Tag: President Trump

Should We Diagnose Donald Trump?

I have been involved in hundreds of commitment hearings in which psychiatric diagnoses were crucial. In that context, I have never witnessed the presence of all three factors: (1) the transparent (honest) use of diagnostic labels (which includes the acknowledgment of the inherent biases built into the labels as well as their limited validity), (2) allowing full voice to and full acknowledgment of the labeled personā€™s view of reality, and (3) using the labels in a manner that produced a useful understanding, which in standard mental health practice would require that the understanding be significantly more beneficial to the labeled person rather than the labeler.

The Presidentā€™s Fitness: Can Professionals Help Decide?

For psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and other therapists to claim that they are essential for warning people that Trump is dangerous is to claim special expertise and insight to which they are not entitled, and it simultaneously demeans the judgment of nonprofessionals and helps strengthen the power of their guilds.

Trump Calls for ā€œKeeping Very Dangerous People Off Our Streets” at...

A common refrain from the pro-forced treatment advocates at the summit was that "four walls" are not the solution to the crisis. Dr. Drew slammed such efforts in California during his presentation: "The vast majority have serious mental illness and drug addiction. Four walls are not going to do anything, if they would even go in."

How Psychotherapists Talk About Politics in the Trump Era

Politics play an important role in the therapeutic relationship and political disclosure now common for psychotherapists.

Trump Anxiety Disorder Is More Fake News

For many people, the current political situation around the world is intensely frightening and not without cause. Depression and anxiety are on the rise, but we need a social model revolution in order to look at why this is happening. Labels like Trump Anxiety Disorder are merely a way to put peopleā€™s concerns in a box and leave them unaddressed.

APA Letter on the Separation of Families

The American Psychological Association has issued a letter to President Trump to express its strong opposition to the administration's new policy of separating immigrant...

How I Know That Psychiatric Hospitals Don’t Cure Gun Violence

In this piece for theĀ Hartford Courant, Kathleen Flaherty describes why President Trump's assertion that more psychiatric hospitals would prevent mass shootings is inaccurate and...

The Trump Administration Isn’t Taking on Health Care Waste

FromĀ U.S. News: The Trump administration is not taking any actions to address the epidemic of waste, i.e. unnecessary tests and treatments, in the medical...

Former Eli Lilly Executive is Trump’s Choice for Health Secretary

FromĀ The New York Times: President Trump has nominated Alex M. Azar II, a former president of the American division of Eli Lilly, to be...

Psychologists March Through NY to Call for Trump’s Removal

FromĀ The Hill: A group of more than 100 psychologists and mental health professionals marched through the streets of New York onĀ Saturday calling for President...

Diagnosing Donald Trump, and His Voters

FromĀ The New Yorker: In a new book,Ā The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, a group of mental health experts warn the public of Donald Trump's...

Duke Psychiatrist: America is Having a Nervous Breakdown

In thisĀ interviewĀ forĀ AlterNet, Allen Frances describes the various political, social, and psychological factors that led the U.S. to elect President Trump and create the national...

Renowned Psychiatrist Warns That Trump is a Danger to Us All

FromĀ Alternet: A new book,Ā The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, written by 27Ā psychiatrists, psychologists, and mental health experts to warn the public of President Trump's...

So, You Still Say Trump is Crazy?

By calling Trump 'crazy' for making wildly racist, sexist, and other hatefulĀ remarks and out-of-controlĀ tweetsĀ (among other things), you fail to actually promote an end toĀ such violenceĀ and bigotry. Instead, you are simply asking that it be redirected to another group.

Psychoanalyst, Show Some Modesty

Recently the American Psychoanalytic Association reaffirmed its membersā€™ right to pronounce on the mental health of public figuresā€”in particular, the controversial Donald Trump. Like the many objectors to the Goldwater Rule in the APA, our psychoanalysts act as if theyā€™re above such a trivial restriction. They are not.

Senate Slated to Rubber-Stamp ā€œMental Health Czarā€ This Tuesday

This new ā€œMental Health Czar,ā€ as it is popularly known, will preside over a SAMHSA that is supposed to be far more friendly to the mental health industry. The approval ceremony is scheduled for streaming on the US Senate HELP (Health Education Labor Pensions) Committee website this Tuesday at 2:30 pm EST.

Psychiatry Group Tells Members They Can Ignore Goldwater Rule

FromĀ STAT: The American Psychoanalytic Association has given its members permission to ignore the "Goldwater rule" and comment publicly on the mental state of government...

9 Questions the US Senate Should Ask Dr. McCance-Katz

Mental health agencies are mainly asking about her positions regarding ā€œrecoveryā€ and ā€œpeers,ā€ but here are some tougher questions for President Trump's new "mental health czar": Do you support court-ordered psychiatric drugging? Do you endorse the use of federal money for it? Why arenā€™t non-drug alternatives offered to Americans?

Senate Quietly Rubber-Stamps Trump’s ā€œMental Health Czarā€

This ā€œMental Health Czarā€ appointment is moving below the radar of many people. The US Senate should be asking some tough questions of Dr. McCance-Katz before deciding on her confirmation. Everyone should contact their Senators, now!