When Algorithms Are Running the Asylum

From Neo.life: The emerging discipline of computational psychiatry, which aims to use machine-learning algorithms to recognize patterns of mental distress and identify treatments that may be...

United Nations Rep Brings Attention to Human Rights Violations in Psychiatry

Dr. Dainius Pūras argues that the status quo in mental health treatment is no longer acceptable and demands political action to promote human rights.

Researchers Argue that ‘ADHD’ Doesn’t Meet DSM Definition of a Disorder

New research questions whether the diagnosis of ADHD even meets the criteria for a disorder, as set out in the manuals used by the medical and psychiatric fields.

Smartphone Based Interventions for Depressive Symptoms

New meta-analysis of smartphone based interventions demonstrates small-to-moderate effect.

How Victimization Affects Political Engagement in Adolescence

Study examines relationships between experiences of victimization, beliefs in government, and political participation among 12th grade students

The Ghost of Research Future

Two facts about Robert Califf are beyond question. He is an expert on clinical trials, who is already seen as a leading architect of the future of medical research. And as the New York Times put it, he has “deeper ties to the pharmaceutical industry than any FDA commissioner in recent memory”. A lot of senior figures in medicine support Califf in spite of his ties to Pharma. The guy is just so bright, and understands the nuts and bolts of drug research so well! Surely a person like this is more useful than some outsider who offers only a squeaky-clean resume, they argue.

Sociologists Interrogate Neurobiological Explanations in Criminology

A discourse analysis conducted by sociologists finds problematic assumptions and practices in the field of neurocriminology.

Smartphone Mental Health Apps — Effective Treatment or Just Invasive and Misleading?

Wired examines some of the latest self-surveillance mobile apps that people are using to help themselves manage their own behaviors. "Through the discreet and...

Feral Psychiatry: More on the Garth Daniels Case

On Wednesday, May 18th, Daniels had what was probably his 102nd consecutive episode of ECT. As always, he told the staff that he did not want it and did not consent to it; as always, he got it. Later on the next afternoon, Garth left to join his family in Brisbane. None of us have a crystal ball but his position now seems much better than at any stage in the past. Let's look at some of the facts and opinions surrounding this case.

Facebook Uses Machine Learning to Spot At-Risk Users

From Forbes: Facebook is now using algorithms to monitor users' online activity for warning signs of suicidal ideation or self-harm. Article →­

You Can Have Any Kind of Treatment You Want, Providing it’s Our Kind

Mental health nurse education supports institutional psychiatric practice in an insufficiently questioning way. Its formal curricula in universities are often undermined by the informal curricula of practice environments. As an institution, mental health nursing pays insufficient attention to both these issues because it is an arguably un-reflexive and rule-following discipline.

The Need to Address Suicide in Prisons

Rates of suicide in prison are significantly higher than in the general population.

“Jason Dias: Here’s The Real Reason Behind All These Shootings”

Existential therapist and writer, Jason Dias, claims that there is something deeper and more pervasive than guns, drugs, or mental illness at the bottom of the United States’ mass shooting problem. On aNewDomain he writes: “We have to acknowledge that people who are despairing right now, they’re the sane ones, the normal ones. It makes sense to despair when you’re looked down on, tormented, bullied. When you feel different and you’re alienated. When your culture is alienated. When violence is glorified not by movies and games and television, but by the government, by the news. When violence is fetishized by political parties.”

“Obama Gun Regs Ease Mental Health Reporting to FBI”

"HHS said it took pains to avoid any change to gun check reporting that would weaken physician–patient confidentiality and deter individuals from voluntarily seeking...

Your Instagram Posts May Hold Clues to Your Mental Health

From The New York Times: New research suggests that Instagram users who have been diagnosed with depression tend to post darker, bluer, and grayer photos...

“Should You Tell Work About Your Mental Health Condition?”

For Vice, Hannah Ewens explores how employers react to depression and anxiety in their employees. “In a fair world, employers wouldn't judge you for...

“Bernie Sanders Attacks the 21st Century Cures Act and Pharmaceutical Industry ‘Greed’”

“At a time when Americans pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, this bill provides absolutely no relief for...

Treating Addiction With an App

From MIT Technology Review: A new app, Triggr, is using smartphone data to track the behavior of people struggling with substance use and addiction, with...

“Big Pharma and the Big Push for Patients to Take Their Meds”

“The pharma industry loses tens of billions in worldwide sales each year when patients don’t fill, or refill, their prescriptions,” Rebecca Robbins reports for STAT. So...

Facebook’s AI Suicide Prevention Tool Raises Concerns

From The Daily Dot: Last week, Facebook announced a global rollout of their new suicide prevention algorithm, which aims to identify users deemed at risk...

“New Jersey Psychology Practice Revealed Patients’ Mental Disorders in Debt Lawsuits”

Pro Publica and the NY Times collaborate on an investigative report revealing loopholes in HIPAA laws that allow providers to release the mental health...

The Paradox of White Americans’ Mental Health

Are White Americans’ poor mental health outcomes caused by Whiteness?

“Clients and Suicide: The Lawyer’s Dilemma”

If their clients admit to having suicidal feelings or show evidence of serious psychological problems, how do lawyers' legal responsibilities to their clients change...

Psychology Must Become a Sanctuary Discipline to Heal Racial Trauma

Researchers explore pathways of healing racial trauma in Latinx immigrant communities.