Part I in a series of reports on Michelle Carter. Parts II, III and IV can be read here, here and here.
Today on August 3rd, 2017, a Massachusetts judge sentenced a supposedly “mean girl” for the crime of manslaughter in the suicide death of her boyfriend. She was only seventeen years old at the time. He was eighteen. For the “crime” of allegedly telling her boyfriend to get back in his carbon monoxide-filled truck to finish killing himself, she could have received 20 years in state prison. Instead, the judge gave her only 15 months in a House of Corrections. Then the judge put a stay on incarcerating her until the case is appealed, and he allowed her to go home on probation.
I was the only psychiatric and medication expert on either side, and I testified on behalf of Michelle. Other than perhaps her lawyers, I probably know more about the true story than anyone else. This blog will be the first in a series of reports about the trial. Nearly everything in this series of reports was revealed and documented at the trial, often through my testimony. Documents for the Michelle Carter case and links to videos of the pretrial hearing and the later trial can be found in the case archive I’m creating on my website
The Public Impression of Michelle Carter
I have been traveling a great deal lately to testify in court as a psychiatric expert and to give workshops and talks at conferences. Because she has been so much on my mind and occupied so much of my attention and time, I have asked people in airports, on planes, in taxis and in hotels if they had heard about the girl who supposedly told her boyfriend to kill himself.
To my surprise, almost everyone recalled something about the story. News coverage has been extensive in the print media from the New York Times and Washington Post to People, and on TV from ABC and NBC to CNN and Fox News. Oddly, no one seemed to know anything beyond the idea that a girl had told her boyfriend to kill himself, and that he had done so. They were sure she was a very mean girl.
People were interested when I mentioned that both the girl and her boyfriend had been taking almost identical antidepressant drugs for years. There was dismay when I started giving details about their relationship. It did not fit anything that people’s imaginations had been filling in. They felt cheated by the media.
Almost no one could remember her name. It is Michelle Carter. Nobody knew the deceased boy’s name. It was Conrad Roy. It was early July 2014 and Michelle was getting ready to start her senior year of high school while struggling with an eating disorder. Conrad was working for his father, floundering and trying to find his way after graduating high school.
The most telling information was contained in more than a thousand pages of text messages with tens of thousands of communications between Michelle and Conrad, as well as between Michelle and her many friends. It was a dizzying digital world of teenage peers with a stunning lack of adult presence. The texts were so monumentally important in the trial because Michelle and Conrad had not seen each other for a year prior to his death. Before that long hiatus, they had only met on four occasions for a day or two at times, with little chance for intimacy and very limited sexual contact.
In my forensic work reconstructing what individuals were thinking and communicating leading up to a tragic event—such as murder, suicide, or death by psychiatric adverse drug effects—I had never possessed so much documentation. I was learning not only about the unguarded intimate exchanges between Michelle and Conrad but also about those between Michelle and her extended peer group.
Most people I talked with as I traveled knew that the case was about texting. They uniformly had the misimpression that Michelle had texted Conrad the seemingly fatal message.
After the defense attorney, Joe Cataldo, contacted me and provided me initial documentation, I took the case as a medical expert, knowing I might never get back my expenses, let alone a fee. I did so because I had quickly learned that whatever this case was about, it was not about a “mean girl.” As increasing piles of documents arrived in packages or were downloaded off the Cloud, the story became an American tragedy—and Michelle Carter became the most innocent of all the many participants in the death of Conrad Roy.
Who is Michelle Carter?
I have been an expert in hundreds of legal cases, with 100 or more going to trial, most of them criminal, malpractice or product liability cases. These cases often require me to interview countless friends, families, and peers of adults and children who have suffered severe adverse drug reactions. In civil cases of malpractice or product liability, the individual may be dead or alive. Either way, I have to reconstruct their life stories from all available evidence. If the individuals were charged with a crime, and psychoactive drugs may have contributed to it, I go through the same process of building their biography. At no time have I ever experienced such unanimity of opinion about an individual. Michelle’s life story seemed literally too good to be true, and in some ways it was.

