Transgender Children Development Consistent with Current Gender, Not Sex Assigned at Birth

Transgender children show strong identification and preferences stereotypically associated with their current gender identities, not their sex assigned at birth.

Committed at 16: Memories of a State Hospital

While most of the sting is gone, even now — almost sixty years on — I can’t get through a single day without thinking about shock treatment and the state hospital. I regularly have dreams or nightmares about being lost in a strange place and someone making me feel like dirt.

The Real Myth of the Schizophrenogenic Mother

Acknowledging the role of trauma inflicted by a given individual’s mother is not the same as laying all blame for “mental illness” at the feet of motherhood. Meanwhile, a mountain of evidence has accumulated linking schizophrenia to sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and many other categories of adverse childhood experiences.
two boys hugging from back

Study Links Emotional Intelligence and School Achievement

A new meta-analysis highlights a positive relationship between student emotional intelligence and academic achievement.
teen suicide

No, Dr. Friedman: The Solution to Teen Suicide is Not So Simple

In the largest newspaper in the world this week, one of the largest problems in the world was proposed as having a very simple solution. No, the answer to our suicide crisis among youth is not to encourage more teens to embrace more treatment. It’s to pursue multifaceted answers to a complex, multifaceted problem.

Experiences of Depression Connected to Declining Sense of Purpose

In-depth interviews find that those who screened positive for depression did not explain their experience in terms of diagnostic symptoms.
foster child

The Invisibles: Children in Foster Care

Millions of current and former foster children experience multiple kinds of trauma, as documented in a six-part investigative series published in the Kansas City Star this month. Too often invisible, these young people deserve our attention and our care.

Does Facebook Use Improve Social Connections or Weaken Attention?

A network analysis of participants’ social media use and well-being reveals complex links with social capital but a minimal association with attentional control.

Growing Research Connects Nutrition and Mental Health

A new article reviews studies in the field of nutritional psychiatry and how nutrition can prevent and treat mental health issues.

Peter Breggin and Michael Cornwall – Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children

An interview with Drs. Peter Breggin and Michael Cornwall who discuss their new initiative, Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children (SPAC!). SPAC! was formed in response to the introduction of the Monarch eTNS, an electrical stimulation device worn on a child’s forehead at night that was fast-tracked by FDA with little testing.

How Antidepressants Shape Young Women’s Sense of Self

Young women’s narratives indicate ways antidepressants have shaped their sense of self.

Rates of Opioid Use Remain High Among US Adolescents

Researchers investigate trends in opioid use, prescriptions, misuse, and access reported by adolescents and young adults.

Despite Claims, EPA Supplement Does Not Improve ADHD Symptoms in Youth

A new study reports that the supplement EPA improved ADHD symptoms but a closer look calls these results into question.

New CDC Data Underscores Need to Address Adverse Childhood Experiences

New prevention strategies are needed based on our increasing understanding of the impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Hearing Voices Network Launches Family & Friends Support Group

One of the HVN's fundamental principles is that "the person having these experiences is in the best position to decide or discover what they mean" and thus each person must "not try to speak for" another. The challenge for a family group will likely be for members to move past speaking about our loved ones to find or imagine the space where we ourselves are liberated.

Parent Marijuana Use Associated With Substance Use in Children

A new study examines longitudinal, intergenerational patterns associated with marijuana use.

Fluoxetine Not Helpful for Children with Autism

A clinical trial finds Prozac no better than placebo for improving repetitive behaviors.

Researchers Challenge Evidence for Antidepressants in Youth

Researchers shed light on the precarious nature of evidence from efficacy trials of antidepressant medication to treat symptoms of major depressive disorder in children and adolescents.
babydoll quadruplets

Hereditary Madness? The Genain Sisters’ Tragic Story

The story of the Genain quadruplets has long been cited as evidence proving something about the supposed hereditary nature of schizophrenia. But who wouldn’t fall apart after surviving a childhood like theirs? The doctors attributed their problems to menstrual difficulties or excessive masturbation — anything except abuse.

Smartphones, Loneliness, and Depression in Teens

New study finds that smartphone use may precede experiences of loneliness and depressive symptoms among older teens according to longitudinal analysis.

Reforming Schools to Prevent Mental Health Issues

New research explores the use of broad-based school-integrated resiliency and mindfulness interventions to prevent mental health concerns before they occur.

Non-Gender Affirmative Treatment Detrimental to Mental Health

Gender identity conversion efforts impact psychological distress and lifetime suicidality in transgender people.
trapped in mental health services

Mental Health Services Turned My Daughter’s Crisis into a Way of Life

My world turned upside down when my daughter nearly died from a serious suicide attempt. After several years as her caretaker I began to wonder: What can we do to change the way our mental health services are organized so they won't turn a crisis into a way of life for already distressed and vulnerable people?
ritalin use in france

Countervailing Forces Against Ritalin Use in France

A new study in the journal Social Science and Medicine explores why French children take stimulants far less than children in the United States. The study looks at how particular forces in society, in concert with government agencies, became an effective check on stimulant marketing for kids in France.
mental hospital

Memories of a Childhood in a Mental Hospital

My stay at the hospital had no impact on the problem that led to my admission. But it did exacerbate other problems and change me in fundamental ways. I am a deformed product of that ‘cutting-edge facility’ and the ‘treatments’ I received there — social isolation, pills and shots, ice bath and ECT.