Tag: involuntary outpatient commitment
Responding to “The Case Against AOT”âNext Steps for Change
Many will direct their efforts toward repealing involuntary outpatient commitment statutes in their statesâan extremely challenging and uphill battleâor reforming abuses. Their arguments will be strengthened immensely by the findings in MIA's report. What follows are suggestions about what kinds of interventions to consider.
End Kendraâs Law Now: Racist, Classist Practices in Involuntary Psychiatry Persist
In addition to involuntary outpatient commitment being an assault on and targeting people who are living in or near poverty, the statistics demonstrate racial disparities in the application of involuntary outpatient commitment.
Andrew Rich: “I Didn’t Know Stuff Like This Existed”
In this second part of MIAâs report on compulsory outpatient treatment orders, Michael Simonson tells of how he came to report on this topic, the results from MIAâs survey of people who have experienced such forced treatment, his interviews with several of the survey respondents, and more on Andrew Richâs life.
Escaping from AOT: Letter to the Judge
To the judge presiding over my upcoming AOT hearing: I would like a better way to take care of my own health care than the choices currently being imposed on me by community mental health centers, which involve forcibly injecting me with a drug that I do not want and making me take a daily pill that I do not want to take. There is no reason that anyone should make my own health care choices for me.
Rise of Involuntary Mental Health: What is Your Resistance Strategy?
Even after working for decades for human rights in mental health, I have been surprised about how involuntary outpatient ideology is taking over. SAMHSA plans to spend as much as $54 million of US taxpayer money for 17 programs across the country to spread this coercive approach.
Trump Appoints Leader who Campaigned for Involuntary Outpatient Drugging
This appointee criticizes our social change movement, especially our dedication to empowering peer support and our concerns about psychiatric drugs and labeling. It is important for everyone who supports human rights to speak up and oppose this approach. Please phone your Senators to block this confirmation.
Lawmakers Override Bevin’s Veto of Mental Health Law
From The Courier-Journal: Last week, Kentucky's General Assembly voted to overturn Governor Matt Bevin's veto of Tim's Law, a mental health law that allows a...
Dear Boston Globe, Part V: Thanks for Nothing
A final response to the Boston Globe's Spotlight on Mental Health series, including a review of their last three installments in addition to their most recent, the dubiously titled âSolutions.â
The Helping Room
Every culture has its share of individuals who break down in bewilderment. People who hallucinate, behave beyond norms, seek to die, think in strange ways.
The Mental Health Reform Act of 2016 (SB 2680) Would Be...
There is indeed a crisis in the mental health business. The crisis derives from psychiatry's spurious and self-serving premise that all significant problems of thinking, feeling, and/or behaving are brain illnesses that are correctable by psychiatric drugs.
Dear Boston Globe, Part IV: A Taste of Your Own Medicine
The Boston Globe paints a picture (in the vivid way that they so love to do) that pins the systemâs decline primarily on budgetary issues, but there is more than one way for a system to be âbroken.â In fact, where the Globe goes most wrong in their latest piece, âCommunity Care,â is in their failure to adequately recognize that the system has always been broken in one way or another in this country.
A Diluted Murphy Bill Clears the House and Goes to the...
Organized psychiatry, committed irrevocably and wholeheartedly to drug pushing and to their corrupt and corrupting relationship with pharma, simply will not countenance the fact that their primary product is fundamentally flawed and destructive. So they hire a PR company; they fund and lobby politicians; they parrot slogans; and they encourage one another to ever-increasing heights of self-congratulation. But they will not commission a definitive study to clarify and assess the scale of this problem once and for all. And the reason for this inaction is because they know that it would be bad for business. It would "cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications."
The Murphy Bill, HR 2646 â a Heinous Piece of Legislation...
The National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery is calling upon all people of like minds, who care about individuals who need mental health services, to ACT. It is urgent. Please call your representative in the House of Representatives to vigorously oppose HR 2646 on Tuesday, July 5, 2016. And, call your Senator to insist that the Senate reject any amendments or changes to mental health legislation from the House by Friday, July 8, 2016. For more information about this Call to Action, please click here.
In the Matter of the Hospitalization of Mark V
Today, July 1, 2016, the Alaska Supreme Court issued its Opinion in In the Matter of the Hospitalization of Mark V.   What strikes me the most about the case is that Mark's expressing the view that a psychiatric drug he was being required to take is poison, that it had side effects related to his sexual performance, and that it was killing him were all cited as proving Mark was delusional. As readers of this site know, these drugs can quite reasonably be characterized as poison, they do cause sexual dysfunction, and they are quite lethal to many many people, shortening lives on average by 25 years for those in the public mental health system, such as Mark.
A CALL TO ACTION:Â The Murphy Bill Passed the E&C Committee but...