Michelle before age 14 was a topnotch athlete who starred in softball. In her small town of Plainville, Massachusetts, this was no small accomplishment. The school and the community of about 8,000 prided itself on winning softball championships and sending girls off to college to continue their athletic careers. Michelle’s volunteer coaches, who were businessmen, told me she was the most caring and helpful teammate they ever had the pleasure to work with.
Although a much better player than most of the players on their highly competitive teams, Michelle never put winning above the feelings of her teammates. If a lesser player performed poorly, she would always step up to reassure and comfort. When I asked one coach if he could name another star athlete who never griped or complained about other players, or even about the other teams, he took a brief pause to scan his memory and said, “None.” Coaches and teachers also told me that Michelle went out of her way in class to help other students, and also to help her teachers.
Several coaches and teachers told the same story about meeting her in the halls or at a ball game. She was always the only student to break away from her group of peers to come over to them to say hello and to ask how they were doing. When interviewing Michelle, I noticed she knew the names and background of adults in the community at times better than her parents who were also very involved in the small town’s activities.
A high school teacher whose class with Michelle completed an award-winning business project knew her well. He told me that Michelle unselfishly helped him and other students without concern for her own grades. He was effusive about how much he respected and appreciated her. Texts between Michelle and her classmates show her giving support and direction to other students who were working on the project.
An older high school mentor who went on to become a teacher in a nearby school system remained friends with Michelle. When Michelle’s mentor graduated college and began teaching, Michelle began to mentor her in return and to support her in dealing with her own fears and concerns about starting to teach. Once again, Michelle’s mentor saw her as a uniquely caring, loving, and helpful young person.
One mother who lived next door and whose daughter frequently brought Michelle around said she saw no great difference in Michelle as she grew up from infancy to the present time. Whatever was going on inside Michelle was out of sight of the adults. Michelle’s relatives and parents also saw no great change in her. She was as bright and cheery as ever, and always eager to please and to help. Michelle continued in their eyes to be a ten out of ten for kindness, caring and helpfulness.
I asked the people I interviewed if they knew or heard of anyone in their town of 8,000 who would have a bad word to say about Michelle. Some thought for a second, some pondered, and all replied in effect, “Not one.” They made this observation despite the torrent of negative information heaped upon her by the press.
What emerges from the interviews, school and medical records and texts is a girl whose major intention in life is to love and to help people. Thousands of texts with her friends confirm how much love they shared among themselves, and how her friends in particular saw Michelle as a caring person. Conrad Roy, the boy who committed suicide, would eventually use her natural inclinations against her with disastrous consequences.
In her school and community, no one could believe the horrible news stories about Michelle. The State of Massachusetts prosecuted her in the media through selective, partial releases of her texts to Conrad Roy that made her at times seem nasty to him; but it was nowhere near that simple. The carefully orchestrated releases from the prosecuting attorney’s office made it seem that there could be no doubt about what happened—that she must have told him these words and that they must have been memorialized in her texts to him.
Michelle’s school trusted her so much that even while under indictment for manslaughter at the beginning of her senior year, the school invited her to return for her senior year. In her senior year, before she went on trial, the class voted on a series of prestigious student awards. Michelle Carter, known in the media as the mean girl, was given the award by her classmates for being the student “Most Likely to Brighten Up Your Day.” She also got a second award for “Class Clown,” not for being disruptive or non-conforming in class, but for making people smile. The attorneys for the State of Massachusetts never gave that information to the press.
The State’s Indictment of Michelle
What happened to Michelle Carter that she seemingly became a destructive human being bent on pushing her boyfriend to kill himself? The prosecution claimed she was a selfish person driven to push her boyfriend into suicide in order to gain attention and sympathy. That was the sole motive they could come up with to explain such a seemingly horrendous act.
During the last few months leading up to Conrad’s tragic death, Michelle began to cut herself. She frequently texted her friends about her eating problems and her cutting, until one of them came over to her house to get the knife, and another said she could not bear to hear about it anymore. In their cross-examination of me at the end of the first day of my testimony, the prosecution claimed that Michelle made up all the texts about cutting herself to get sympathy and attention from her friends, exactly as she “caused” Conrad’s death for the same selfishly perverse motives.
