ADHD Diagnosis Based on “Illogical Rhetoric,” Analysis Claims

In a philosophically rigorous article, Spanish researcher Marino Pérez-Álvarez examines the logic of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
ADHD school boy

ADHD: Disempowerment By Diagnosis

Giving a diagnosis of ADHD can profoundly disempower students and lead to what psychologists call “learned helplessness.” Isn’t it time for those of us in education to reclaim our profession? Who are the teaching and learning experts? Doctors? Drug companies? We are! And if we don’t stand up—for our students—against disempowering diagnoses and harmful drugs, who will?

“Rat Study Reveals Long-term Effects of Adolescent Amphetamine Abuse on the Brain”

A study of rats given regular, high doses of amphetamine finds that those exposed to the drug at an age corresponding to human adolescence...

Stimulants and Food

The FDA recently approved lisdexamfetamine (LDF) for the treatment of the newly minted DSM-5 diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder. This caused me some consternation and this blog will be as much about my reaction to this news as to the news itself.

Youngest Children in Class More Likely to get ‘ADHD’ Drugs

The researchers suggest that developmental immaturity is mislabelled as a mental disorder and unnecessarily treated with stimulant medication

Better Sleep Helps With ADHD; Medications Worsen Sleep

"Sleep-focused treatment improves mood and quality of life in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder," reports Psychiatric News, covering a presention by Dalhousie University researcher Penny...

ADHD, Bigfoot, and the Missing Links in Research

Like so many others, I have wanted to embrace the idea that research supports such beliefs as “ADHD is a chronic disease plaguing children”, and/or “Bigfoot exists”. I mean, who wouldn’t? We assume that research is based on sound evidence; information we can trust. Who wouldn't want to believe evidence that there is a simple medical explanation for those annoying behaviors exhibited by children in the process of developing into responsible young adults?

Methylphenidate: How to Avoid Importing the American Disaster?

Even though it is extremely unlikely that in France we would reach the kinds of percentages we see in the USA, where in some states nearly 10% of children are treated with methylphenidate or other psychostimulants not used in France, overprescription is highly probable. Why?

Advancing the Use of Safe and Effective ADHD Treatment Options

The American public has come to view ADHD drug treatment as a rather benign option for common behavioral and academic issues. A recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that 14% of American children receive a diagnosis of ADHD before the end of childhood. Rates of diagnosis and treatment vary by geographic region. In some communities rates of treatment are much higher than the national average. By most any reasonable measure, the number of children who are medicated under the guise of ADHD is out of bounds. Current levels of ADHD drug treatment are unsafe for individuals and society.

Prescription Stimulant Use is Associated with Earlier Onset of Psychosis

Individuals diagnosed with psychotic disorders have an earlier onset of psychosis if they have previously been exposed to prescription stimulants, according to new research currently in press in the Journal of Psychiatric Research.

ADHD Prescribing Differs Substantially in UK vs. US

An article in the Harvard Review of Psychiatry finds that the UK's new guidelines for treating attention and depression problems in children recommend a...

Does Your Child Have ‘ADHD’? It Might Depend On Your Doctor

A study published in the journal Pediatrics reveals large differences from one pediatrician to the next when it comes to diagnosing and prescribing drugs for ‘ADHD.’ The researchers found that the percentage of children being diagnosed with ‘ADHD’ varied from as high as 16% of patients at some offices to as little as 1% of patients at others. The data also revealed significant but lower variability in the pediatric diagnosis of anxiety and depression.

One-third of Preschoolers with ADHD Taking Stimulants

One-third of US children aged 4-5 who've been diagnosed with ADHD are being prescribed stimulant drugs.

JAMA Review Questions Use of Ritalin for ‘ADHD’

In December, MIA  reported on a systematic Cochrane review on the research for the safety and effectiveness of Ritalin (methylphenidate) that found substantial bias...

Despite the Evidence, Overprescription of Stimulants Continues

A new study finds that stimulant prescribing rates to children continue to rise despite the well-established evidence documenting overdiagnosis of ADHD and overprescription of stimulants.

Long-term Usage of ADHD Drugs Linked to Growth Suppression

Findings suggest that treatment not only fails to reduce the severity of “ADHD” symptoms in adulthood but is associated with decreased height.

Ritalin Increases Risk-Taking in Women

Women who were asked to play a gambling were significantly more likely to keep betting when the stakes increased if they had taken Ritalin...

Poor and Foster Care Children More Likely to be Diagnosed and Treated with Psychiatric...

Study details Medicaid-insured birth cohort’s exposure to psychiatric medications and mental health services.

ADHD Advocate Says ADHD Diagnosis Rates are a “Disaster”

The New York Times quotes Keith Connors, an early advocate to legitimize Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, as saying that current rates of diagnosis and...

Textbooks Provide Misleading Information on the Neurobiology of ADHD

When it comes to ADHD, some researchers suggest that medical textbooks provide inaccurate and misleading information.

The Federal Report on Financial Relationships Between Pharma Industry and Prescribing Physicians

The new Social Security Act, an Obamacare-inspired, Open Payments report came out September 30th. As part of the new healthcare reform policy, this federal report requires pharmaceutical and medical device companies to annually share documentation of direct payments they provided to entities such as medical practices and teaching hospitals. But before anyone gets excited and thinks there is finally a reliable and valid monitoring method to document that such payments are minimal as well as on the up and up, please note that 40% of the payment records (considered for inclusion in the 2013 Open Payments report) were not included in the $3.5 billion due to “unresolved questions” being cited.

Researchers Argue that ‘ADHD’ Doesn’t Meet DSM Definition of a Disorder

New research questions whether the diagnosis of ADHD even meets the criteria for a disorder, as set out in the manuals used by the medical and psychiatric fields.

Can Education Level Predict Prescription Drug Misuse in Young Adults?

A new study examines the extent to which patterns in prescription drug misuse and substance use disorder symptoms can be predicted by education level

One in Five Children Treated with ADHD Stimulants Also Getting Antipsychotics

About one in five children on Medicaid who are being given long-acting stimulants for ADHD are also being given antipsychotics, often for unapproved conditions.

Experts Warn of an Emerging ‘Stimulant Epidemic’

From Medscape: While policymakers and members of the general public are justifiably focused on addressing the opioid epidemic, there is another epidemic that may be...