A Tale of Two Cousins

Last fall, I was invited by Psychiatric Times to write an article from a mother's perspective about what is needed to "fix a broken health system." As part of my essay, I told the story of my son Jake, who was robbed of all hope by the mental health system and died a homeless man. I also told the story of his cousin Kimmy, who escaped from the mental health system and is now doing well. Psychiatric Times declined to publish my essay.

Federal Regulators Urge Cuts in Antipsychotics for Seniors

An Office of the Inspector General report says that nearly nine out of 10 prescriptions for antipsychotics given to Medicare beneficiaries are for unapproved uses....

Married Individuals with Schizophrenia Show Better Outcomes, Study Finds

14-year study of a rural sample in China shows those who were married had higher rates of remission from schizophrenia.

Researchers Challenge Popular Beliefs About Adolescent Risk Taking

Adolescent risk taking is explored contextually, beyond models of brain imbalances and adverse consequences.

Study Explores Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence in College Women with Disabilities

A new study explores sexual violence and intimate partner violence in college women with mental health related disabilities.

Racism Linked to Poor Health Outcomes in Children

New study finds children who have been exposed to discrimination show higher likelihood of anxiety, depression, and ADHD.

Review Reinforces Social Connection as Protective Health Factor

Is a lack of social connection in the US harmful to health? In a review of social connection and health literature, researcher calls for a societal shift in values towards interdependence.

Individuals with Psychosis Symptoms More Likely to be Victimized

Individuals diagnosed with a psychotic disorder are 4-6 times more likely than the general population to experience victimization.

Different Forms of Childhood Adversity Related to Specific Psychosis Symptoms

In this month’s issue of Psychological Medicine, researchers from King’s College London found evidence for associations between different types of childhood adversity and specific symptoms associated with psychosis. As current categorical approaches to psychosis and schizophrenia diagnoses come under increasing scrutiny, this study adds support to sociological and psychological theories and treatments.

Are DNA Changes the Link Between Poverty and Mental Illness?

Researchers at Duke University who studied 183 adolescents for three years found that increased depression associated with poverty may be mediated by epigenetic changes in DNA. The...

Hearing Voices Network Launches Family & Friends Support Group

One of the HVN's fundamental principles is that "the person having these experiences is in the best position to decide or discover what they mean" and thus each person must "not try to speak for" another. The challenge for a family group will likely be for members to move past speaking about our loved ones to find or imagine the space where we ourselves are liberated.

Childhood Adversity May Increase Risk of Suicide

Swedish study suggests experiencing adversity in childhood is linked to dying by suicide as an adolescent or young adult.

Many Ears Make Light Listening

When we share our stories publicly, whether in speaking, writing, or another art form, we acknowledge we are part of something bigger. We are aware we aren't the only ones who have been abused or witnessed abuse, or who are scared to let go of our ancestral shame and fear. We are, rather, part of an entire generation, an entire society that is moving away from silence, blame and abuse. In sharing our stories, we instantly recover from a big hunk of loneliness, loneliness that might not be so easily resolved sitting in a room across from a professional, with a few non-offensive art pieces on the walls. We acknowledge that every single one of us who experiences physical or emotional symptoms is holding onto things for others, in our bodies, and together, word by word, we can break free.

High Job Strain Increases Risk of Mental Health Challenges

High job demands, low job control, and high job strain are associated with the development of a mental health issue at age 50.

Parachute NYC Peer Support Program Presents Challenges and Opportunities

Anthropologists study Parachute NYC to identify challenges and opportunities for implementing peer support and Open Dialogue practices.

School Personnel Can Help Prevent Mental Health Issues in Children

A new study examines the preventative effects of school-based mental health care when delivered by school personnel.

Discrimination Leads to Mental Distress for Gender Diverse People

Researchers seek to identify adaptive coping responses to discrimination for the transgender and gender diverse community.

To Live and (Almost) Die in L.A.: A Survivor’s Tale

After 25 years of chronic emergency, 22 mental hospitalizations, a stint at a “community mental health center,” 13 years in a "board & care," repeated withdrawals from addictions to legal drugs, and a 12-year marriage, I plan to live every last breath out as a survivor, an advocate, and an artist.

Many Patient Advocacy Organizations Are Funded By Industry

New research investigates the financial conflicts of interest (FCOI) of patient advocacy organizations (PAOs) in the United States.

Pick Up a Pen, I Dare You

When I pick up a pen, I put down my fear. Sorry, they don't both fit into my hand at once. Meditation teachers often say the hardest part is getting to the cushion. The hardest part of writing is probably picking up the pen. So, pick up a pen, I dare you. Write even if you think no one will read it, even if you don't want anyone to read it.

School Discipline is Racially Biased and Increases Misbehavior

School discipline that punishes minor misbehavior may increase adolescents’ misconduct and lead to racial inequalities in school discipline.

Exploring the Role of Community Engagement in School Psychology

New research emphasizes the impact of school connectedness and community engagement interventions on students' mental health.

Six Ways You Can Really Help Prevent Suicide

The first time I tried to kill myself, I was 14. I won’t go into the indignity of being involuntarily locked up, time after time, until I satisfactorily convinced the staff that I wouldn’t harm myself or attempt suicide again. (I was lying.) The system taught me to lie, to hide my suicidal feelings in order to escape yet another round of dehumanizing lock-ups and “treatments.”

Emotional CPR as a Way of Life

Many of us are taught to fear the expression of strong emotions, and to hide or suppress big feelings. We have also erroneously been taught that only specially trained people or “professionals” are equipped to handle these experiences. But people knowledgeable in conventional treatment often aren’t exposed to community-based, holistic, common sense, person-to-person approaches. Many people have gained wisdom and resiliency by working through emotional distress, and it is helpful to do this with someone who understands the growth potential in these experiences.