As you read this, people with lived experience all around the country are mobilizing to educate our federal legislators about why the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act (H.R. 2646) should be defeated. Education is the key. As executive director of the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery, I am issuing a call to action. We need to ramp up our efforts before this backward piece of legislation becomes law. We need to get in touch with our legislators and their staffs, contact the media, make some noise! We need to exercise the proverbial strength in numbers. And we need all of this now!
Forced âTreatmentâ is Torture
I have opposed involuntary treatment for my entire career and first began criticizing it in the medical literature in 1964.  As Thomas Szasz originally taught, involuntary psychiatric treatment is unconstitutional and an assault on basic human rights.  I am also against it on scientific grounds, because after hundreds of years, this violation of human rights has generated no scientific studies to show that it benefits its victims. I am encouraged by the excellent blog by Peter C. Gøtzsche on MadinAmerica.com, which inspired me to put a new section, Psychiatric Coercion and Involuntary Treatment, on my website, and to compose these further observations of my own.
The Presidential Primary & Forced Outpatient Psych Drugs
This month the candidates for President compete in our State of Oregon, so this is a very good time to ask the following question: âHow do you stand on the controversy of forced outpatient mental health drugs?â This is my 40th year working as an advocate for people labeled âdisabled,â and I know that the topic of involuntary psychiatry can be a little complicated for people. After all, if one of our beloved family members becomes irrationally self-destructive, we can become desperate for help. However, this is such an important topic that we need to go deeper than just a bumper-sticker answer.
Murphy’s Legislation Threatens Civil Rights of the “Mentally Ill”
In our nation's history, in the face of fear, we have often risen to achieve noble goals. Other times we have behaved tragically â for instance, interning and seizing property from Japanese Americans during World War II. Certainly, there were spies among us then. Only in hindsight did we recognize that our treatment of the larger group â who were not â was gravely mistaken. We are on the verge of witnessing such an event in our own time.
Please Respond to the New York Times: âWhat Should Be Done...
As I write this, the New York Times is asking readers to respond to the question âWhat should be done to prevent mass shootings?â The more responses the New York Times receives from people who understand that the answer is gun control â not misguided legislation that would only harm those it purports to help â the more they will take notice. Please write!
âMurphy Billâ Continues to Exclude Voices of Millions with Mental Health...
On November 4, the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Committee marked up an amended version of the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2015 (H.R. 2646), introduced by Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA) and Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX). However, the bill still does not reflect the voices or meet the needs of millions of Americans with lived experience of mental health conditions because the E&C Health Subcommittee failed to incorporate our recommendations.
Medication Mechanization: Microchip Sensors in Abilify to Increase Medication Compliance
I felt a chill go through my body when I read that the FDA has agreed to review for possible approval in early 2016 a new form of the drug Abilify that contains a microchip sensor capable of sending a message that indicates the exact time a tablet dissolves in the stomach. The message is recorded by a skin patch - along with data such as the personâs body angle and activity patterns - and, according to a press release from Proteus Digital Health, the developer of the device, âthis information is recorded and relayed to patients on a mobile phone or other Bluetooth-enabled device, and only with their consent, to their physician and/or their caregivers.â
Saving Congressman Murphy from Fraudulent Information
Iâve come to realize that the very good intentions of Congressman Murphy to fix an obviously not-working mental health prevention, intervention, and treatment âsystemâ has caused him to be swarmed by a flock of flatterers flogging fraudulent âfacts.â Thus, at the behest of my colleague, I wrote a letter to Congressman Murphy, who is obviously a leader for issues of mental health. My letter was delivered to him personally, and I share much of it here. The more I thought about the pickle the Congressman is inâsurrounded by people either flattering him or yelling at himâthe more compassion I have for him as a human trying thread his way through the siren songs.
Losing Our Minds to ‘Science’: Treatment Survivors Speak Out Against the...
For those of us who have been labeled by medical model psychiatry, it is frightening to watch the wolf of social prejudice being cloaked in the guise of mental health reform. The reality for many of us is that our lives and well-being have been profoundly affected â not only by the bad science and good marketing of pharmaceutical companies - but also by a wholesale refusal to listen. The result is a mental health system that many of us do not trust to operate in good faith. The Murphy bills add fuel to this fire.
Danger Ahead if HR 2646 (the “Murphy Bill”) Passes!
Dear Reader, I am reaching out to you in the hope that you will get this message in time to act! Even if you only have time to read the first two sentences of this blog, please click here for instructions on how you can win the hearts and minds of our federal legislators and help them understand why HR 2646 â proposed by Rep. Tim Murphy and called the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act â is a bad bill
Do NAMI and MHA Suffer From Anosognosia?
In the last couple of weeks, I've read two articles in which the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is described as being the âlargest organization representing people living with serious mental illness.â Putting aside (for the moment) my issues with the use of blanket âmental illnessâ terminology;Â since exactly when did they become a group that represents people who have been so labeled in any genuine sort of way? Until our voices are seen as having equal value and are given equal space, those that do not understand and lack insight into our experiences (whether they possess good intent or not) will continue to be the ones to define our past, present and future in the public eye.