Clinton Releases Mental Health Plan


Today, Hillary Clinton’s campaign released their plan for addressing mental health care in the United States. The plan calls for a full integration of physical and mental health care systems, implementing early intervention programs, training law enforcement to respond to people in crisis, making treatment accessible to low-level offenders, and increasing funding for community health centers. The presidential candidate also plans, if elected, to hold a conference on mental health at the White House in the first year.

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hillary clinton

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Justin Karter
MIA Research News Editor: Justin M. Karter is the lead research news editor for Mad in America. He completed his doctorate in Counseling Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He also holds graduate degrees in both Journalism and Community Psychology from Point Park University. He brings a particular interest in examining and decoding cultural narratives of mental health and reimagining the institutions built on these assumptions.


  1. “making treatment accessible to low-level offenders”

    And Clinton added: “We have to move away from treating the use of drugs as crime and instead move it to where it belongs as a health issue. And we need to divert more people from the criminal justice system into drug courts, into treatment and recovery.”

    “Cases like Robert’s haunt Ellen Sousares, who knows of at least three other families who have lost children after drug courts denied access to maintenance or otherwise failed to take the risk of overdose [and suicide] into account. ”

    Google “drug court suicide”

    She kissed her aunt on the cheek and told her, “I don’t think I’m going home with you. They are going to put me away.”

    Twenty minutes later — before any decision was made — Silvestri collapsed in the bathroom of Lowell District Court. As paramedics performed CPR, Silvestri was transported to a hospital, where she died.

    “She was under a lot of pressure, and she couldn’t handle the pressure,” Hickey told The Sun.

    Defense attorney Gil Nason, who represented Silvestri as part of the Drug Court Team, speculates that Silvestri either had some sort of major medical event or she took an overdose of prescription pills, possibly the ones she was prescribed for anxiety. Pills were found on the bathroom floor, but it’s unclear if they belonged to Silvestri, Nason said.

    “making treatment accessible to low-level offenders”


    Everyone who has ever lived the nightmare knows to take the jail time cause they will keep screwing up your life with fines fees court costs till you relapse so they can screw you all over again to enrich themselves. Everyone who has ever lived the nightmare knows take the jail time and get it over with.

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  2. “We are not here to bash the use of these medications,” Clinton said. “They have literally been a godsend to countless adults and young people with behavioral and emotional problems.” Left untreated, such conditions as ADHD prevent children from reaching their full potential in life, Clinton said.

    She also said the National Institute of Mental Health would dedicate more than $5 million to research ADHD and Ritalin use in preschoolers. The institute also released a fact sheet to help parents of children with emotional and behavioral conditions understand their options.

    With patent extension up for grabs, Shire agrees to test Vyvanse in preschoolers (Hillary Pharma donor)

    The pressure on parents for young children to behave properly in day-care and preschool settings.

    At an early childhood event in Rochester, New Hampshire today, Hillary Clinton called for universal preschool for all of America’s children.

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  3. Her plan doesn’t sound too good to me. She repeats the word “more”. Whoever put this together for her seems to respect NAMI and the APA. Does she have any understanding about what’s going on?
    The Child Mind Institute is also a noted reference. Their mantra seems to be that ADHD is under treated.
    She needs to “evolve” on this one, and quick.

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    • Yes. The comments here rightly ate skeptical. Clinton’s plan seems to be out of NAMI’s playbook. At least the part about exoanding PAIMI’s funding seems to be in contrast with the spirit of the Murphy Bill. The obvious solicitations/concessions to the early intervention advocates and the post partem depression intervention advocates are unmistakeable foreboding of her friendly ties to an industry that greatly needs more regulation. Obviously, progressive lack insight to our issues. There is much more work to be done on both sides of the aisle.

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      • It’s not just the progressives that lack insight to our issues. Neither the Right nor the Left are friends to those of us who’ve been labeled as “mentally ill”. Both groups talk about more treatment for us, whether we want it or not, all for our own good of course. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are fairly clueless about what we really and truly need. And most of them have received payment of some type from the drug companies.

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  4. I’m very glad not to be voting for this woman.

    There is a lot of, a whale of a lot of, propaganda in her “mental health” package. I think that, all in all, it is sort of a big advertisement for the APA and the pharmaceutical industry. There is no denying, according to the propaganda, that there is all this “mental illness”, and that the country should be paying for it.

    Right, as if the only deniers were sufferers from agnosognosia. Every minor discomfort in the world now has the opportunity to call itself “mental illness”, and it can’t be “malingering”. Not, at any rate, if the government says it isn’t. Not to sweat it though, it’s the taxpayers tab after all, and the taxpayers last cent hasn’t been taken yet.

    Certainly we’ve seen other advertisements for “mental disorders”, sending the official “mental disorder” rate skyrocketing. Well, this is another one.

    If “mental disorder” is your thing, vote for Hillary, and she will give you a future. “Mental health”, on the other hand, we can’t say what causes that, nor can we say what to do about it. Thing is, it sure costs a heck of a lot less.

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  5. The plan calls for a full integration of physical and mental health care systems, implementing early intervention programs, training law enforcement to respond to people in crisis, making treatment accessible to low-level offenders, and increasing funding for community health centers.

    This is almost the exact language of the Senate Murphy bill.

    Clinton — and this bill — must be stopped at all costs.

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  6. ” a full integration of physical and mental health care systems”

    You can’t put regular (scientific) medicine with mental health medicine because the psychiatrist decides what is ” healthy” and what is “ill” in mental illness.

    This means the mentally ill patient does not get to decide when treatment is wrong or concluded. The mentally ill is a virtual “child”, and judged unable to make decisions on their own. This belief of incompetence can be TRUE if the patient is drugged, the brain is unable to work or think rationally due to the psychiatric medicine.

    “early intervention programs”
    Intervention in physical illness is great, such as stopping an infection from progressing, and reducing blood pressure so a stroke is less likely to occur.

    But in mental illness, taking control of the patient ( to help them) might be the worst idea.

    If I am getting too fat they will step in (force) and help me from becoming too fat?
    If I am getting too thin they will step in(force) and help me from becoming too thin?

    “As medical scientist, the physician had to claim that badness was madness, that his object of study was not the immaterial soul or “will”, but a material object, a bodily disease.” Szasz

    If I am angry they will step in (force) and help me from becoming too angry? (drugs)
    If I am sad they will step in ( force) and help me from becoming too sad? (drugs)
    If I am nervous they will step in and help me from becoming too nervous? (drugs)

    All the other possible emotions.

    The sheep will be exploited by big pharma for as long as possible . Pharma companies make billions from selling the physical treatment for mental illness.

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