UN Expert Calls for Major Shift in Suicide Prevention Efforts on World Mental Health Day

On World Mental Health Day, UN expert Dainius Pūras calls for a shift away from medical solutions toward a rights-based approach to make life “more liveable.”


Suicide prevention should not be addressed by increased prescription of medication, says Dainius Pūras, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health. In a news release on suicide prevention for World Mental Health Day on October 10th, he stated:

“Emotional pain frequently comes from being a victim of violence, discrimination or exclusion. Targeting the brain chemistry of individuals often exacerbates stigma and social exclusion, aggravates loneliness and helplessness and fails to reduce the risk of suicide.

The high incidence and the economic burden of mental health conditions can also be seen as the effects of trauma and other adversities, including interpersonal and gender-based violence, as well as child abuse and neglect.

Pathologising the diversity of individual responses to adversity as if they were medical conditions disempowers individuals and perpetuates social exclusion and stigma.

We must pursue new routes to suicide prevention that invest in fortifying healthy, respectful and trusting relationships which also include connecting people with communities.

Suicide prevention must address the structural factors that make lives unliveable and examine how distress arises within power imbalances; it must also address problem relationships and reduce interpersonal violence.”

The Special Rapporteur says that a targeted, individual response to each situation remains vital in suicide prevention but warns against excessive use of medication and against coercion and isolation.

“To ensure that people stay alive and develop the skills they need to thrive, it is necessary to have ongoing community-based care within robust support systems that can adequately reach people where they live, work, learn and play,” he said.

“To prevent suicide, States should adopt strategies with a rights-based approach that avoids excessive medicalization and addresses societal determinants, promoting autonomy and resilience through social connection, tolerance, justice, and healthy relationships.”

Read the full statement on the UN website here. 

Dr. Dainius Pūras is a medical doctor from Lithuania with notable expertise on mental health and child health; he took up his functions as UN Special Rapporteur on August 1st, 2014. Dainius Pūras is the Director of Human rights monitoring institute in Vilnius Lithuania, a professor of child and adolescent psychiatry and public mental health at Vilnius University and teaches at the faculties of medicine and philosophy of the same university.

The Special Rapporteurs are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.



    Dear Dr Dainius Pūras,

    Do “Schizophrenics” have the “highest” rate of Suicide?

    I was diagnosed in 1980, at the age of 20; and between 1980 and 1984 experienced a series of Suicidal hospitalizations, culminating in 1984 with me discontinuing drugs (depot injection) suitable for schizophrenia – and made Recovery. The DRUGS had CAUSED the SUICIDAL Hospitalizations (and the DISABILITY).

    In October 2018 I went (with my notes) to see Professor of Psychiatry Dr David Healy at Wales, who provided me with a Letter expressing that he was confident that I had never suffered from Schizophrenia to begin with.

    Dr David Healy in 1984 had been Registrar to the Consultant Psychiatrist that had treated me between 1980 and 1984.

    This was my Experience with Psychiatry:-


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  2. “Emotional pain frequently comes from being a victim of violence, discrimination or exclusion. Targeting the brain chemistry of individuals often exacerbates stigma and social exclusion, aggravates loneliness and helplessness and fails to reduce the risk of suicide.” It’s a shame the UN must teach our insane, “all distress is caused by chemical imbalances in people’s brains” believing “mental health” workers this, but thank you.

    “The high incidence and the economic burden of mental health conditions can also be seen as the effects of trauma and other adversities, including interpersonal and gender-based violence, as well as child abuse and neglect.” So true, but since our “mental health” workers are DSM deluded people, and can’t bill to help ANY child abuse survivor EVER, they always misdiagnose child abuse survivors.


    To the extent that today, “the prevalence of childhood trauma exposure within borderline personality disorder patients has been evidenced to be as high as 92% (Yen et al., 2002). Within individuals diagnosed with psychotic or affective disorders, it reaches 82% (Larsson et al., 2012).”


    That’s huge percentages of child abuse survivors who’ve been misdiagnosed with the billable, but scientifically “invalid,” DSM disorders.


    And the psychologists have been misdiagnosing, and further torturing, child abuse survivors for over a century.


    So our “mental health” industries are really basically nothing other than child abuse and rape covering up industries. And all this “mental health” industry aiding, abetting, and empowering of pedophiles is destroying America and all of Western civilization. Our society now has huge pedophile and child trafficking run amok problems.


    I’m quite certain our country needs to start arresting the pedophiles and child sex trafficking ring leaders. Let’s hope those saying Trump is doing this are correct. And if we do start arresting these child predators, this will greatly decrease the number of child abuse survivors for our “mental health” workers to misdiagnose, which will greatly reduce the “economic burden of mental health conditions.”

    As a matter of fact, if we could get the doctors to stop prescribing the antidepressants and ADHD drugs, we could likely cure the world of most of the “bipolar” economic burden, since those drug classes create the “bipolar” symptoms.


    And if we could get the doctors to stop prescribing the neuroleptics/antipsychotics we could likely cure the majority of “schizophrenia,” since that drug class creates both the negative and positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome and anticholinergic toxidrome.

    “Pathologising the diversity of individual responses to adversity AS IF THEY WERE medical conditions disempowers individuals and perpetuates social exclusion and stigma.” Yes, that’s known as gas lighting a person, and it is mental abuse, not “mental healthcare.” And since the DSM “mental illnesses” are NOT actually real diseases, we really should get rid of the DSM, and retrain our delusional “mental health” workers, to do something other than profiteer off of covering up child abuse and rape, which is an illegal activity.

    “We must pursue new routes to suicide prevention that invest in fortifying healthy, respectful and trusting relationships which also include connecting people with communities.” I agree, but this would require ending forced psychiatric treatments. Force treating people is 100% the opposite of respectful, and does the opposite of building trust. And it greatly increases the suicide rates as well.


    “Suicide prevention must address the structural factors that make lives unliveable and examine how distress arises within power imbalances; it must also address problem relationships and reduce interpersonal violence.” Which means we must address the systems that create the power imbalances, which include all the following industries:

    “We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”

    But all these industries have been corrupted due to greed, for money created out of nothing, that is basically worthless already. What a bizarre world in which we live.

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