Around The Web

Updates on critical psychiatry postings across the Internet.

“How to Stop Violence”

Slate magazine chalks up one for the argument that "Mentally ill people aren’t killers. Angry people are . . . Violence is not a product...

“Profile: James Davies”

The Psychiatric Bulletin offers an interview with James Davies, author of Cracked, Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good,  and co-founder of the...

“Experiencing Mental Illness Made Me a Better Politician”

Edward Davie writes in the Guardian "... it has been a long time since I had a drink, medication or counselling. Still I think...

“Are Doctors Diagnosing Too Many Kids With ADHD?”

1 points out that "While data point to at least some over diagnosis (of ADHD), at least in boys, the extent of this problem...

“If Glaxo’s CEO Wants to be Mr. Clean, He Needs to Pick up a...

FiercePharma and 1 Boring Old Man peer into the Glaxo glasnost campaign, and find it in need of a little... revisioning.  1 Boring Old...

“Debunking Alcoholics Anonymous: Behind the Myths of Recovery”

"Myths have a way of coming to resemble facts through repetition alone," say the authors of "The Sober Truth: Debunking the Bad Science Behind...

“Emotional Child Abuse Has to be Banned – The Science Backs up our Instincts”

The U.K.'s Guardian newspaper concludes that "The government is right: children need love as much as they do vitamins – and a lack of...

“Misinformation About the Findings of “Paternal Age at Childbearing and Offspring Psychiatric and Academic...

Stanford-trained psychologist corrects the public record on recent research linking paternal age with increased risk of psychiatric disorders. Misinformation about the findings of “Paternal Age...

“Big Pharma’s Relationship With Your Doctor Needs Some U.S.-Style Sunshine”

The Toronto Globe and Mail prescribes a bit of Obama medicine for Canada's health care system: "By the end of this year, President Barack...

“5 Reasons It’s So Hard to Combat Anxiety and Depression and What You Can...

Alternet tells us that "Negative emotions can be a challenge, but there are effective ways to cope." 5 Reasons It's So Hard to Combat Anxiety...

“Controversial Paxil Paper Still Under Fire 13 Years Later”

From Wednesday's Brown Daily Herald: "Two weeks ago, Edmund Levin and George Stewart, members of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, sent...

“Biologism in Psychiatry: A Young Man’s Experience of Being Diagnosed with ‘Pediatric Bipolar Disorder'”

The Journal of Clinical Medicine explores pediatric bipolar disorder through the eyes  a young American, whose story "reveals several issues that afflict contemporary psychiatry, particularly in...

“An Illness, Inherited?”

Novelist Jenni Fagan writes in the New York Times of being gestated in a psychiatric hospital, told she may have inherited schizophrenia, growing up...

“Can Psychiatric Drugs Cause Long-Lasting Negative Effects?”

The Council for Evidence Based Psychiatry presents this interview with Dr Joanna Moncrieff, a psychiatrist and senior lecturer at University College, London.

SeaWorld Uses Benzodiazepines to Control Killer Whales

The Daily Beast dives into the debate over SeaWorld's use of benzoiazepines to stop their killer whales from "acting aggressively toward each other in...

“11 Things We Do That Make Us Miserable“

Huffington Post suggests that, along with increasing our happiness, "Sometimes equally important is identifying what habits we have that negate all of the positive mindset...

“Is Depression Just Bad Chemistry?“

From Scientific American: "A commercial sponsored by Pfizer, the drug company that manufactures the antidepressant Zoloft, asserts, “While the cause is unknown, depression...

“New fMRI Study Sheds Light on Effectiveness of fMRI Studies“

A new study has raised new questions about how MRI scanners work in the quest to understand the brain. The research, led by Professor...

“Stop Forced (Involuntary) Treatment Becoming the Law of the Land. Act Now”

Beyond Meds provides the information you need if you want to stop section 224 of HR 4302 - A list of senators, and a...

“When Soul Informs Psychotherapy”

Psychologist Laura Kerr, Ph.D., writes about the role of attachment theory as an antidote to the "emotionally detached, analytic approach to relationship" that has...

“Thirty Years Later: Still Cured of Schizophrenia”

Psychiatrist Ira Steinman tells the tale on the ISPS (International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Schizophrenia) website of hearing from a former...

MIA Correspondent Rob Wipond Interviewed About Cindi Fisher

MIA Reports correspondent Rob Wipond discusses the community of, and the story of Cindi Fisher's efforts to free her son from forced drugging...

“Justina Pelletier’s Case: Sure, Parents Can Make Their Kids Sick”

Psychiatrist Keith Ablow of Fox News writes "That’s why Boston’s Children’s Hospital, in making a play to take over the life of Justina Pelletier,...

Thomas Szasz: Does Mental Illness Exist?

A conversation with Thomas Szasz, published on March 28, 2014.  He discusses the question of whether mental illness exists and whether it is possible...

“Not a Peep”: 1BoringOldMan Uncrosses His Fingers

Having had an open letter on his website linked through a pair of crossed fingers on his website for some time, 1BoringOldMan gives up...