That night I prepared for the continuation of my cross-examination the following day. From within the huge store of documents containing thousands of text messages, I was able to locate two separate episodes where girlfriends saw her cuts and scars at school and expressed their concern for her. The following morning in trial, I was able to shred the state’s false argument that Michelle never cut herself and was instead faking her cutting to gain sympathy and attention.
I cited the page numbers of the texts, so that the state’s attorneys could locate and read them, which they took the time to do. They stopped claiming she had faked the whole thing, but they never acknowledged that they were wrong or apologized for mischaracterizing her in such a negative fashion.
These text messages and other relevant sources can be found in my Archives of the Michelle Carter Case, which I will be updating as I proceed with this series.
Questions that Need Answering
So what happened to Michelle Carter that she became a participant, if only by phone and texts, in Conrad’s suicidal plans in his last ten days alive? She had not seen him for a year, and had only a few brief encounters with him in earlier years. Why did she have anything to do with him?
Teenagers at the time, Michelle and Conrad will be found enmeshed in and overwhelmed by forces beyond their understanding or control—a situation affecting countless other children, adolescents and even many adults throughout the world today. Some of these victims are in jail, some in mental hospitals or foster homes. Many endure persistent physical and mental harm, and many are dead. Meanwhile, the vast majority are surviving as best they can in their communities and families, while trying to get on with school or jobs and their lives.
Very few have any idea what has happened to them. Very few have any idea that their deteriorating quality of life is often due to the psychiatric medications they are receiving. Instead, with the drugs impairing their judgment they mistakenly blame themselves and their “mental illness.”
Even fewer have anyone to tell their stories, as I will try my best to do in this series. The story of Michelle Carter has not been told in the mainstream media. Like so many other victims of psychiatry, the tragic results of the wide-scale drugging of our children and adults goes untold. I hope to rectify this omission.
Too true, we have to document ourselves, even if we get no where, things might change and there might be an opportunity for some justice! Just gave up on my case with the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman… they changed the ‘scope’ ignoring the suicide attempts as ‘feeling suicidal’ and separating akathisia from ‘feeling suicidal’, stating “feeling suicidal and akathisia” thereby not acknowledging that akathisia potentiates suicide ideation, suicide attempts and completed suicide, plus of-course toxic psychosis. All of which I had detailed with references. Polypharmacy was clearly documented with the Trusts own letters to me, yet in the Health Trusts reply to my complaint they denied that I had been subject to polypharmacy. The truth was that I had been subject to polypharmacy for over three years, taken off one or more put on others with no real regards for withdrawal. And they have just got away with it. As a ‘mental’ patient, nobody give a ‘you know what’ about your abuse, which amounts to continued drug rape and torture. (coercion and force is used, akathisia really is torture) After one psychiatrist had read my complaint, he phoned me up – almost with anger in his voice – told me to start taking the lithium again. I – point blank – said NO. That is the reality any one who goes through this has to come to terms with. To have the press heaped against you as well…. this – I imagine – is yet another level of hell.
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Looking forward to hear a different perspective, Peter. I hate that so few people can be trusted to carefully handle facts, and you think you know something until you hear a different perspective.
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The headline says it all. Did she text him to death? Text isn’t toxic to those who don’t eat it. I don’t see the justice department trying to prosecute every young lady who says “drop dead” to somebody. Death by his own hand was not, and cannot be, death by her hand.
I was always wondering, reading that she was on an anti-depressant, whether he was on one, too. He committed suicide after all. Well, you answered that one for us, and we know that SSRIs are implicated not only in suicides, but in murder, and other aggressive acts as well.
Now his, Conrad’s, aunt is saying, according to the news, she, Michelle, should have gotten the full twenty years. I think this kind of decision sets a dangerous precedent. I’m glad the judge didn’t see it that way. It will be interesting to see how far this case gets on appeal.
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I don’t think Katinka Blackford Newman is misrepresenting her experience:-
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“I was always wondering, reading that she was on an anti-depressant, whether he was on one, too. He committed suicide after all. Well, you answered that one for us, and we know that SSRIs are implicated not only in suicides, but in murder, and other aggressive acts as well.”
