD traits from science?
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I couldn’t agree more.
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You failed to cite the resources I referred to which Dr. Hickey bases his “ADHD is a hoax” theory upon. Why is there no “REPLY” option under your opinion?
Far more than anecdotal. Please, do not respond to my content if you are not interested. Millions of people who respond to the same stimulous in the same ways is evidence.
When are you going to cite the evidence that ADHD has biological causes? Why do you assume I haven’t read Whitaker’s opinions?
I recommend the oodles of opinions supporting that biology as a fundamental issue in depression and other sources of human suffering.
Please don’t respond if you are afraid to refer to Hickey’s sources of evidence that ADHD is a hoax. At least, challenge him. He has never included anything to establish the fallacy that ADHD is a hoax. Don’t forget: Parents don’t cause ADHD.
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Another excellent critique Philip. It just never ends… Your essay could have also been tilted, First Class Passengers On a Sinking Ship. Maybe a title to consider for that book Bret suggested?
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Thanks for your comment, and for your expressions of confidence in my ability, but realistically, I’m too old and broken to do a book.
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Dr Hickey, I for one think most medication research has gone in the direction of biochemical/synapse misfiring. I would like to see the Endocrine system studied, separating male and female sense of depression and look at the alternate therapies/supplements. Mary Ellen Copeland is a great resource, and Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic did a protocol study on light therapy; and the Stanley Center for the Innovation Treatment of Bipolar Illness based in Texas have done a number of protocol studies on Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin E.
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Psychiatry causes depression.
Criminal pscychiatry unchecked and unrecognized causes mental torture.
And there is no cure.
Nothing is worth the hell I must endure.
“Just ask for help!” Right.
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And the NYT? It is so frustrating! I had to cancel my subscription and lose access to arts coverage because of the paper’s pro-psychiatry coverage. Why is the NYT so biased in this regard?
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Guys, sorry to veer away from this discussion, but does anyone have any idea what is going on with people who call themselves “Targeted Individuals”? I talked to a woman online a few months back. She seemed delusional to me. She told me the military was spying on her, that there were energy weapons directed towards her, that people in stores were playing stasi tactics on her etc. She even accused me of those tactics.
Another person I know talked to such an individual online (whether it’s the same individual, I don’t know). Someone wrote a forum post regarding the same on MIA. I never knew there were large groups of people claiming this stuff till this other person talked to a supposed “Targeted Individual” and I looked up the term online.
There’s a Wikipedia article on this phenomenon called Electronic Harassment.
Here’s a woman posting such stuff on her Youtube channel.
Here’s another article. The comments section is full of individuals claiming similar stuff.
There’s also a documentary on VICE’s YouTube channel regarding the same.
This is so weird. What is this? Some mass delusion?
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John Haslam, apothecary to Bethlem Hospital, in 1810 penned the first account of a patient who today probably would be diagnosed with schizophrenia, titled “Illustrations of Madness.” The book told the tale of one James Matthews, who believed he was his mind was controlled by a gang of evildoers by means of a contraption he called an “air loom.” Matthews’s complaints sound eerily like the rants of modern-day “targeted individuals.” So this sort of thing goes back a long way.
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