Music Aids Mental Health: Science Shows Why

What can science tell us about musicā€™s impact on our cognition and on our mood, on our capacity for empathy, and our sense of connection with others? How does it change the brain? How does it change us?
Human brain in glass jar isolated. Sticker, print or blackwork tattoo design hand drawn vector illustration.

Causality in Mental Disturbance: A Review of the Neuroscience

Psychiatry's medicalization of social and psychological suffering is not justified by the currently known biology.

William Styron: His Struggles with Psychiatry and Its Pills

Author William Styron is often remembered for speaking about depression as an illness. But a review of his life reveals that psychiatric drugs may have triggered and even worsened his depressive episodes.

The Nurtured Heart Approach Goes Mainstream: Research and Experience Support ā€œCelebrating Greatness in Every...

The Nurtured Heart Approach represents a massive shift in thinkingā€”about schooling, about children and how to raise them, about how we regard those with intensity, and about the medical model pathologizing them.
digital antipsychotic

The Rise of the Digital Asylum

The digital pill Abilify MyCite, which is now being introduced into the market, foretells of a future where such technology is used to monitor the behavior, location and "medication compliance" of a person 24 hours a day.

“Holy Shit!” Psychiatryā€™s Cognitive Dissonance on Display

Even those who would seek to reform the profession of psychiatry cannot confront the reality that exists in the research literature
A collage depicting cut-up photographs of David Carmichael and his son Ian, Lindsay Clancy and her children, and a bottle of pills spilling out

SSRIs, Lindsay Clancy, and Me

Sharing the similarities between Lindsay Clancy's homicidal episode and my own will hopefully help prevent rare SSRI-induced suicides and homicides, including mass shootings.
Stock photo of wooden people and government building; people protesting

Maryland Enacts a ā€œDraconianā€ Assisted Outpatient Treatment Program

Advocates vow to keep resisting psychiatric force, fighting for rights-based supports

Dismissing the “Human Experience”: College Students Feel Unseen by the Medical Model of Mental...

In conversations with college students and recent graduates from across the country and around the world, they described feeling dismissed by views of mental health that narrow their experiences to individual medical problems.
A pay phone keypad on the left, looking old and decayed, and blurry red and blue lights as if seen through a rain-slick windshield on the right.

ā€œYou Canā€™t Coerce Someone into Wanting to Be Alive”: The Carceral Heart of the...

ā€œYou canā€™t coerce someone into wanting to be alive. Force just doesnā€™t work. People must be invited to live while supporters (healthcare professionals, social workers, loved ones) make their lives and world more habitable.ā€

Dramatic Rise in Police Interventions on 988 Callers

New data reveals that four times as many callers to 988 as previously publicly claimed are getting visited by police or emergency medical services.

Summing up the STAR*D Scandal: The Public was Betrayed, Millions were Harmed, and the...

American psychiatry, the NIMH, the larger medical community, and mainstream media have betrayed the American public by failing to make this scandal known.

Andrew Rich: “I Didn’t Know Stuff Like This Existed”

In this second part of MIAā€™s report on compulsory outpatient treatment orders, Michael Simonson tells of how he came to report on this topic, the results from MIAā€™s survey of people who have experienced such forced treatment, his interviews with several of the survey respondents, and more on Andrew Richā€™s life.
deep brain stimulation

Brain Implants: Spinning the Trial Results to Protect the Product

The published report of the Broaden Trial of Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression whitewashed the results: although the efficacy results were negative, the investigators concluded that the therapy still showed "promise", and adverse events suffered by the patients were downplayed or attributed to the disease, and not the treatment. An in-depth investigation of how the trial results were spun, and interviews with patients that tell of harm done.
A zombie hand bursts from a grave. On the headstone is written "Serotonin theory: Rest in peace?"

The Serotonin Zombie: Authors of New Study Try to Breathe New Life into the...

Despite new claims that their study provides "clear evidence" linking serotonin and depression, their data actually supports the opposite conclusion: serotonin levels did not correlate with depression.

Prescribing an Epidemic: A Veteranā€™s Story

Had I known what I know now, I never would have taken any of these drugs, and I absolutely would not have taken a role in which my outreach efforts to get veterans into mental health treatment might place thousands of lives at risk.

The Latest “Breakthrough Therapy”: Expensive New Drugs for Tardive Dyskinesia

The increased prescribing of antipsychotics, which frequently cause a brain injury that manifests as tardive dyskinesia, has provided pharmaceutical companies with a lucrative new market opportunity.
A prescription bottle. The label reads "Healthy diet" and "Exercise."

Art, Music, Exercise, and More: What Are the Recommended Doses for Improving Mental Health?

Researchers have calculated the dose-response benefits of ordinary hobbies, habits, and lifestyle practices that are available without any trip to a doctor or a drug store.

After MIA Calls for Retraction of STAR*D Article, Study Authors Double Down on the...

In their letter to the editor, Rush et al. have doubled-down on the fraud they committed in their 2006 summary report of STAR*D outcomes.

Campaign Against ECT Gains Traction in UK

"Across the pond," campaignersā€™ efforts against electroshock are gaining public notice. Can their approach work in the US?
Photo of a girl surrounded by bullies holding cell phones

ā€œA Dangerous Substanceā€: The Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health

This is what social media does, she says. It draws people in. It hurts people. In the worst cases, it kills people.

The New York Times Is Now Engulfed in the STAR*D Scandal

The New York Times published yet again the fraudulent result from the STAR*D trial. Will the mainstream media ever tell of this scandal?

Winding Back the Clock: What If the STAR*D Investigators Had Told the Truth?

The STAR*D Study has been cited as real-world evidence of the efficacy of antidepressants. In truth, it told of a failed paradigm of care.

The TikTokification of Mental Health on Campus

Many people view their social media feeds as reflections of their identitiesā€”and when posts center on a specific diagnosis, it can feel like the platform is diagnosing them.

World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day 2020

This week on MIA Radio, we present the second part of our podcast to join in the events for World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day 2020...