If a person is on an SSRI, and changes their diet or eats something that inhibits/blocks the enzyme system that metabolises the drugs…akathisia can explode in the head. It’s interesting to me that Stewart Dolin was well enough to go to a business lunch and shortly after that he committed suicide…I’m wondering what did he eat at that lunch? I was always at my most suicidal in the morning and I drink tea. Much later I found research that black teas inhibits all of the Cytochrome P450 liver enzyme system involved in metabolising these drugs.
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Looking forward to more accurate information from Peter Breggin.
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Dear Dr Breggin,
I’ve seen the Massachusetts court recordings, and I think you presented your testimony very well.
I notice that when people Act Out on prescribed drugs their behaviour is practically always out of character – but the press always spin the person as a Psychopath.
But my feeling is that the tide is changing.
I have experienced acute Akathisia, but I knew what was happening at the time and I lived within 10 minutes of the ‘hospital’. My LAST hospitalization was in April of 1984 when I was given a first time injection of Depixol at 40mg and released into the community.
Within 24 hours I was going mad, but staff at the hospital had been forewarned not to admit me. However the nurses spotted the danger and admitted me anyway.
I signed myself out within 48 hours and the Discharge Summary classified the event as a “Pre Psychotic Episode” (and that I would be back again shortly).
The lead up or explanation to this first time Depixol injection was completely missing from my (FOI requested) notes.
Years later I complained to the Irish Medical Council (after I received the notes). They gave me the details of two junior doctors that were no longer registered in Ireland, but not the details of my former Consultant Psychiatrist.
It turned out that my former Psychiatrist was actually on one of the Medical Councils boards at the time. When I found out and challenged the Medical Council about this, they behaved as if they had done something funny!
The Irish Medical Council told me that if I thought there was anything untoward about the procedures that I could report this to the police. But The Medical Councils behaviour was so obvious that I didn’t see the point.
My complaint did go ahead, and the Medical Council let my Former Psychiatrist off the hook. However some months later when I looked, I could see that he was genuinely off the Irish Medical Council and off the Irish Medical Register.
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In Ireland openly Gay Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Doctor Leo Varadakar in Belfast promoting Gay Marriage (which I support).
And a Bio Psychiatric system (like everywhere else) which is as exploitative and corrupt as the The Magdalen Laundry (For penitent women).
(I’m sorry but it’s true).
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From The Irish ‘Medical’ Journal
In 1982 a group of thugs attacked and murdered a Gay man in Dublin, and the Irish Official system allowed them to – but the attitude has now changed.
I made a complaint to the Irish Medical Council concerning my Near Fatal Psychiatric Experience, after I received my (FOI requested) Records in August 2012 :-
In My Opinion The Irish Medical Council (if it served them) would probably allow a Psychiatrist, to get away with Murdering a Psychiatric Patient.
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What the SSRI’s and more specifically antipsychotics and lithium do is put you in a state where by you just do not care about anything, you become dissociated. You do not care about being abused (it’s why people on these drugs do not make complaints about their treatment) nor abusing other people. It’s one thing to read and understand these words, but totally hideous and insidious to experience and not realise.. it’s the drugs. Only when you come out of the drug state do you see the extent of the abuse, and it can be overwhelming trauma.. when you realise what you have been through. Insomnia is common, terrible guilt, anger at what happened to you. A feeling you can not move on – being caught in the moment – until some kind of suitable justice has happened. And as a result of a doctor calmly suggesting an SSRI to help out with some anxiety as if it’s nothing.
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Dr. Breggin, or anyone else, if you want to help with a very interesting case of psychiatric abuse, there is a great story here:
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I don’t usually like to call people “Dr” but you, Dr Breggin, have all the merit to put these two lettres before your name. I was deeply touched by this report, not only because of your rigorous work in the case at hand, but also, and mainly, for your intense emotional investment for an apparently meaningless case. Instead, you choose to defend a teen, one in many millions, that got in trouble, just so that she could get her say in court, eloquently and in a “savant” way ! Thank you for your humanity, and for standing up for what is left of it, thank you also for that kid, Michelle, who didn’t deserve all that cruel harassement. You are dear in my heart !
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There was no coercion involved, hence no guilt.
