Married Individuals with Schizophrenia Show Better Outcomes, Study Finds

14-year study of a rural sample in China shows those who were married had higher rates of remission from schizophrenia.

“Lawsuits Link Abilify with Compulsive Gambling”

Plaintiffs allege that Bristol-Myers Squibb and Otsuka Pharmaceutical failed to warn doctors and patients about the risk for compulsive behaviors when taking the atypical...
retraumatization psychosis

Seven Strategies to Avoid Retraumatization While Working with Psychosis

Stories related to psychosis can be intense, and can lead to traumatic recall when a sufferer retells them and does not feel contained or believed within the relationship. I have a number of suggestions for how to encourage the telling of stories without retraumatizing survivors in group settings and in individual encounters.

Stories from the Psych Ward: Why Drugs Aren’t the Cure

In this piece for Elephant Journal, one man tells his story of being locked up and forcibly drugged in the psych ward, and how he...

Researchers Explore the Relationship Between Religiosity and Psychotic Experiences

Individuals who identify as religious may be more likely to have symptoms associated with psychosis.
antipsychotic study magnifying glass

A Commentary on the Finnish Analysis of Outcomes of First Episode Schizophrenia

There are a number of well-recognised problems with this sort of study and we should be very cautious about accepting its conclusions at face value. The main problem is that it is an ‘observational’ study, not a randomised controlled trial, and these analyses can be seriously misleading. 

New Review of Antipsychotics for Schizophrenia Questions Evidence for Long Term Use

A systematic review of the limited research available on the long-term effects of antipsychotics finds fewer symptoms in those off of the drugs.

De-Othering “Schizophrenia” by Placing it in Socio-Historical Context

Understanding schizophrenia as a non-enigmatic, understandable human experience goes against a history of institutional “othering” that has sustained psychiatric legitimacy and further marginalized service-users.

Renowned Psychiatrist Warns That Trump is a Danger to Us All

From Alternet: A new book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, written by 27 psychiatrists, psychologists, and mental health experts to warn the public of President Trump's...

Rethinking Madness: An Integral Vision

From Emerging Proud: Activists from around the world are gearing up for the launch of #EmergingProud, a grassroots social movement with the goal of de-stigmatizing...

Both Older and Younger Parental Age Linked to Mental Health

Recent research has focused on a seemingly high rate of psychiatric disorders in the offspring of older fathers.  New research in JAMA Psychiatry, using...

Japan Leads the Way Away From “Schizophrenia” as a Concept

Schizophrenia Bulletin follows the movement change to the name and concept of "Schizophrenia", revealing that Japan has taken the lead.  Japan, to remove the...

Better Outcomes Off Medication for Those Recovered from First-Episode Schizophrenia

A new study has found that of 10 people who were fully recovered from their first episode of schizophrenia (FES), those not taking antipsychotics did better in terms of cognitive, social, and role functioning—and reached full recovery more quickly.

The Moving Basis of Mental Health Diagnosis

In this opinion piece for The Chronicle Herald, Dr. A.J. discusses the subjective nature of psychiatric diagnosis and the DSM. Citing research by Paula Kaplan,...
DNA in hand

Schizophrenia Genetic Research – Running on Empty

The time has come to halt the massive failure that has characterized schizophrenia molecular genetic research, and to thoroughly reassess what critics have always said are the severely flawed family, twin, and adoption studies that inspired and helped justify this research.

The Vermont Longitudinal Study & Correction of Seven Myths

In a long-term study of schizophrenia patients released during the late 1950s and early 1960s from the back wards of Vermont State Hospital, Courtenay...

Half of First-Episode Patients Respond to Antipsychotics

No placebo controlled trials provide evidence of antipsychotics in first-episode psychosis.

“How a West African Shaman Helped My Schizophrenic Son”

-MIA Blogger Dick Russell recounts the story of his son and Malidoma Somé.

Study Explores Connections Between Diet and ‘Serious Mental Illnesses’

Study finds that individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression have diets that are more inflammatory and higher in calories.

First-Person Accounts of Madness and Global Mental Health: An Interview with Dr. Gail Hornstein

Dr. Gail Hornstein, author of Agnes’s Jacket: A Psychologist’s Search for the Meanings of Madness, discusses the importance of personal narratives and service-user activism in the context of the global mental health movement.

Popular Drug Reveals the Issue of “Off-Label” Use

From The Washington Post: Despite major lawsuits and detailed reports pertaining to severe health risks associated with the antipsychotic Seroquel, the drug remains one of...

The Great Psychoanalysts 2: Melanie Klein

This piece for The Philosophers' Mail profiles Melanie Klein, a Viennese psychoanalyst best known for applying the principles of Freudian psychoanalysis to children. Klein's work primarily focused...

Loss of a Parent in Childhood Raises Psychosis Risk

Children who lose a parent before the age of 3 are 84% more likely to experience psychosis as adults, according to research published in...

Family Oriented, Home-Based Treatment Best for Youth with Symptoms of Psychosis

A pathbreaking new study out of Finland suggests that early intervention programs for youth experiencing psychotic-like symptoms may see the greatest improvement when treatment works within the home rather than in a hospital setting. The research, to be published in next month’s issue of Psychiatry Research, found greater improvement in functioning, depression, and hopelessness among teens in a new need-adapted Family and Community oriented Integrative Treatment Model (FCTM) program.

Perceived Social Status Impacts Early Psychosis

Writing in the British Journal of Clinical Psychology, London researchers find that perceptions of lower social rank and inferiority amongst 24 individuals with early...