Tag: exercise)

Beyond the Chemical Imbalance: Looking to the Past to Understand the...

Our bodies and minds evolved to thrive in an environment that is vastly different from the one in which a majority of us now live.

Stop Using Antidepressants Except for “the Most Severe Depression,” Experts Say

Experts advocate limiting antidepressant use to only the most severe cases of depression, emphasizing the need for social and psychological interventions.

Exercise for Youth Mental Health in the Lockdown: Interview with Psychologist...

School Psychologist Scott Greenspan discusses how to promote exercise and mental wellbeing for adolescents stuck indoors during the pandemic.

How Exercise Can Help With First Episode Psychosis

New study examines the experiences of people utilizing an exercise program following a first-episode psychosis.

More Physical Activity-Based Mental Health Interventions Needed in Schools

What physical activity-based programs are being implemented in schools, how are they being researched, and what kind of impact have they made?

The Connection Between Sleep, Exercise, Screen Time and Cognition in Childhood

Can current guidelines for sleep, exercise, and screen time in childhood be linked to positive cognitive outcomes?

What Stops People From Using Exercise to Treat Depression?

New research examines important factors of adherence when prescribing exercise to treat depression.

Counter-Messaging Downplays Effectiveness of Exercise for Depression

Counter-messaging and a lack of critical analysis may lead doctors away from suggesting exercise for depression.

Physical Activity and Exercise May Prevent Depression, Study Finds

Everyday exercise, regardless of intensity, can prevent the development of depressive symptoms.

Exercise Intervention for Youth at Risk for Psychosis Shows Promise

A new pilot study finds that an exercise intervention can lead to improvement in clinical, social, and cognitive domains for those deemed at risk for psychosis.

Minimal Exercise Protects Against Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults

Study of older adults shows those who consistently exercised as little as 15 minutes, 3 times/week are less likely to develop depressive symptoms.

Physical Activity Predicts Fewer Symptoms of Depression in Children

An article published in Pediatrics is the first to examine the relationship between physical activity and depression in middle childhood (years 6 to 10) longitudinally.

Treating Depression with Exercise and an Internet-Based Intervention

A new study compares exercise, Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (ICBT) and usual care for treating individuals with depression.

Meta-Analysis Finds Exercise Improves Cognition in Individuals with Schizophrenia

A new review, published in Schizophrenia Bulletin, examines the effects of exercise on cognition in individuals diagnosed with 'schizophrenia.' The results of the meta-analysis...

Call for Papers on Holistic Mental Health Care

Division 18 of the American Psychological Association (APA), Public Service Psychology, has put out an open call for articles for a special issue of...