I knew something was weird when I heard about this. Nightline last night featured Dr. Breggin talking about the case but never commented on his assertions about antidepressants being involved. But it was made clear that she believed she was helping her “boyfriend” do something he needed to do, and her statements to him were made out of caring (however convoluted).
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48 Hours was even worse — they had a shrink DENY Breggin’s assertions about SSRI’s and Michelle’s lawyers description of “involuntary intoxication” caused by Celexa, claiming the drug was totally safe. 48 Hours made no effort to correct these fallacies. They should catch holy hell for this.
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This is actually where I have to part ways with this site and you as well, Mr. Breggin. You may do good works, but I found your response to buy your books less than helpful in a time of need. And while a second look is great at any case in the justice system, this is a travesty.
Even if this girl needed help, her actions are inexcusable. Perhaps if she had bought one of your texts… I don’t see this helping the community in any way.
And honestly, MIA, would this make it to a headline if it wasn’t Breggin?
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Dr. Breggin I am from Massachusetts and I had an ED 34 years. As soon as I read this my heart went out to this girl. I feared that starvation or some other consequence, combined with drug effects may have played a part. She could have been dehydrated or her electrolytes could have been off, or she could have been right in the middle of a binge, which hardly anyone understands. And the drugs are unpredictable if a person is starving and adolescent.
I cried when I read the story. I am so moved that you helped her out. She was only 17. I have blogged extensively about this case in my blog.
Since when will putting her in prison do anything to help bring Conrad Roy back? Will it help society? Is she THAT dangerous? Or dangerous at all? I don’t think putting her in prison is the right thing. It helps no one and it only increases society’s ignorance. Imprisonment preys on our fears.
Is there any way I can help? Can I get in touch with her?
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I reblogged this post. I hope anyone who knows Michelle sees what I wrote. You can get in touch with me via my blog.
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IF only 1% of antidepressant takers were at risk of Extreme Adverse Reaction that would be 10,000 people per 1 million takers.
The real Risk is classified at between 1% and 4% and there are millions and millions of people taking antidepressants. This would account for the big rise in Severe Mental Illness Expense in the past 30 years.
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Increasingly more and more people are being subject to polypharmacy, if a person has significant anxiety they may-well be on, not only an SSRI, but diazepam and sleepers such as zopiclone or ambien, and that significantly raises the risk of Akathisia because you can get it from withdrawal of benzo’s, they stop working and the GP will raise the dose, then at some point they have to be reduced. The GP’s – in my view – haven’t a real clue how to bring people off these drugs. This is a good part of the abuse that puts people into drug hell. Also I would venture to say – being as alcohol works in the same way as the benzo drugs – that the violence seen in correlation to alcohol is in fact drug withdrawal Akathisia. When you add to all this, the common food stuffs that inhibit the enzyme system causing the toxic build up… well it seems to me we are really looking at an epidemic of drug induced mental hell. I believe this is how history will record our time.
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OMG, I am so afraid you might be right !
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ME to Dr Surgery
On Wed, 26 Jul 2017 at 17:10
Dear Manager/Partners
Would you please describe and acknowledge the attachments I sent to you on April 27, 2017, and please inform me of their location on your information system.
I would like to make a commentary on the 1986 Irish Record Summary. I would also like to cross reference my commentary to the evidence from the April 27 2017 attachments.
The November 8 1986 Handwritten Adverse Drug Reaction Warning Request Letter (from within my FOI requested Irish notes) is of particular relevance – as the November 24 1986 Irish Record Summary (sent over in response) deliberately OMITS the Requested Adverse Drug Reaction Warning.
There has been no Closure on the ‘Unsafe’ 1986 Irish Record Summary:-
Dr X. G. in a communication to me dated February 17 2015 suggested mental unwellness on my part, on account of my criticism of the 1986 Irish Record Summary.
On October 16, 2014 the Manager at XXX Medical stated in writing (with supportive attachments) that the 1986 Irish Record Summary had been removed from my records. On March 18 2016 the Manager stated the 1986 Record Summary to be still in my Records.
In my last interview with Dr X. S. in 2016 he told me that he didn’t know whether the ‘Legal Adviser’ had been informed (or not) of the November 8 1986 Adverse Drug Reaction Warning Request Letter!
