“ADHD Drugs Could Harm Kids’ Sleep”
Children diagnosed with ADHD who are prescribed stimulant drugs have more sleep problems than those with ADHD that do not take these drugs.
“Here’s 1 More Map That Should Outrage Southerners”
The recently released report from Express Scripts showing a dramatic rise in the use of stimulant medications, often prescribed for ADHD, also shows that...
“Think Twice Before Using Ritalin on Children as Terrible Side-Effects are Common”
Miriam Stoppard writes an opinion piece on the lack of good research on Ritalin, a drug often used for ADHD, and discusses the latest Cochrane review which found a high percentage of side-effects in children. Despite the lack of quality evidence, “NHS figures show that nearly one million ADHD prescriptions were handed out last year in England – a number that has more than doubled in 10 years.”
“Are Doctors Diagnosing Too Many Kids With ADHD?”
Salon.com points out that "While data point to at least some over diagnosis (of ADHD), at least in boys, the extent of this problem...
“‘ADHD: Half Century of Misdiagnosis?’”
The Charlotte Observer announces the September arrival of New York Times writer Allen Schwarz's “ADHD Nation: Children, Doctors, Big Pharma, and the Making of An...
“Curing Naughty Children With Drugs”
Dr. Max Pemberton “The Mind Doctor” weighs in on the Cochrane review which questioned the evidence for Ritalin for ADHD. He writes: “History is...
The Issue of Over-Diagnosing in Psychiatry
From The Concordian: On October 30th, Dr. Joel Paris, a professor of psychiatry at McGill University, gave a lecture about the dangers and consequences of...
I Would Have ADHD, If It Existed
-Matt Walsh insists that he's got ADHD as much as anyone has ADHD, and then makes the argument that ADHD doesn't exist.
“Move Over Big Pharma Amphetamines — Cannabis Successfully Treats ADHD in Clinical Trials”
At Alternet, Jay Syrmopoulos of The Free Thought Project discusses new research on the use of medical marijuana as a treatment for ADHD within the context of the ongoing debate over the validity of the ADHD diagnosis.
Bullying & its Long-Term Effects on Wellness
Psychologist William Copeland writes for Mental Health Recovery that “bullying can occur at any age and the effects of which remain harmful long after the behavior has been endured.” “We, as a society, are just beginning to understand and come to terms with the havoc that bullying wreaks on the emotional lives of its victims.
“Sales of ADHD Meds Are Skyrocketing. Here’s Why.”
-Mother Jones looks at drug company promotional efforts, expanded diagnostic criteria, and the appeal of amphetamines to high-performance cultures globally.
“Companies Seek FDA Approval for Brain Games to Treat ADHD”
Two companies have committed to FDA review for video games that they claim can be used to treat “ADHD,” but many scientists remain skeptical. “At the annual meeting of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry on Wednesday, Akili Interactive Labs presented data from a pilot study of its video game, Project: EVO, that showed some positive results in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).”
“Gretchen LeFever Watson: The Deadly Dangers of ADHD Drugs”
Gretchen LeFever Watson, a clinical psychologist, connects the US opioid crisis to the overdiagnosis of ADHD in a guest editorial for The Virginian Pilot....
“Illness Inflation”
The Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel presents an interactive infographic detailing the pharmaceutical industry’s involvement in the promotion of several psychiatric disorders, including adult ADHD, binge-eating...
“A.D.H.D. Rates Rise Around Globe, but Sympathy Often Lags”
For the New York Times Well blog, Katherine Ellision writes about how the rise in ADHD diagnoses globally is sparking “debates about the validity of the diagnosis and the drugs used to treat it.”
“United States of Adderall (Part II)”
Writing for Huffpost, medical doctor Lawrence Diller looks at the effects of the ever increasing diagnoses for ADHD and the addiction and abuse issues...