Video: Bruce Levine on “The Anti-Authoritarian Movement to Rehumanize Mental Health”
Films for Action is now hosting a video by MIA contributor Bruce Levine. In his presentation, taped at his Oct 9, 2015 National Empowerment Center talk,...
Why Aren’t Patients Being Told Truth About Electric Shock Therapy?
From The Daily Mail: More than half of NHS hospital trusts contacted under a recent audit used ECT information leaflets with seven or more inaccurate statements about the controversial procedure.
Generation Sedated: Why Record Numbers of Our Children Are on Antidepressants
From The Telegraph: "Looking back now, I wanted someone to listen to me," said Sam Taylor, 19. "It was guidance I needed, not a prescription."
Crisis Text Line Shares Data With For-Profit Spinoff, Raising Ethical Questions
From Politico: While the hotline says the data it shares is "anonymized," ethics experts and some volunteers are raising concerns about users' lack of meaningful consent.
People are Intensely Loyal to Groups Which Abuse Newcomers
In this piece for Aeon, Christopher Kavanagh explores various explanations for why many people are willing to be part of groups and organizations that subject...
Some Social Scientists are Tired of Asking for Permission
From The New York Times: The Department of Health and Human Services's Office for Human Research Protections recently revised its rules for social science research. Studies...
Tell Us 5 Things About Your Book: ‘The Mind of God’
From The New York Times: In his new book The Mind of God, neurologist Jay Lombard uses his experience studying neuroscience to discuss philosophical and spiritual...
A Cry
In this piece for Me, Myself and Disability, suicide attempt survivor Chris Coombs challenges the common misconception that people who attempt suicide always regret it and...
“Letter to a Foreign Psychiatrist”
Nassir Ghaemi responds to "a young psychiatrist beginning a career in another country" that "We have lost the ability to accurately recognize our patients’...
Immigrant Shelters Drug Traumatized Teens Without Consent
From ProPublica: "Emotional distress and mental health issues are prevalent among these children, sometimes a result of traumatic experiences in their home countries, at other...
Benzo Withdrawal: Why I Ignored Medical Advice & Listened to the Internet
From Benzodiazepine Information Coalition: "This syndrome doesn’t have an alarming and well-known word attached to it, like 'cancer' or 'car accident,' that instructs people...
“Potential biomarker that could predict”? – caveats about psychiatric brain imaging takes on Dr. Richard Friedman's description of a “potential biomarker in the brain that would help psychiatrists direct depressed patients towards treatment to which they would more likely respond.”
Depression and Suicide Linked to Air Pollution in New Global Study
From The Guardian: Scientists say small increases in risk can still result in harm to many people because more than 90% of the global population lives with air pollution above WHO-recommended levels.
“Electronic Health Data for Postmarket Surveillance: A Vision Not Realized”
-Thomas Moore of the Institute for Safe Medication Practices asks, "What has been learned about electronic health data as a primary data source for regulatory decisions regarding the harms of drugs?"
Worried About a Coronavirus Summer Slump? Boost Kids’ Brainpower With Nature
From National Geographic: Time spent outdoors has been linked with improved attention spans, better memory, and enhanced executive function.
Journal Flags — but Does Not Retract — Decades-Old Paper on “Correcting” Gender Identity
From Retraction Watch: A psychology journal has expressed concern about a 46-year-old paper which described attempts to correct 'deviant' gender identity in a 5-year-old boy using physical violence.
Parting the Clouds | Charles Raison on New Treatments for Depression
From The Sun: Many "new" treatments for depression have been a part of human cultures for millennia: compassion meditation, sweat lodges, fasting, and psychedelics like psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms.
The Invisible Asylum
From City Journal: In slaying the old monster of the state asylums, we created a new monster in its shadow: one that consists of the street, the jail, and the emergency room.
How CBT Harmed Me: The Interview That the New York Times Erased
From Disability Visibility Project: CBT as a modality is based around gaslighting. It's about telling a patient that the world is safe, bad feelings are temporary, and that pain is a 'faulty or unhelpful' distortion of thinking.
Trans-Generational Dynamics and Mental Illness: A Family Constellation
Family constellations are a fascinating, cutting-edge tool for exploring issues within families, groups, and individuals and can lead to a high degree of healing in a short amount of time.
Eight in Ten Sexual Violence Victims Seeking Support Diagnosed With Psychiatric Disorder
From Victim Focus and the Independent: "It shifts the focus from the sexual trauma to being mentally ill," said psychologist Jessica Taylor. "It shifts the focus from the perpetrator to the victim."
“United States of Adderall (Part II)”
Writing for Huffpost, medical doctor Lawrence Diller looks at the effects of the ever increasing diagnoses for ADHD and the addiction and abuse issues...
‘Surviving Antidepressants’ Video Chat Event With Brooke Siem, Author of ‘May Cause Side Effects’
From Surviving Antidepressants: Join the live video chat on Friday, November 11 to learn about Siem's new book, the first memoir on antidepressant withdrawal to hit the mass-market.
“Antidepressants Make it Harder to Empathize, Harder to Climax, and Harder to Cry”
Psychiatrist Julie Holland explains how antidepressants can medicate away important feelings and experiences in a video for Big Think.
Video →
Your Psychiatrist Might be Wrong
From Pakistan Today: Psychiatry may lack scientific objectivity in comparison with other fields of medicine.
"The mind sciences – psychology or psychiatry – have always been...