Yours Sincerely
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
To ‘Panorama’:- [email protected]
(also by hand).
On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 at 19:54,
ME wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam
Please read through this email trail (with attachments) concerning my historic psychotropic and near fatal experience. The real information is at the start.
(I have obscured some personal details within the attachments in the interest of security).
Please acknowledge this email.
Yours Sincerely
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 at 10:27, XXX MEDICAL, My Doctor Surgery (NHS CENTRAL LONDON (WESTMINSTER) CCG)
Dear Mr X,
We would like to refer you back to our previous correspondence: following the legal advice we have received regarding this matter , we are doing what we believe is the right thing. Equally, you have the right to proceed as you deem appropriate, even choose the legal route if you wish to do so.
X. S.
Practice Manager
on behalf of Partners at XXX Medical Center
Sent: 23 June 2017 21:06
Subject: Fw: Att. Partners/Manager:- Re. Challenge to 1986 Irish Record + Diagnosis
Dear Manager/Partners
Would you like me to take this email trail + attachments to a newspaper?
Yours Sincerely
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Dear Mr X,
To my knowledge this matter has been disputed and looked into by my predecessors from 2012 to 2016 and we have a satisfactory record to justify that. As we have clearly expressed previously, following our legal advisers we are not allowed to remove or amend diagnosis or correspondence from your medical file.
We are sorry that the result is not to your satisfaction , we have informed you of our position and we will not open a new line of inquiry into the matter which has been examined and discussed for the past 4 years .
A good relationship between a patient and their doctor’s clinic is based on mutual respect and trust and we feel that trust and communication have broken down. Perhaps it would be in your best interest to consider finding a new GP Practice which can meet your expectations better that we do.
X. S.
Practice Manager
From: ME>
Sent: 19 June 2017 12:51
Subject: Re: Att. Partners/Manager:- Re. Challenge to 1986 Irish Record + Diagnosis
Dear X. S.
Thank you for getting back to me.
Would you please describe and acknowledge the attachments I sent to you April 27 2017 and please inform me of their location on your information system.
I think the 1986 Irish Record Summary would require more than a mild approach.
Yours Sincerely
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Dear Mr X,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Unfortunately , we cannot remove or amend the November 24 1986 Irish Record Summary from your medical records, for the same reasons mentioned in Dr X. G. s letter. All we could do is to add a note saying that you don’t want it in your file/what is your opinion about it, or something to that effect.
Practice Manager
Sent: 15 June 2017 07:36
Subject: Att. Partners/Manager:- Re. Challenge to 1986 Irish Record + Diagnosis
Dear Manager/Partners
I have attached a copy of Dr X. G.s June 5 2017 Letter to this email. I have also included a copy in Italics (below).
I’m interested in Amending the November 24 1986 Irish Record Summary not Removing it.
My communications of April 27 2017 (with attachments) and May 24 2017 (below), explain my reasons for wanting to have the 1986 Irish Record Summary Amended.
Yours Sincerely
“..05 June 2017
Dear Mr X
Firstly may I apologize for the delay in our response to you. I have reviewed our prior correspondence and our prior consultations with our legal advisors.
We have been advised that we are not allowed to remove prior correspondence from the records as we would be considered negligent if we were to do that. As a practice I hope you can understand that we have followed the legal advice that we have been provided with.
However I do note there are no mental health ‘problems’ within your notes I would also point out that if you have letters from other medical sources indicating that our records were considered malpractice we would want it to be added to the medical records so that the situation is explained clearly.
I am aware that we have been discussing this matter for many years and I would like to make it clear that XXX medical is not able to change this position due to the aforesaid legal advice. While we would like to continue to have you on our patients list if you find our position unacceptable you are within your rights to find another surgery that may be willing to do this.
Yours Sincerely
Dr X. G.
Managing Partner..”
Dear Mr X
This is to confirm that the the Partners’ answer to your request will be sent to you on Monday 5/06/2016 via recorded mail.
