Depression Discrimination More Severe in High Income Countries

According to a study published in this month’s British Journal of Psychiatry, people diagnosed with depression in high-income countries are more likely to limit...

Minority Groups Found Less Likely to Get Mental Health Care

From California Healthline: Although people of color are much more likely to suffer from severe psychological distress, they are less likely to receive mental health...

“Should You Tell Work About Your Mental Health Condition?”

For Vice, Hannah Ewens explores how employers react to depression and anxiety in their employees. “In a fair world, employers wouldn't judge you for...

“’Psychiatric Survivor’ Wilda White Says She Is Ready to Lead”

When Wilda White recovered from a manic episode triggered by her ADHD medication, she had lost her relationship, her home, and her dream job as a public interest lawyer. She reached a turning point when, she told Seven Days newspaper, "in the course of trying to figure out what had happened to me, I went on the website Mad in America.” Through the site, she connected with a job listing from Vermont Psychiatric Survivors, a non-profit dedicated to empowering and protecting the rights of people labeled “mentally ill.” She is now their executive director.

The Effect of Psychiatric Diagnosis on Young People’s Sense of Self and Social Identity

A new review highlights the effects that psychiatric diagnosis has on children and adolescents’ social relationships and views of self.

One in Five Truck Drivers Experience Mental Health Issues

From ABC News: According to the Transport Workers' Union, one in five truck drivers report having experienced mental health issues due to the economic pressures...

Deafening Silence: What Happens When the Whistle Blows and Nobody Hears?

September 11th 2015 was my last day working as a counselor/therapist in the U.S. community mental health system. After 22 years working within that system I resigned out of protest having waged a concerted effort (2½ years) to challenge potentially dangerous psychiatric drug prescribing patterns at my workplace. In late April of this year these challenges led to the filing of a major complaint with the Massachusetts Dept. of Mental Health and eventually the Dept. of Public Health. I never expected to discover just HOW unprepared, dysfunctional, and totally oblivious the entire state bureaucracy is when it involves any serious complaints detailing possible abuses and harm being done to its citizens by a branch of medicine called Psychiatry. Just how broken is "Broken"?

“Maybe Companies Should Chill on Employee-Happiness Programs”

Will Davies, author of The Happiness Industry, does a Q&A on the ways companies are misusing psychological research on happiness. “I think that one thing that often gets lost in lots of the discussions of happiness (especially in the business world) is the possibility that happy work may mean less work.”

The Psychology of Terror and Forfeiting Our Civil Rights

Speaking on the Essential Pittsburgh radio show, psychologist Brent Dean Robbins, former president of the Society for Humanistic Psychology, discusses how fear drives us toward irrational policies in the wake of terror attacks. He also offers commentary on the Murphy Bill, which he criticizes for unfairly scapegoating those diagnosed with mental illnesses.

“Corbyn Creates New Dedicated ‘Minister for Mental Health’”

Newly elected UK Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has appointed Luciana Berger to his shadow cabinet as the “Minister for Mental Health,” a new position that has no counterpart in the Conservative government. The Independent reports that Corbyn has devoted considerable attention to mental health issues.

Christmas Songs Played on a Loop Can be Bad for Mental Health

From Providr: Many retail stores have already begun rolling out Christmas decorations and playing Christmas music. A clinical psychologist recently warned that playing Christmas music...

Johann Hari Continues to Speak Out

Johann Hari, British journalist and author of the new book Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression—and the Unexpected Solutions, continues to speak out...

First Systematic Review of Leading School-Based Mental Health Programs

Results reflect moderate to strong evidence in support of the non-pharmacological school-based interventions reviewed in the study.

“MIT Students Turn Their Brainpower Toward Suicide Prevention”

After seven suicides in two years, students have come together to develop community building interventions including a texting hotline, artificial light boxes, and conversation...

Outrage Over Biotech Party Objectifying Women

“Two prominent women in the biotech community were so appalled by reports about a party at J.P. Morgan featuring scantily clad models that they've...

“The Impact of Shift Work on Health”

Medical News Today provides an overview of the research on the effects of shift work on the physical and mental well-being of employees. "Although...

High Job Strain Increases Risk of Mental Health Challenges

High job demands, low job control, and high job strain are associated with the development of a mental health issue at age 50.

“Privacy Not Included: Federal Law Lags Way Behind New Health-Care Technology”

“The federal privacy law known as HIPAA doesn’t cover home paternity tests, fitness trackers, or health apps. When a Florida woman complained after seeing...

Does Psychotherapy Reproduce or Disrupt Neoliberal Capitalism?

Researchers explore neoliberal influences on interactions in psychotherapy and question whether the radical potential of psychotherapy can counter prevailing social systems.

Social Prescribing May Improve Self-Esteem and Mental Well-Being

Systematic review suggests social prescribing benefits individuals with mental and physical health issues, but more program evaluations are needed.

Workplace Bullying may be Linked to Long-Term Health Issues

From Psychological Science: A recent study shows that workplace bullying is associated with significant mental health and physical health problems for employees, including longer sick leaves...

“The Torturing of Mentally Ill Prisoners”

This week’s issue of the New Yorker examines the treatment of people diagnosed with mental health issues in Florida’s prisons. The horrifying stories of...
factory of mental health

A Clinical Social Worker’s Bane

We have all become assembly line workers in the factory of mental health. At the facility, I put in at least 50 hours and live with a constant dread of not having clicked a button, of not having made another phone call, of overlooking the sadness in someone’s eyes. The risk of burnout or empathy fatigue is high, yet the machine hums along.

Providers Fail to Report Information on Suicide Prevention Services

Researchers investigate services related to suicide prevention across mental health providers in England.

Is Your Job Bullshit? David Graeber on Capitalism’s Busy Work

From In These Times: Over a third of British workers believe their job makes no meaningful contribution to the world. The rising number of people who have...