The Impact of Mindfulness on Mental Health Stigma Resistance

A new study examines the association of mindfulness and stigma resistance among individuals with a psychiatric diagnosis.

The Paranoid Fantasy at the Heart of “It”

From Pacific Standard: It, the first feature-film adaptation of a 1986 horror novel by Stephen King, has broken box office records for the horror genre, making...

Research Suggests that Forensic Psychological Examinations are Unreliable and Biased

Concerns have been raised about inconsistent and unreliable results, which may lead to injustices in sentencing or even wrongful convictions.

Challenging Resilience as a Buzzword: Toward a Contextualized Resilience Model

Researcher Dr. Silke Schwarz highlights how Western psychology’s construction of individual resilience deflects emphasized individual pathology and deflects efforts at structural change.

“Clients and Suicide: The Lawyer’s Dilemma”

If their clients admit to having suicidal feelings or show evidence of serious psychological problems, how do lawyers' legal responsibilities to their clients change...

“How the Science of Human Behavior is Beginning to Reshape the US Government”

President Obama has made it a point of his administration to attempt to integrate the science of human behavior into smarter government policies. For example, understanding how we might act irrationally can inform policies about decisions made on the free market.

Neoliberalism Drives Increase in Perfectionism Among College Students

Meta-analytic study detects upsurge in patterns of perfectionism in young adults and explores how neoliberalism contributes to this trend.

Closing the Asylums

In this piece for Jacobin, John Foot describes the Italian psychiatrist Franco Basaglia's efforts to revolutionize the mental health system in Italy. Basaglia sparked a...

Court-Ordered Psychiatric Tests Used as a Weapon

From Courier Mail: Divorced parents are increasingly ordering involuntary psychiatric examinations against one another to be used as a weapon in custody fights. "Family lawyer Deborah...

Criticism of Coercion and Forced Treatment in Psychiatry

A recent editorial, published in BMJ, argues there is an increase in coercive measures in psychiatry that are damaging to individuals diagnosed with mental illness.

Weighing in on Facebook’s New Suicide Prevention Strategy

-Facebook has made it easier for users to report posts from people who seem to be in psychological distress, but not everyone likes the plan.

Researchers Argue that ‘ADHD’ Doesn’t Meet DSM Definition of a Disorder

New research questions whether the diagnosis of ADHD even meets the criteria for a disorder, as set out in the manuals used by the medical and psychiatric fields.

Sense of Purpose Reduces Negative Effects of Social Media Use

New research shows that having a strong sense of personal meaning and purpose can reduce the negative effects of social media use.

“When psychiatrists are on Facebook, their patients can get a case of TMI”

Washington Post columnist Steven Petrow gets a friend recommendation from Facebook, and it turns out to be his current psychotherapist, who isn't using any...

Police Violence Victims at Increased Risk of Psychotic Symptoms

Researchers examine links between police victimization and psychotic symptoms in a topical new study.

“Rutgers Professor Taken for Pysch Evaluation by NYPD After Political Tweets”

“According to Allred's tweets from Tuesday night, the New York Police Department visited him at home to investigate ‘political statements’ he made ‘on campus...

“Why Are Young Westerners Drawn to Terrorist Organizations Like ISIS?”

"ISIS provides existential fast food, and for some of the most spiritually hungry young Westerners, ISIS is like a Big Mac amidst a barren wasteland of an existence,” Omar Hague writes in the Psychiatric Times. “Who actually joins ISIS? Not psychopaths or the brainwashed, but rather everyday young people in social transition, on the margins of society, or amidst a crisis of identity.”

Compelled Disclosure of Campus Sexual Assault May Be Harmful for Survivors

The majority of universities require most or all employees to report disclosures of sexual assault, but these policies may be ineffective at addressing campus sexual violence and disempowering for survivors

Facebook’s AI Suicide Prevention Tool Raises Concerns

From The Daily Dot: Last week, Facebook announced a global rollout of their new suicide prevention algorithm, which aims to identify users deemed at risk...

Smartphone Mental Health Apps — Effective Treatment or Just Invasive and Misleading?

Wired examines some of the latest self-surveillance mobile apps that people are using to help themselves manage their own behaviors. "Through the discreet and...

“Should You Tell Work About Your Mental Health Condition?”

For Vice, Hannah Ewens explores how employers react to depression and anxiety in their employees. “In a fair world, employers wouldn't judge you for...

Experts Stress Importance of Social Networks for Psychosis and Bipolar Interventions

Researchers develop a novel approach to mapping personal well-being networks for those diagnosed with severe mental illness (SMI) that incorporates social ties, connections to place, and meaningful activities.

The Ghost of Research Future

Two facts about Robert Califf are beyond question. He is an expert on clinical trials, who is already seen as a leading architect of the future of medical research. And as the New York Times put it, he has “deeper ties to the pharmaceutical industry than any FDA commissioner in recent memory”. A lot of senior figures in medicine support Califf in spite of his ties to Pharma. The guy is just so bright, and understands the nuts and bolts of drug research so well! Surely a person like this is more useful than some outsider who offers only a squeaky-clean resume, they argue.

Agency and Activism as Protective Factors for Children in the Gaza Strip

Researchers recommend a ‘politically-informed focus', including activism, when assessing children and designing interventions in areas of chronic political violence.

“Why US Law on Guns and Mental Health Needs to Change”

-New Scientist discusses the reasons that eight US professional health organizations "collectively took a stand against a law that on the face of it, seems like plain common sense."