X. P.
Senior Administrator
XXX Medical Center
On Fri, 2 Jun 2017 at 14:00, ME > wrote:
Dear Partners/Manager
Would you be able to please now answer my request of April 27 2017, and May 24 2017 (below)?
Yours Sincerely
Dear Mr X,
Thank you for your e-mail. It has been forwarded to the relevant people who will be getting back to you in the next 5 working days.
Reception Team
On Wed, 24 May 2017 at 16:38, ME > wrote:
Dear Partners/Manager
I’m expecting you’ve had the opportunity to examine the April 27 2017 Communication and the Accompanying Attachments (below).
I expect you’ve also had the opportunity to access suitable Legal Advice.
Are you prepared to amend the 1986 Irish Record Summary to identify Malpractice from doctors at G., Southern Ireland?
Are you prepared to remove any Mental Health Diagnosis you might be holding on me on the grounds of Malpractice from doctors at G. Southern Ireland?
1986 to 2017
There is nothing to tie me in with Severe Mental Illness (in my case) in the 30 years that I’ve been in the UK. This is Fact not Opinion.
In responding, I would ask that you please make your meaning completely clear – so that I know exactly where I am. Would you also please identify yourself in any communication.
Thank you for your time.
Yours Sincerely
On Fri, 12 May 2017 at 12:16, MEDICAL, Dr Surgery (NHS CENTRAL LONDON (WESTMINSTER) CCG)
DR Surgery
Dear (Me),
We have received all your correspondence.
We would appreciate if could try to send all documentation at once, as the generic XXX address receives hundred of e-mails daily and we wouldn’t want to miss out on anything.
Thank you.
From: ME
Sent: 12 May 2017 11:19
Subject: Fw: Att. Reception Fw: Att. Partners/Manager:- Re. Challenge to 1986 Irish Record + Diagnosis
On Thu, 11 May 2017 at 7:20,
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Androi
On Tue, 9 May 2017 at 8:20,
Good Morning
Would you please acknowledge receipt of this communication.
On Thu, 27 Apr 2017 at 11:20, ME wrote:
Dear Partners/Manager,
Please examine the email and attachments (below).
I am keen to challenge the 1986 Irish Record Summary and any Mental Health Diagnosis you might hold on me.
Please record the exact location of the attachments to this email trail on your information system, so that I can refer to them at a later date.
(Resent Emails dated 29 August 2013 + 16 October 2014 – also contain more background information).
I would ask for the Amendment of the 1986 Irish Record Summary (not Removal).
Please acknowledge receipt of this email trail + attachments.
Yours Sincerely
Email To Ombudsman :-
On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 10:58, ME ; wrote:
Dear Ms X.,
Would you please pass this Information email on to Ms X. D.
I apologise for any unpleasantness attached to the contents.
Please find attached:-
1. The Relevant Sections of my November 8, 1986 Handwritten Adverse Drug Reaction Warning Request Letter (3 pages).
2. The November 24, 1986 Irish Record Summary (2 pages) – With Requested Adverse Drug Reaction Warning Intentionally OMITTED.
3. My January 13, 2012 ‘Near Fatal Modecate Experience’ – ‘Statement’, sent to;- G. University, Depot Side Effect Research & Monitoring Team
4. Admitting Doctor, Dr Fadels description of me ‘on presentation’ at G. in November 1980.
5. The November 1986 False Reassurance Letter From Dr D.K.
Please examine and reconcile the attachments to this email and please read through the background information to the offending drugs for perspective. My recovery after April 1984 was as a result of discontinuing these drugs.
I don’t think a Medical environment engaging in Malpractice can be trusted to represent a Medical Opinion.
Associated with Akathisia and depot Fluphenazine (Modecate) treatment 1983 (Dr K Shearer, Dr A Frances..)
Dr A Frances went on to become Committee Chairperson to DSM 4.
I think I describe the symptoms of Akathisia fairly well in my November 1986 Handwritten ADR Request Letter + in My January 2012 ‘Statement’ to G. University.
Wikipedia:- ‘Signs and Symptoms’
“….Neuro-psychologist Dr. Dennis Staker had drug-induced akathisia for two days. His description of his experience was this: “It was the worst feeling I have ever had in my entire life…”….”
Manufacturers Warning
Adverse Drug Reaction
“…The side effects most frequently reported with phenothiazine compounds are extrapyramidal symptoms including pseudoparkinsonism, dystonia, dyskinesia, akathisia….”
Yours Sincerely
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
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Akathisia really is the nuke to psychiatry… it’s my view they will do all they can to suppress what it – REALLY – is about… suicide/homicide ideation and completed suicide/homicide. It’s pretty much out there on it’s own as a extreme state which leaves no physical marks… you can’t see the horror. I do not really understand why more of those against psychiatry do not focus on it.
Where have you got with the Ombudsman ?
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Email From: ME to:-
[email protected]
On Thu, 27 Apr 2017 at 11:20.
Dear Partners/Manager,
Please examine the email and attachments (below).
I am keen to challenge the 1986 Irish Record Summary and any Mental Health Diagnosis you might hold on me.
Please record the exact location of the attachments to this email trail on your information system, so that I can refer to them at a later date.
(Resent Emails dated 29 August 2013 + 16 October 2014 – also contain more background information).
I would ask for the Amendment of the 1986 Irish Record Summary (not Removal).
Please acknowledge receipt of this email trail + attachments.
Yours Sincerely
Email from ME To Ombudsman :-
On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 10:58,
Dear Kirsty,
Would you please pass this Information email on to Joanne Dawson. I apologise for any unpleasantness attached to the contents.
Please find attached:-
1. The Relevant Sections of my November 8, 1986 Handwritten Adverse Drug Reaction Warning Request Letter (3 pages).
2. The November 24, 1986 Irish Record Summary (2 pages) – With Requested Adverse Drug Reaction Warning Intentionally Omitted.
3. My January 13, 2012 ‘Near Fatal Modecate Experience’ – ‘Statement’, sent to;- Galway University, Depot Side Effect Research & Monitoring Team
4. Admitting Doctor, Dr Fadels description of me ‘on presentation’ at Galway in November 1980.
5. The November 1986 False Reassurance Letter From Dr Donlon Kenny
Please examine and reconcile the attachments to this email and please read through the background information to the offending drugs for perspective. My recovery after April 1984 was as a result of discontinuing these drugs.
I don’t think a Medical environment engaging in Malpractice can be trusted to represent a Medical Opinion.
Associated with Akathisia and depot Fluphenazine (Modecate) treatment 1983 (Dr K Shearer, Dr A Frances..)
Dr A Frances went on to become Committee Chairperson to DSM 4.
I think I describe the symptoms of Akathisia fairly well in my November 1986 Handwritten ADR Request Letter + in My January 2012 ‘Statement’ to Galway University.
Wikipedia:- ‘Signs and Symptoms’
“….Neuro-psychologist Dr. Dennis Staker had drug-induced akathisia for two days. His description of his experience was this: “It was the worst feeling I have ever had in my entire life…”….”
Manufacturers Warning
Adverse Drug Reaction
“…The side effects most frequently reported with phenothiazine compounds are extrapyramidal symptoms including pseudoparkinsonism, dystonia, dyskinesia, akathisia….”
Yours Sincerely
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The Official Rule is to Deny AKATHISIA (at any cost).
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Hi Everyone, Thanks again to Dr. Breggin for doing this wonderful work. My heart goes out to Michelle. I have felt a kinship to her since the case was first publicized. Here on my new radio station I read from my own published memoir about TEEN DESTRUCTIVE RELATIONSHIPS. I hope the story, which parallels Michelle’s story, is helpful in shedding some light on what MAY possibly have been going on between her and Conrad….
The show, which is pre-recorded, will go live Tuesday August 15 2017 and will be accessible thereafter in archives.
Note: Statistics vary as to how common these relationships are. Back in the early 1970’s, as far as I could tell, relationships such as I was in were rare. I am lucky that I was able to leave the relationship and go on with my life.
Love, Julie (and Puzzle)
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Yeah, if we had a movement we would be throwing our full support behind Michelle. This totally sucks, and I hope Peter Breggin will publish an update.
(I posted this yesterday in another MIA blog comment section on Michelle Carter; glad someone has seen fit to resurrect this in “Most Popular.”)
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